Started my seeds indoors. At what point can I bring them outside?


Hi. I started my seeds indoors under a flourescent light. They are a little over a week now and I was thinking some sun would do them good. Would it be OK to bring them outside and give them some light? I plan on leaving them out for the day and bringing them in and putting them back under the light. They are on a 18/6 schedule. I plan on planting them in the ground in about 2-3 weeks after no more fear of frost. They are still quite small but look hardy. Stems are strong and they are starting to get another set of true leaves. I have them in Pro-Mix Organic Soil in Jiffy Pots. I think that the sun and wind would be good for them but want to make sure it is not too soon. Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Hi. I started my seeds indoors under a flourescent light. They are a little over a week now and I was thinking some sun would do them good. Would it be OK to bring them outside and give them some light? I plan on leaving them out for the day and bringing them in and putting them back under the light. They are on a 18/6 schedule. I plan on planting them in the ground in about 2-3 weeks after no more fear of frost. They are still quite small but look hardy. Stems are strong and they are starting to get another set of true leaves. I have them in Pro-Mix Organic Soil in Jiffy Pots. I think that the sun and wind would be good for them but want to make sure it is not too soon. Thanks in advance!
Yes, although you don't say exactly how big they are. If they are only 1 or 2 nodes in then you should start off with only an hour. And make sure it isn't too windy.
You actually need to acclimatize your seedlings to the outdoors in order for them to thrive when you final transplant them to their final outside plot....otherwise the extra UV that the sun puts out will stunt them. Start slowly, and build up over the space of a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Yes, although you don't say exactly how big they are. If they are only 1 or 2 nodes in then you should start off with only an hour. And make sure it isn't too windy.
You actually need to acclimatize your seedlings to the outdoors in order for them to thrive when you final transplant them to their final outside plot....otherwise the extra UV that the sun puts out will stunt them. Start slowly, and build up over the space of a week or so.
is this y i see plants explode when put into the all natural light of the sun, theyre meant to grow under it, y would it hurt them, u may need to get them hardy for harsh weather as young indoor plants are kinda flimsy, but the sun wont hurt them. i dnt get y this is such a common belief. hell the first plant i attempted to grow was under some incandescent bulbs. needless to say after 4 weeks they were tiny bc they werent receiving the appropriate number of lumens to continue growth. once i stuck it outside i was shocked to see it double if not triple in size after 3 days of being out. if u want to harden ur plants up a little for outside weather just put an oscilating fan on them a few hrs a day, its what i do. dnt have it blowing them over but a nice steady breeze.


Well-Known Member
is this y i see plants explode when put into the all natural light of the sun, theyre meant to grow under it, y would it hurt them, u may need to get them hardy for harsh weather as young indoor plants are kinda flimsy, but the sun wont hurt them. i dnt get y this is such a common belief. hell the first plant i attempted to grow was under some incandescent bulbs. needless to say after 4 weeks they were tiny bc they werent receiving the appropriate number of lumens to continue growth. once i stuck it outside i was shocked to see it double if not triple in size after 3 days of being out. if u want to harden ur plants up a little for outside weather just put an oscilating fan on them a few hrs a day, its what i do. dnt have it blowing them over but a nice steady breeze.
ya putting a fan on them will help to an extent, but major its correct about gradually hardening them off. Full sun light on fresh indoor plants will stunt them a bit. It you want to keep them out all day, put them in a slightly shady spot if possible(typically a tree that lets a little light through branches)


Well-Known Member
I just stuck mine outdoor for good yest. and when I came back from work she was thirsty so watch out for that. But sunlight will be fine and you are bringing back indoor at night so hardening them off isn't a big deal if your waiting 3 weeks yet to plant. Just watch out for pots drying out in sun. And yes stake it up if you have to but let the wind knock it around a little it will make her strong.


Well-Known Member
I am rather surprised how well my weed plants are blending with my tomatoes. I'm not as scared to keep them in the house with the parents as i thought i would be, they have about 4 nodes on each plant and the fan leaves are still small "but serrated and that shade of green that pops out". i think around may 15 i am gonna have to make some moves whether i like it or not.