quater pound per plnt


Well-Known Member
how tall do your plants get to get at least 3 to 4 ounces off 1 plant indoor because i can never get more than 2 off of a plant would 1 and a 1/2foot be tall enough with 9 p-lants under 1 1000 be enough nevermind the strain i use just in general
A long veg . a good yielder , and a lot of light would be a good way to get more off your plant and thats the basics. 9 plants 4 oz per (112 x 9 = 1008 gr) or 2.25lbs. Not sure how dialed-in your setup is but I would add some more lighting cuz thats like a lil over 1gr per watt and thats not easy. But it doesnt have to be very tall it could be maybe 2.5 - 3ft with a lot of side branching(trained) , but it has to be a decent size to hold that much weight. Good Luck just my 2 cents..
A long veg . a good yielder , and a lot of light would be a good way to get more off your plant and thats the basics. 9 plants 4 oz per (112 x 9 = 1008 gr) or 2.25lbs. Not sure how dialed-in your setup is but I would add some more lighting cuz thats like a lil over 1gr per watt and thats not easy. But it doesnt have to be very tall it could be maybe 2.5 - 3ft with a lot of side branching(trained) , but it has to be a decent size to hold that much weight. Good Luck just my 2 cents..
i use 2 1thOU I WAS GONNA TO SWITCH TO 3 6s to have a bigger foot print than the 2 1 thou do u think thats smart