cloning with coco


Active Member
ive read up alot on cloning. tuned into many youtube vids. but yet, im 0 for 7 lol and my plant has like nothing left to it.

tried my first 3. nothing. thought maybe there wasnt enough nodes. waited for 4 nodes. tried 4 more last friday. today i tuggd one a bit. it came out with no sign of any root growth then discoved all 4 have absolutly no sign of roots.. i put a zip lock bag over the cups and mist it everyday.

im using cloning gel. cutting on a 45 degree angle just below a node. dont use intense lighting. couple cfls with 12 + inches away

any tips? 04182012303.jpg04182012304.jpg04182012305.jpg04182012306.jpg
The only reason for a clone not taking with that method is impatience. Every time you pull the clone to check it you'll set it back. Water the coco til run through, put the pot inside the ziplock bag, leave for 2 weeks. No touching, pulling or poking and the clone will take. guaranteed.


Active Member
Get a heat pad or set them on top of water heater or top of fridge. There are usualy plugs near by for lights. They will root twice as fast with the warmth.


Well-Known Member
How long are you waiting before you confirm/deny the roots?

As mentioned above, you probably just need more time.


Well-Known Member
Wholly fuck - did the plant you take it from live? :P

You only need a 3" piece, with 1, maybe 2 leaves. Dip it in clonex, then put it in a rapid rooters (or the generic ones that are better - NOT jiffy pots or anything coir), then mist it, put it under a humidity dome, then put it in an ebb and flow table (the E&F table can have nutes, PH of 6 matters more than anything).

Mist the first couple days, then take the dome off after the fifth day. Then foliar feed with Spray and Grow 3 part (follow instructions on the bottles)

If you do it right, your clones should look like this:

You should get at least 95 out of a hundred, unless you were taking them from sick / flowering plants to start with.
Whether they're taken from a flowering plant shouldn't matter. There's no simpler method than putting a clone in a pot inside a bag. It's maintenance free and the only possibility for failure is impatience.


Active Member
You took cuttings last Friday you say. That is only 5 days. Give them some more time, and keep the coco moist. Also if they're just low watt cfls you can probably have them closer.
Keep the whole pot inside the bag, seal it, and the coco will stay moist for weeks. Again, to reassert this point, a clone will take no matter what. Whether it takes 1 week or 3, it will take. Cloning should not be a difficult process. I'm sure if someone forgot about a clone somehow, they next they'd see of that cut would be as a young vegging plant. To mke the point-the only impediment to the plant is the grower.


Well-Known Member
Whether they're taken from a flowering plant shouldn't matter
It fucks them up bad actually, if your more than a week or two in.

But yeah, it can take a week or two to root -- sometimes they'll take a month if you grab a really small / shitty piece of plant.

If it isn't wilted, molding or out of leaves, just give it more time. You'll know when it's dead.
It fucks them up bad actually, if your more than a week or two in.
That's not true. Clones can be taken from a plant anywhere up to four to five weeks into flowering and root quite rapidly in my experience. I'm interested in what you mean by fucked up bad, and how you got to that conclusion. There's no drawback to taking clones in flower other than reveg time.


Active Member
thanks for the responses guys. i only tugged one time. and it was 5 days after i had cloned them. most youtube vids say 5-7 days u should have rooting. next time ill wait 2 weeks before i touch em for sure.



Active Member
also i cutt them again once i seen they werent rooted. and re cloned them. lol they look like shit. not sure if i can revive them. is it possible?