My Canadian MMAR Faq (ask away)


New Member
Well I wish it was that cut and dry, but sadly it isnt. In my opinion there was no damage caused by the grow in my rental that I mentioned. My tennants were very good in my opinion. I would have just gave it a good cleaning and re-rented but it was not my decision.

Whether you rent, own, or grow at a different location you have no control of the situation when insurance companies reserve the right to only insure what they want, its in the fine print. If you hide (or look like your hiding) something and they get wind they will they will pull your insurance until you jump through their hoops.

My insurance company knows about my legal grow and I am fully insured. I made them sign a confidentiality contract. Without notification of changes to your insured property you run the risk of what happened to me, even if you own (have a mortgage).

SAD but its all TRUE.

Cover your asses because insurance companies are just looking for loop holes like this.

By the way, the house in question is now rented and the new owner actually works for the insurance company (Prudential). SCUMBAGS all of them.



Active Member
Well I wish it was that cut and dry, but sadly it isnt. In my opinion there was no damage caused by the grow in my rental that I mentioned. My tennants were very good in my opinion. I would have just gave it a good cleaning and re-rented but it was not my decision.

Whether you rent, own, or grow at a different location you have no control of the situation when insurance companies reserve the right to only insure what they want, its in the fine print. If you hide (or look like your hiding) something and they get wind they will they will pull your insurance until you jump through their hoops.

My insurance company knows about my legal grow and I am fully insured. I made them sign a confidentiality contract. Without notification of changes to your insured property you run the risk of what happened to me, even if you own (have a mortgage).

SAD but its all TRUE.

Cover your asses because insurance companies are just looking for loop holes like this.

By the way, the house in question is now rented and the new owner actually works for the insurance company (Prudential). SCUMBAGS all of them.


I'm not saying you're wrong Sir.G, what I'm saying is there was a technicality that someone took advantage of. There might not have been damages done to the house, or bugs, or mold, however, if the room or space was not EXACTLY as described in the consent form, that nullifies the immunity granted by Health Canada for legal grows, and even causes the tenant to be at risk of being charged further for w/e reason. For example, you're insurance company took advantage of their room/space not being as described once they became aware of the situation, they took advantage by condemning the property because it was no longer a legal grow. You got awarded money because you're not at fault, and you lost a rental unit, The tenants got charged for not having their legal grow as described, which caused their legal grow to become an illegal grow.

This is the government, and in order to understand how they work, you have to THINK like the government, Same goes with insurance companies, or most companies for that matter, they have people working for them that are I'm sorry, MUCH smarter than you, and me for that matter, and THIS (As described above) is EXACTLY how they legally rob people blind.

You are absolutely right that it's not clear cut, but I could give you the exact same advice, there are a number of factors that nullify your immunity, and to sit there and tell me you know each and every one of them enough to say that their grow was 100% legal is absurd. I can promise you that even if you're room or space is as described, someone will be able to find a technicality. Our laws are FULL of them, not just the MMAR laws, but ALL laws.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the donoharmclinic pharoah they did get back to me. I have bin talking to since ive bin waiting to hear from the donoharmclinic so they are both very helpful. I have to fill out all these MMAR forms, get records of my diagnoses or see a specialist for a new diagnoses, then fax that to either clinic, and they will review my file and i should have an appointment with a doctor over skype maybe? Then get that doctor to sign, and send off my paperwork to HC. Then wait 10 weeks? is this all i have to do haha? i hope so.

The donoharmclinic sent me 3 things i need to complete>> terms&conditions, patient history, and consent to obtain medical records, so i also have to do all of that. that should be it right? has responded and is helping me with what i need to do as well but has not sent me these 3 things like the donoharmclinic.

this is alot of stuff to take in for me. i appreciate the thread pharoah, good lookin out.


Well-Known Member
Question: Do i NEED to fill out forms E1 and E2?

Is it illegal to posses dried marijuana from another source other then that of HC as a MM patient?

I understand the seeds grey area already and am obviously just going to be purchasing from online but do i need to fill out E2 so that i recieve seeds at some point from HC then i could use this container to put my online seeds in so i dont some how get in trouble for growing a certain strain lets say that HC doesnt have. Will my grow be illegal then and all of this pointless if using online seeds?

i want to make sure i am taking all of the right steps so i dont waste my time and efforts and come across a surprise down the line and have to deal with something else therefore.


Active Member
No, you do not "NEED" to fill out forms E1 and E2, these are optional, I was recommended to do so for the simple fact that sometimes, times are tough, both financially, or market wise, thus it's always good to have those options available to you should you ever actually need to use the service, instead of needing them and having to fill them out, send in and re-do almost the entire application JUST to have access to their crappy products should times be tough for you.


Well-Known Member
IMPORTANT: If you plan to produce marihuana at a site that is not your ordinary place of residence and is not​
owned by you, you must get the owner(s) of the production site to complete
Form F: Consent of Property Owner.

that is exactly what it says at the bottom of page 2 form C


Well-Known Member
im beginning to think it is better to fill this out with the "entirely indoors" option. There are regulations to where you plan on growing outdoors. I would be in an apartment so i couldn't exactly grow outdoors, i mean i can on my balcony but i wouldnt do that. So i feel growing indoors i will be more likely to not get rejected? i would like to grow outdoors aswell but i would be growing in a different location then i did my indoors and well you can't have 2 addresses to produce so i guess that settles that. This leaves me to ask what happends if you need to move from ur registered address? would it be wise to plan to stay at the registered address for atleast a 12 month period? I understand u have to renew your licenses every year so maybe the renewal would take care of address change? How big is the process to renew every year? thanx


Active Member
This is a very tough question, as even in HC's official MMAR law documents this is very unclear, and states multiple things that appear to be the exact same thing, worded differently each time. I would call HC and ask the question, be specific, and chose your words wisely, many people obtain bad information from Health Canada due to 2 main reasons.

1. The HC Rep doesn't understand what the MMAR program outlines as law (This is the unlikely scenario, flame me all you want, compared to the next, this is a mild cause).

2. People asking questions that are in themselves jaded, with absolutely no followup questions (This is the likely scenario, as a HC rep will NOT tell you anything you don't ask for specifically, much like ANY insurance company, your ignorance is their profit).


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all advice Pharoh!
I own my own house and have to move. I am buying a new house. What is the process for changing location? Do I have to reapply completely with Doc signature and the works?


Active Member
Thanks for all advice Pharoh!
I own my own house and have to move. I am buying a new house. What is the process for changing location? Do I have to reapply completely with Doc signature and the works?
This is a complicated thing, the MMAR regulations don't exactly give the best answer for this, I would recommend reviewing this documentation, it's the MMAR regulations document.


Well-Known Member
So im looking to get my MMAR card soon i am just waiting on my regular doctor for a appointment, ill try DNHC if that doenst work out.

My questions are that im moving in the next (2-3) months, should i just wait till i have moved and get my growing and possession sent in at the same time? or does getting my possession and then when i get my new place get my growing sent into HC work just as well.
Does living in a apartment change much for HC on approval for growing? or is a house better. Obviously being away from schools/other things.
Noticed this little bit of info
  • (2) If a personal-use production licence is revoked under paragraph 63(2)(b), the person who was the holder of the licence is ineligible to be issued another personal-use production licence during the period of 10 years after the revocation,

  • SOR/2007-207, s. 4(E).

So if my other half gets her license should she just put me as her DG (assuming im approved). Then in the event for some stupid reason the government screws me over and revokes my growing license could i just put her as my DG and she gets her growing approved for herself?

Thanks Pharoah for everything you've done and posted its a great help. If we could get a mod for this Canadian section i would vote for you (Pharoah). You have also just proved how much of a hurdle it is to get anything done in Canada.


Active Member
So im looking to get my MMAR card soon i am just waiting on my regular doctor for a appointment, ill try DNHC if that doenst work out.

My questions are that im moving in the next (2-3) months, should i just wait till i have moved and get my growing and possession sent in at the same time? or does getting my possession and then when i get my new place get my growing sent into HC work just as well.
Does living in a apartment change much for HC on approval for growing? or is a house better. Obviously being away from schools/other things.
Noticed this little bit of info
  • (2) If a personal-use production licence is revoked under paragraph 63(2)(b), the person who was the holder of the licence is ineligible to be issued another personal-use production licence during the period of 10 years after the revocation,

  • SOR/2007-207, s. 4(E).

So if my other half gets her license should she just put me as her DG (assuming im approved). Then in the event for some stupid reason the government screws me over and revokes my growing license could i just put her as my DG and she gets her growing approved for herself?

Thanks Pharoah for everything you've done and posted its a great help. If we could get a mod for this Canadian section i would vote for you (Pharoah). You have also just proved how much of a hurdle it is to get anything done in Canada.
If you both can qualify for the MMAR, you can both either have a production license, or either of you can be assigned as a DG, don't concern yourself with being revoked, House is better, and if I was you, because the moving portion of the MMAR is unclear, I'd just wait the 2-3 months and put my NEW address on my forms.


Active Member
I heard you can do this over skype. How exactly does that work? I have three conditions that qualify for MMAR status in my health record. Although my doctor is understanding, and has been my doctor since birth. He only feels comfortable looking into a license for his patients with HIV/AIDS and cancer.
I'd inform your doctor he's not living up to his code of ethics. His job is to do what needs to be done to increase your quality of life, and alleviate your symptoms, I would also print off as much material as possible and give it to him. Tell him if he's not willing to do the research, you'll do it for him. So many doctors are violating their patients right to the "Common Law" Doctrine of "Informed Consent" in the decision of using cannabis as medicine regardless or whether Doctor, Government, Judiciary, or ANYONE considers it unwise or foolish to do so. He is effectively violating your ability to make use of this Doctrine.

KidKid1950 said:
Another problem I have is, I work solid from monday-friday every week. My next time off is sometime in the late fall. Some of that time will be spent out of the country.

So, how do Skype appointments work? How do I get the other doctors my health records. Is there anyway to do this without visiting my family doctor? Such has have them forward my records. Also, can anyone PM me a clinic/office to get a skype appointment for a license? I understand it's around $500+
That's not really a big issue, as skype can be logged into from anywhere in the world, you don't NEED to be at your home, generally, they are willing to accommodate your time schedule as long as it's not seriously out of sync with theirs.

To get an appointment, you would call, verify their accepting patients, and request your medical records from your family doc, unless you've been spreading your medical records around, their the only ones to have them, but their YOUR records, not his, so you cannot be denied your records. Skype sessions can cost alot, and IMO are honestly a scam... sure they get you your card, but their making millions doing it.

I would first try to educate your doctor on the WIDE variety of applications cannabis has not just for AIDS/HIV and Cancer.

I'm a tablesaw accident victim, and if I was ever told by any doctor that their not signing my MMAR because I didn't have "Cancer" or "Aids/HIV", I'd be having them up on charges for violating their code of ethics and violating my rights to the aforementioned doctrine, especially if it's my family doctor, the one who knows what kind of condition I'm in.


Active Member
i hope u find a doctor to sign its the specialist i had kinda hard time but just gave him great info an speech on 15 yrs opoit n muscle relaxers use verus all natural
refuse to settle for less u have rights to safer forms of medicne
hound ur family doctor take in info drop meds do whatever u need to do MOST doc's must know u in order to sign stupid i know but after one in my area got busted charging 200$ sick or not well long story short hes in jail for fraud and the growers he endorsed got busted and most were over thier 60 plants allowed
(didnt take em long every form sent by this quack had 60 plants 15-16 grams daily regardless he held semiars everyone attended got signed forms IF they had 200$ this is 1 of many points goverments making to revoke our grow rights for 2014


Active Member
JUST ANOTHER WAY THE GOVERMENT ROBBS US DAILY WHEN IT COMES TO MEDICAL GROW going tell u truth i hold grow card i grew at my own house for 6 years i go to sell my house and no its a worthless property because it was legal grow site ?
well yes and no iam told because they said i grew before i got lienced and didnt have proper set-up causing mold.
weird i say cause mold was in the attic (faulty ridge cap) grow was in back room far side house,they say mold is a MYSTERY and the source near impossible to locate.
WTF u on i say this is ludiacus
LONG STORY SHORT house is worthless compared to actual value cause area 9 by 6 under damaged ridge vent
how they knew i grew ill never know it was spotless must been in backround checks on property idk
just heads up for all owners out there its more cost effective to rent ur grow area if possible in the end
if ur wondering i had to go bankrupt on the property as after this ordeal it wasnt worth what i owed to the bank
plus i could not go back in until it was safe to breath lol 522 was reading indoors400 is safe reading outside at peak times years 550 WOW time break out gas masks n hepa filters