How stupid is this??


Active Member
my girlfriend got mad at me for some stupid reason, and messaged my mother on Facebook telling her that i was growing weed in my room... share your thoughts


Well-Known Member
Nice avi...I'm actually related to far as your problem drop step is her telling the popo...that or stop growing

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Well when you graduate high school the same thing happens except your gf will tell the police instead of your mother.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't give a rats ass if my girl friend told my mom but then again I don't live at home and I'm an adult.


Well-Known Member
Well, I would have a hard time being with someone if they did something like this...I don't have a mom so this could never happen, but having someone post something that is supposed to be a secret on facebook would make me say enough with you...I guess it is up to your perspective...I feel as though I might be older than you so to me I would have to say get rid of this girlfriend and take down the grow til she gets over the breakup...or don't dump her and keep the grow going til you have enough to stop and then dump her..don't dump her and keep growing cuz she will be willing to tell anyone that is willing to listen...
And I have to wonder about the whole telling your mom I take it you have a room in your mom's house still...? That is eeeehhhhhh no good...I would figure you should wait til you have a place where you can grow before you do grow...but like most everyone else I am going to agree that you should end the grow and your relationship with this girl..tell your mom you are sorry that you dont know what you were thinking, and then carry on like normal.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Her next move may be to involve LEO when you dont do as she wishes. Sneak attacks like that are uncool, you never know what someone is capable of doing in the way of damaging you til it's done. You have choices to make. Make them wisely.


Well-Known Member
I hate to just jump in and say break up with her, because it's a such a rash step. this case...her maturity level needs a little time before she dates anyone if she ran and told your mom when she got mad. She may never do it again, or like other people said, she may run and tell the police. At any rate, if you're not willing to stop growing, and she's not worth going to jail for, i'd break it off. I'd also ditch the grow you have now, because I can almost guarantee that breaking up with her will piss her off enough to do something even worse, and it's just not worth the risk. Bottom line: do you really want to be with someone that you have to worry is going to go directly to revenge when you argue, or would you rather be with someone who can talk their issues out with you?