getting past a dog?


Active Member
im definetly gonna test it befor i randomly jump on a flight with my fingers crossed. I have a friend who is kennel master for a company that has bomb and drug dogs im gonna see about doing a dry run with him. the xray shouldint show anything uncommon right? it should just look like a square object?
I wouldn't rely doing a test run on your bud's dog if he already knows you. His reaction Will not be the same as a working dog not knowing you would.


Active Member
no it is a working dog, he works for a company that contracts dogs out. there not his personal dogs but he works there
If they don't know you go for it. But, remember just like people every dog is different. What one may alert to another may not! Not worth the risk if you ask me.


Active Member
In the states it's a roll of the dice taking the risk. No way in a foreign country though!.Not too many drug sniffers in the U.S. airports. Most are out back checking luggage and cargo. But is it really worth a possible federal felony? Or prison in a not so nice country. Have you ever watched midnight express? If not you should might change your mind. Drink some beers or buy some there.


Active Member
Dude dogs cannot smell through things. If you leave your hash in the bags far any length of time the smell will permeate through the bags where dogs can smell it. I wouldn't bet my freedom on it
Dude dogs can smell through things! A blood hound can smell one drop of human sweat in a 100 gallons of water.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Don't second guess a dog. They've taught them to sniff out cancer cells, and others can smell when their owners with epilepsy are about to have a seizure.


Active Member
Dude I think shit ain't worth it. It sounds like if it works for you the first time and then you'll start doing it all the time. Thats when you'll get bubba fucked. Dogs have some crazy ass noses, I wouldn't put anything past them. Your hash might not smell like hash in the bag but you might just from being around it. Just sayin.


Active Member
I have three boys, thanks. Hunter, Stalker, and Killer.
Me too! My oldest just got back from his second tour in Afghanistan killed all kinds of bad guys. He's in Fort Hood owns 3 pits. All nice dogs, rescued 2 from the pound. Second son 1 pit 1 lab both nice dogs. Youngest boy 21 still at home. Trying to get him motivated but, also a dog lover. All my sons hunt deer, coy dogs, bear,etc..None would intentionally harm a dog. You should teach yours to do the same! Children learn by example.

Chronic Indica

Active Member
I heard from a cop that dogs smell the human scent on guns, jars of weed, etc. Probably not always the case but makes sense. I don't think hash puts off much of a smell does it? I would just use latex gloves when handling with everything.


Active Member
Ok here's what to do.

Put on fresh rubber gloves. Open the bag. You hold it open. Have someone else with fresh rubber gloves put herb in. Do not touch the outside of the bag with gloves that has touched herb. Have other person with another fresh pair of rubber gloves seal the bag. Never touch the outside of the bag after handling herb. The dogs smell the resin on the outside of the bag. If you handle herb later on and touch the outside of the bag you have contaminated the outside of the bag.


Well-Known Member
Youll almost for sure get busted in my opinion, those drug dogs live for one reason and one reason only. But hey update if you can!


Active Member
as i once heard, where humans smell a hamburger as a hamburger, a K9 smells a hamburger as meat/lettuce/bun/ketchup/pickles/onions

its like smells dont blend together for dogs. If there is marijuana, the dog smells it. Hey, who knows how powerful a german shepherd's nose really is? I just wouldnt want to find out with an amount like that

perfect idea, and credit manswers on this one lol... but just put ur hash in a bag and then get some groundbeef and open it and put the hash under it, then take your own saran wrap and package it back up again and glue the labels back on and shit and make it look legit and put other picnic items in the cooler with the beef and when dog signals the ground beef theyll just think its hungry or wants the beef lol....lots of work but id rather keep bongsmilie than go to jail! hope this helped