Never Get Busted DVD Synopsis Part 1

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
There are also state laws that come into effect when your car is being searched. if the cop ask's to search the car and he dosnt have probable cause then tell him that you would like a supervier pressent for the search, that will make it so he has to call in for superviers and well unless he realy wants to pop you he will not waste his time.This only works in some states... it works in fl i dont know about any other states you may wana google the laws for your state.


Search And Seizure:
Unlike most advice given, Barry recommends giving the officer consent to search if asked (provided you're "clean" or your stash is well concealed). Here's why - when someone refuses consent to search, the officer immediately knows that there is something in the vehicle that the driver doesn't want him to see. Once you refuse consent, the officer will try to detain you as long as it takes to find something and will most likely call in the canine unit. He will also call in other officers to figure out a way to get in the car and do a detailed search. Also note that the officer can do a weapons pat down of you and your vehicle without consent and anything the officer finds during a pat down is admissible as evidence.

If you give the officer consent, he will most likely do a cursory search and will send you on your way - provided he finds nothing that arouses suspicion.

Thanks again Email
On the heads up about this DVD - I just watched it and this is what he suggested that you do - all I know is it's never a good idea to piss off a cop.

I'm currently in nursing school and did a stint with the local firehouse's paramedics for class credit. And well, cops see and are involved in a lot of crap out there. They were at every call that we made - every fire, every wife/GF battery, gun/knife wounds and even the kid that fell off his bike.

I tell you that, to tell you this...

It has always been my understanding that cops love to have company and they will call 10 cars to the scene in a heartbeat! Don't think cause you demand a Sgt. that it will help you in anyway, cause there is probably already one in transit to your location.

It's amazing how many cops will be at one location...

Remember - Cops are like roaches, if you see one there's plenty more close by.



Well-Known Member

Search And Seizure:
Unlike most advice given, Barry recommends giving the officer consent to search if asked (provided you're "clean" or your stash is well concealed). Here's why - when someone refuses consent to search, the officer immediately knows that there is something in the vehicle that the driver doesn't want him to see. Once you refuse consent, the officer will try to detain you as long as it takes to find something and will most likely call in the canine unit. He will also call in other officers to figure out a way to get in the car and do a detailed search. Also note that the officer can do a weapons pat down of you and your vehicle without consent and anything the officer finds during a pat down is admissible as evidence.

If you give the officer consent, he will most likely do a cursory search and will send you on your way - provided he finds nothing that arouses suspicion.

Thanks again Email
On the heads up about this DVD - I just watched it and this is what he suggested that you do - all I know is it's never a good idea to piss off a cop.

I'm currently in nursing school and did a stint with the local firehouse's paramedics for class credit. And well, cops see and are involved in a lot of crap out there. They were at every call that we made - every fire, every wife/GF battery, gun/knife wounds and even the kid that fell off his bike.

I tell you that, to tell you this...

It has always been my understanding that cops love to have company and they will call 10 cars to the scene in a heartbeat! Don't think cause you demand a Sgt. that it will help you in anyway, cause there is probably already one in transit to your location.

It's amazing how many cops will be at one location...

Remember - Cops are like roaches, if you see one there's plenty more close by.

I'm really glad folks are finding this useful. I know i learned a few things by watching the videos. Cops are indeed one of the most organized gangs around. And with the law of the land and tremendous firepower on their side.

one of the best take-aways from the second video was the fact that cops really don't care if you get off on a technicality by their trampling your rights. They are not punished and your life is already screwed.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I'm really glad folks are finding this useful. I know i learned a few things by watching the videos. Cops are indeed one of the most organized gangs around. And with the law of the land and tremendous firepower on their side.

one of the best take-aways from the second video was the fact that cops really don't care if you get off on a technicality by their trampling your rights. They are not punished and your life is already screwed.

Rep'd ya!


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member

Next Barry discusses how odor permeates its container. So hiding drugs in a gas tank will not work cause over time the odor will permeate the gas tank and a dog will detect the smell. The example he uses is sardines in a zip lock bag. He takes sardines from a can and places them in a zip lock bag at which point no sardine odor is coming from the bag. But after a couple of hours, the odor is detectable because every container is porous to one degree or another and the odor will be detectable by a trained canine. So the dog can't smell "through" anything but the odor does permeate out.
The rate of permeation is different so if you do not contaminate the outside of a container and place a drug inside the container a dog will not alert right away. But over time the odor will permeate anything. So if you are planning on carrying a few joints somewhere get a non-contaminated container (handle with latex gloves) and drop the joints in it and seal it up, a dog should not be able to detect anything for an hour or so.

Great Post!

I'm wondering about vacuum sealing. I have a vacuum sealer and once I vacuum something I can literally submerge it under water and not have it leak. It stands to reason that if one DOUBLE vacuum seals something...... then submerges it in hot soapy water (maybe with a teaspoon of bleach) all smell would be eliminated from the outside of the package and NEVER detectable by a dog... even over time.

I always hide dog biscuits around the house because my dog likes to search them out. I think I'll do some testing with a biscuit double sealed and see if he can find it over a few days period. I'm betting he won't.

Don't get me wrong... I don't think traveling with a large quantity is a good idea.... but if I'm going away camping for a week with friends..... a few joints doesn't cut it. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Great Post!

I'm wondering about vacuum sealing. I have a vacuum sealer and once I vacuum something I can literally submerge it under water and not have it leak. It stands to reason that if one DOUBLE vacuum seals something...... then submerges it in hot soapy water (maybe with a teaspoon of bleach) all smell would be eliminated from the outside of the package and NEVER detectable by a dog... even over time.

I always hide dog biscuits around the house because my dog likes to search them out. I think I'll do some testing with a biscuit double sealed and see if he can find it over a few days period. I'm betting he won't.

Don't get me wrong... I don't think traveling with a large quantity is a good idea.... but if I'm going away camping for a week with friends..... a few joints doesn't cut it. :peace:
as long as none contaminates the outside of the bag, the seal may prevent a K-9 from detecting it for days - maybe weeks. But i wouldn't risk longer than that.

and remember - Barry also says he knows of no one getting busted for transporting brownies :)


Well-Known Member
as long as none contaminates the outside of the bag, the seal may prevent a K-9 from detecting it for days - maybe weeks. But i wouldn't risk longer than that.

and remember - Barry also says he knows of no one getting busted for transporting brownies :)

I was thinking about making a double or tripple layer cake and cutting out the center of the first layer or two and inserting the vaccum sealed package then applying the last layer and ice it!



Well-Known Member
I was thinking about making a double or tripple layer cake and cutting out the center of the first layer or two and inserting the vaccum sealed package then applying the last layer and ice it!

Provided there is no probable cause, I think any officer pulling you over would be hard pressed to justify cutting into your cake.

but as you know, anytime you travel with weed - you take your chances.


Well-Known Member
Provided there is no probable cause, I think any officer pulling you over would be hard pressed to justify cutting into your cake.

but as you know, anytime you travel with weed - you take your chances.
I've been around the block a few times with officers of many countries.. short hair, well dressed, well spoken, polite natured, and possibly acting a little ignorant always helps!

(a little cash on hand in some countries is always nice)

At this point I realize that I've played a game of Russian Roulette in the past.. I think the main thing that kept me going was staying sober during the trip!


Well-Known Member
I've been around the block a few times with officers of many countries.. short hair, well dressed, well spoken, polite natured, and possibly acting a little ignorant always helps!

(a little cash on hand in some countries is always nice)

At this point I realize that I've played a game of Russian Roulette in the past.. I think the main thing that kept me going was staying sober during the trip!
don't give them a reason to .... search, fuck with you, etc.. does seem to be the best policy.