It doesn't matter one fucking bit that he is a licensed med grower. The shit he is doing is wrong, plain and simple. If it was just him then whatever, but if he was my roommate and did that shit I'd kick his ass to the curb in a ny minute.
yep he is serious
someway to repay a friend for taking him in
Are you serious? Fuck everyone else, eyes gonna grow me some weed and put my roommates in jeopardy!
Im on a marijuana legal in my state (legitimately so)...and you're jumping down my throat for wanting to grow just enough for myself (150w isn't exactly "ballin" in terms of yield; a few zips max) when there are ppl on here inquiring about all types of illegal activities? drug smuggling, growers w/o legit paperwork asking for "cash crop strains" so they can "get rich" and all that, ordering seeds online in a country where cannabis seed purchases/ownership is illegal (ie. no legal in the USA) etc?
so you all can BREAK the law while im simply FOLLOWING IT but dealing with the ignorance of someone misinformed?
im not gonna lie i order beans too and im not saying ur "morally wrong" if you do but if you're gonna jump down the throat of a legal mj grower then you better jump down everyone's throat who orders beans online.
your statements contradict everything 95%+ of the people here and what they/we stand for.
you're all saying i should go without it and ignore the help it provides me? I should not be able to sleep, not have migranes, and not be able to keep my glacoma in check? or my anxiety? i have documented medical proof of all of these...extensive medical records of migranes and glacoma. i should have to suffer or pay $300 an oz till i go broke and then suffer because someone who hasn't the slightest clue of what marijuana is and isnt and has no intentions of listening to reason?
i dont think so. if i were an illegal grower then yeah you could jump down my throat. however in the event anything happened (it raids of 150w stealth grows! never gonna happen) i wouldn't hesitate to come forward with the law right away saying i grew it secretly...he had NO IDEA it was going on. so at least it wouldnt get him in trouble. just myself. however its never gonna happen.
whats the WORST thing that could happen from me growing there w/ about 150w of light? nothing really. lets face it the feds will never bust a stealth 150w grow. it would be laughable plus im legal in my state and i really dont think they'd REALLY actually go through and convict me of anything when its only a 150w light and i have proof of my medical issues. in fact even though the federal gov't is against marijuana they do understand there are people with legit problems that it helps. plus they'll see its not enough to profit on they'd let that slide 9times out of 10. but this is all a bunch of what ifs...bottom line no one's gonna bust such a small grow. not worth the time, energy, or man power. the gov't would be LOSING money just to pay everyone's salary while they spend their time setting up a raid on essentially no more than 3 oz or so of bud.
also i wouldn't be letting anyone know i grow (no friends, fam, etc) so its not like ill invite trouble by flapping my gums.
i can't believe im actually defending what im doing when i have medical proof of these conditions and its REALLY just personal use.
you wanna come at me with that "whats right and whats wrong" attitude why dont you go take it to a thread where someone's asking to ship bud from a mmj state out to new york but needs your help to package it correctly and go bug them and tell them how wrong they are because i guarantee they are far more of a "criminal" than ill ever be for growing mj legally for REAL reasons.
im not saying i don't smoke it for recreational purposes also but it honest to god helps me when i need it. living without it for recreational purposes isnt without it for its medicinal effects is VERY hard. im not rich...which is why i wanna grow my own because i dont feel i should be at the grocery store and determining if i can get everything i need from the store AND still get me a week supply of bud when i have the skills and knowledge to grow it for a FRACTION of what it would cost me in the club/on the corner.