BCseedking order


Active Member
there's nothing wrong with bag seeds

just find good dope and grab some seeds and keep mating them and make your own weed strain.

it'll add a little more xcitment to it.

i moved and am out of weed, dont know anyone, if i did

i wouldn't have bought seeds.
Actually, there is plenty wrong with bag seeds. Of primary concern, is the absolute lack of a genetic profile in most cases. This could cost you dearly while you map this out over the grow or two. Would I use them in a pinch, always...



New Member
I don';t think there is anything worng with bagseed. I have grown over a hundred plants from bagseed alone. Much of which was good weed.

In saying all of this I think it is important to start with good genetics.
With finding your own preferred strains you then can go into breeding if you so desired.

But bagseed is better than no seeds at all. I only just discovered at the end of last year that I could order seeds online and have them delivered. Now that I had a hard time wrapping my head around but in a wonderful way.:mrgreen: There were no worries what-s0-ever!!!!!!!!


Actually, there is plenty wrong with bag seeds. Of primary concern, is the absolute lack of a genetic profile in most cases. This could cost you dearly while you map this out over the grow or two. Would I use them in a pinch, always...



100% Authentic A$$Hole
I can't believe a site whos members are all potheads is also infested with so much homophobia. Grow up people.

I cant believe it's people like yourself who give "us" the weed smoking community a bad name.....I dont give a shit if your Red, Ugly, Fat, GAY, lesbian, dickhead,asshole, cunt, black, white, kid, etc..... We all share one common bond and you cant discriminate certain people just because you dont agree with it:peace:


Well-Known Member
Whoa. What difference does sexual preference make? How does a gay couple interfere with anyone else's right to life, liberty, and property?

On bagseed: a great learning experience. You learn from common mistakes made on bagseed beans. When the time comes, you procure seeds or clones of known genetics. I, too, have planted hundreds on bagseeds compared to the 33 commercial seeds I have used so far.

Back on topic, I received the confirmation email on the 8th saying payment had been received and my order would be shipped within 24 hours. I ordered Northern Lights. This my first order with BCSK.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member

it's disgusting and is not normal behavior.
That's absurd. It may not be "normal" for you, but if it weren't normal for them, they wouldn't be doing it. Who are you to tell other people what constitutes "normal" behavior for them?

i wouldn't mind it if they acted normal,
More bullshit. You're boiling over with hatred for them; your every word just drips with it. If every gay and lesbian on the planet caught a train to Planet Jupiter tomorrow, you'd still be foaming at the mouth over what they're doing up there while you're sleeping.

had a gay cop tried to molest me as a kid
OK. I guess that explains it. Because one child molester sexually assaulted you, you hate everyone who's gay. I can certainly understand your hating that guy, but with your blind hatred of tens, even hundreds of millions of people you've never met just because you lump them all together with that one cop, you're showing yourself to be far sicker than most of the people you hate.

it's something us older generation understand clearly.

it's a man thing passed down to us from the WW2 generation.
And still more bullshit. What difference does it make which generation "passed down" this crap? By that twisted logic, blacks shouldn't have the right to go to school and women shouldn't have the right to vote, because after all these were both "man things" passed down to us from previous generations, and not that long ago either.

Cut the crap and have the balls to take ownership of your own shortcomings. You want to hate millions of innocent people just because it makes you feel better to hate 'em? Well go ahead and hate 'em. But don't blame the "WW2" generation for somehow making you hate them. You're the one who made that decision. Own up to it, because you sure as hell ain't fooling anyone here with this "it's just a tradition that was handed down to me" crap.


Well-Known Member
Greenwood, I think I'm gonna report you for... being a lame. Ah yes anyone else care to follow? By the way, I'm not gay... I just care about people feelings and rights... on that note, go F*&% yourself, I'm a better man than you'll ever be, grampaw!


Well-Known Member
A right to say it yes... but when it affects other, well-standing, good hearted board members and when it's put into such foul language it is not tolerated on these boards. It is considered harassment and rude.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
blah blah, stick it in your ear.

i guess it would be safe to assume, you fella's ( grin ) have been poked in the butt and sucked a few cocks ?
Jesus christ. Every time you post, you make yourself look like an even bigger idiot. The only possible reason you can think of that someone might disagree with you is that they're one of them there fucking faggots, is that right? OK, chief, go ahead and tell me again you're not a just a hateful little bigot.

it proves my point,
Well, you proved a point, but you didn't prove the point you think you proved. How ironic that you're probably the only one on the board who's not bright enough to understand that.

I'm normal, been on my own since 15, former fire fighter/parimedic decorated navy vet.
married with 3 kids and yet i'm the one with the problem.
Only if you consider being an ignorant, bigoted little prick a problem. Which evidently you don't, because you apparently regard that as being "normal."

maybe your generation cant help it, you cant hold jobs, you live with mommy until your 30, you take a pill for everything.
My generation? What generation would that be? Do you have even the first fucking clue what you're babbling about?

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
i dont agree with anything he says, but he should have a right to say it
Sure, but if he's going to do that he's got to man up and take the consequences. Some of which are that people who are offended by that sort of intolerant crap are going to get up in his grill about it.

And I'm one who will do exactly that. I hate this kind of shit, and what I hate even worse is that the people who vomit it around like this typically don't have the balls to admit it is what it is. They don't have the balls to admit they're bigots, so they hide behind cowardly little arguments like "it's society's norm" or "I don't have any problem with faggots as long as they keep it to themselves", which of course this guy proved was a lie with his very next post.

I hate shit like this. It's mean, it's hurtful, and it does real harm to decent, innocent people who have done nothing to deserve it. My ex-girlfriend, who I loved very much, was bisexual, mostly lesbian. She was a very good person, and when bigots like this greenweed guy or whatever his name is talk about gays the way he does, they're talking about her. And I'll be damned if I'll let it go without calling him on it. I'll respect his right to his opinion, but that doesn't mean I have to respect the opinion itself or the person expressing it. Don't like gays? Fine, I don't give a shit. Want to openly state that you don't like gays? Again, fine - it's your opinion, and you have a right to it. Want to start insulting them for their sexuality? OK, now I have a problem, and now it's my turn to express myself.


Well-Known Member
Sure, but if he's going to do that he's got to man up and take the consequences. Some of which are that people who are offended by that sort of intolerant crap are going to get up in his grill about it.

And I'm one who will do exactly that. I hate this kind of shit, and what I hate even worse is that the people who vomit it around like this typically don't have the balls to admit it is what it is. They don't have the balls to admit they're bigots, so they hide behind cowardly little arguments like "it's society's norm" or "I don't have any problem with faggots as long as they keep it to themselves", which of course this guy proved was a lie with his very next post.

I hate shit like this. It's mean, it's hurtful, and it does real harm to decent, innocent people who have done nothing to deserve it. My ex-girlfriend, who I loved very much, was bisexual, mostly lesbian. She was a very good person, and when bigots like this greenweed guy or whatever his name is talk about gays the way he does, they're talking about her. And I'll be damned if I'll let it go without calling him on it. I'll respect his right to his opinion, but that doesn't mean I have to respect the opinion itself or the person expressing it. Don't like gays? Fine, I don't give a shit. Want to openly state that you don't like gays? Again, fine - it's your opinion, and you have a right to it. Want to start insulting them for their sexuality? OK, now I have a problem, and now it's my turn to express myself.
Thank you Skunk!


Well-Known Member
I'd bet he wont come back to this thread... but being the bigot that he is, I'd probably lose that bet. See ya grampaw!


Well-Known Member
I will not report him. MonkeeMan is right. Dude can say whatever he wants. This does not excuse him from dealing with the consequence of those words. I think I can understand those of you who chose to report this neolithic scholar. In my mind, he shows himself to be an ass with every post.