Shit Conspiracy Theorists say


Well-Known Member
When it comes to individual life not lasting eternally, we have excellent evidence that this is not the case: we witness mammals (including ourselves) die every day. We see that dead bodies no longer produce electricity or repair/regenerate cells, the meat rots and eventually returns into the state of simple molecules from whence we came. This is irrefutable evidence for our lives, and our consciousness, ending. Where is any shred of evidence that individual life is eternal? it seems merely a comforting notion that most latch onto despite the strong evidence to the contrary. I'd say one of these belief systems has more basis for its claims than the other...
And yet, your evidence of what happens after you die really is lacking. And it always will be. I could argue what about people with near death experiences who see the light? It doesn't mean anything though and there's nothing to prove one way or the other. I do however see Atheists commonly acting like their religion is the best one and that other people are stupid for believing anything else.

Neither belief has any definitive basis. That's why they are beliefs.

If you wanted to be completely reasonable, you would be an agnostic.


Well-Known Member
And yet, your evidence of what happens after you die really is lacking. And it always will be. I could argue what about people with near death experiences who see the light? It doesn't mean anything though and there's nothing to prove one way or the other. I do however see Atheists commonly acting like their religion is the best one and that other people are stupid for believing anything else.

Neither belief has any definitive basis. That's why they are beliefs.

If you wanted to be completely reasonable, you would be an agnostic.
Most atheists are agnostic. Many atheists do not hold a belief as to the existence of a god. Atheism is disbelief. It is a skeptical response to a claim.

All beliefs are not equal. Some beliefs are very unreasonable and deserve to be criticized and even mocked.


Well-Known Member
And yet, your evidence of what happens after you die really is lacking. And it always will be. I could argue what about people with near death experiences who see the light? It doesn't mean anything though and there's nothing to prove one way or the other. I do however see Atheists commonly acting like their religion is the best one and that other people are stupid for believing anything else.

Neither belief has any definitive basis. That's why they are beliefs.

If you wanted to be completely reasonable, you would be an agnostic.
Where is the evidence lacking? If it is lacking, why will it always be so? Atheism is simply the lack of belief in a deity, only a small subset of atheists posit that there is no god. I am not saying there is no god, I've just never encountered a shred of empirical evidence for one so I'm simply unconvinced..


Well-Known Member
If the Flower of Life is BS, then why do people who take DMT (DiMethylTryptamine) have the same experience? One which includes many geometric shapes and a "creator" figure? Why do our pineal glands produce DMT when we die? People who have taken DMT tell us it is the most profound experience of their lives, a 5-10 minute experience which surpasses all others? How is it possible that people would experience the same things? Maybe because deep inside we are all the same and come from the sameness.


Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
If the Flower of Life is BS, then why do people who take DMT (DiMethylTryptamine) have the same experience? One which includes many geometric shapes and a "creator" figure? Why do our pineal glands produce DMT when we die? People who have taken DMT tell us it is the most profound experience of their lives, a 5-10 minute experience which surpasses all others? How is it possible that people would experience the same things? Maybe because deep inside we are all the same and come from the sameness.

EXACTLY! I felt like bringing up this topic but so many things are so easily passed off as spiritual mumbo jumbo

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
If the Flower of Life is BS, then why do people who take DMT (DiMethylTryptamine) have the same experience? One which includes many geometric shapes and a "creator" figure? Why do our pineal glands produce DMT when we die? People who have taken DMT tell us it is the most profound experience of their lives, a 5-10 minute experience which surpasses all others? How is it possible that people would experience the same things? Maybe because deep inside we are all the same and come from the sameness.

Joe Rogan is such a good story teller, speaks the stoner language, would love to sit and smoke a bowl with him one day. Never listened to a podcast of his in a while.


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY! I felt like bringing up this topic but so many things are so easily passed off as spiritual mumbo jumbo
Riiiight. You felt like bringing up this topic, but didn't even though people were practically begging you to expound on your views and to put things in your own words...

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Riiiight. You felt like bringing up this topic, but didn't even though people were practically begging you to expound on your views and to put things in your own words...

  • dude, I listen to Joe Rogan, I have for years, he talks about these subjects MULTIPLE times in podcasts thus resulting in these internet videos, I'd say he (and others) explain these types of experiences the best. Note that I posted the topic JOE ROGAN and inspirational videos before this video was posted, this relates directly with our new age hippie bullshit, so thats why this video never came to mind. Would you like me to post two of the best informational podcasts he has so far?, he is what got me into spirituality and actually gave me some motivation to go deeper into some crazy things (crazy by your standards). I was trying to shine the light on spirituality and I only posted what I thought you could somewhat cope with. I can go off on soo many subjects but why? The word PROOF gets screamed in my face. I'll probably post a subject about all this nonsense soon. Long videos for all the interested "crazy" people who wanna sit through them, basically it would be my whole opinion on spirituality and a small chunk will be alien beings. I would like to say I experienced things Joe Rogan talks about but without the aid of DMT, but why bring those experiences up when we got some super critics labelling and dissecting everything that has to do with these kinda of subjects? All us like minded people wanna do is talk about it, science gets none of this bullshit (atleast from those who agree that science and spirituality go hand in hand). I hate the label "New Age" as well, never new that term until a few months ago, and I dont know how something so ancient can be of any new age, but Im guessing its given that name because of those who believe something new its on its way.​


Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Ive had a profound experiences with night terror episodes for a few weeks in my life, and as i have done a lot of research because it was the scariest thing thats ever happened in my life... i came to find out that nearly everyone who has these experiences there are evil beings lugging about, sometimes making noises... its really fucked up. either way, WTF is that about right? Why do they all in some way shape or form resemble eachother? i dont know, but ive made up some really cool theories about the subject.

I hope one day ill be able to experience a dmt trip, im super fuckin curious.

*i can explain my theories if any are interested