My Home made easy cloner


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Make sure the water is around 5.5 ph and the res temps stay around 65-68 no warmer. I prefer cloning powders over gels as I have found gels dont work as well and take longer to root.Id change the cfls out for florescent tubes and get the tubes right on top of the clones much betetr results and not all that heat cfls give off and better coverage cheaper too.Dont use any nutes or if you absolutly feel you personally have to make sure they are 90% diluted.Keep air temp around 70-75 and humidity up around 80% first 2-5 days til roots form then you can get rid of cover domes.This clone unit is a bit more difficult in design and setup then need be but should work if you watch all the variables.I find in my aero clones roots show in 307 days max.good luck and good grows


Active Member
the fan keeps the lights cool so they sit about 1/2 inch from the plants they were moved for the pictures


hey, i have made something similar i just need a method to pump a drip tube thru my cups?
can you shed some light on the topic?