My SCROG "Grow Cart" on wheels


Well-Known Member
she has watched to much tv and I guess thinks that all cops have infared and are just randomly driving by houses checking heat signatures...I tried to tell her that the dryer which is on the other side of a wall and a hall from my area if running would put out a bigger heat sig than the damn light.....she tripped on the briteness and read something on the bulb about 1000...and would not believe me that it was a 400....I have won a million battles with her..and hell she bought this house because I wanted it...she is just to afraid, and hell I cant push for free still aint costing me anything...all i ever wanted to do was see a plant pop buds and Ill still get to do that after awhile w/ the cfls they just wont be as nice or as pretty or as great as i wanted them to be but one day I will get what I want...

Well I am glad you have calmed down bit about it. Just take it as a challenge......lets see what you can do with the CFL's! Lets see the fattest CFL buds we have ever seen.....get the most out of your grow...still have fun......and get the best yield you can for what you have...set a goal...and reach it!


Well-Known Member
ooohh ganjabuck that just made me cry again....of course you are so right its just that all the kids will make fun of me and laugh cuz I have to use cfls...and they will tell me all the time how much better it wouldve been- could be if I had HID lites..:cry::cry:

Well I am glad you have calmed down bit about it. Just take it as a challenge......lets see what you can do with the CFL's! Lets see the fattest CFL buds we have ever seen.....get the most out of your grow...still have fun......and get the best yield you can for what you have...set a goal...and reach it!


Active Member
Absolutely. Sorry about all that, I know how it is, believe me i've been through almost the same exact situation. I feel you. Life is to short though, and enjoy what you can. I'm with Ghanjabuck, lets see a dope ass Yield from lizzy and all light up a cyber smoke together and celebrate. Don't share with your roomate though... no puff puff pass for her. :) Take care.


Well-Known Member
ooohh ganjabuck that just made me cry again....of course you are so right its just that all the kids will make fun of me and laugh cuz I have to use cfls...and they will tell me all the time how much better it wouldve been- could be if I had HID lites..:cry::cry:

I didn't want to make you is your control who posts and just don't take any you would anyway.


Well-Known Member
yes i know robbie had an awesome plant and i also know it took him six months from start to thats three more months for me....doesnt make me feel any better....:cry:

robbie had an awsome plant all CFL, it takes longer but you'll get your home grown buds


Well-Known Member
Well within an hour of having my new light on my roomate freaked the fuck out and I had to take it down......I went after the pruning shears to cut them all down then I started crying and just couldnt do I have 6 2700k cfls going in there Ill update pics in six months when my trichs turn amber.......

I very sad, I have worked so hard now to have a sub par harvest......

Im just going to get rid of all my clones and the mother I have going wait my whole life to harvest Elizabeth and call it a day until I live by myself.

I cant stop crying........
WHAT THE EFFF??!?!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
WHAT THE EFFF??!?!!!!!!!

yeah it sucked...i was still in such a bad mood I didnt go to my morning job today...why spread my mood getting better gonna find out if I can put a 250 bulb in it and see if we can get a comprimise going....

they went to sleep for the first time this morning tho


Well-Known Member
yeah it sucked...i was still in such a bad mood I didnt go to my morning job today...why spread my mood getting better gonna find out if I can put a 250 bulb in it and see if we can get a comprimise going....

they went to sleep for the first time this morning tho
Wow I am so sorry I am so bummed out and sad for you :cry:. Thats a good idea with the 250.


Well-Known Member
fuckin with cfls imo is a waste of time....peace az
Who fucken cares what kind of light people use.At least she grows pot. You can voice opinions but don't bash people for what they are using. Pink has a good thing going here, don't ruin her thread. I use HID's and CFL's . who cares.big fucken deal.....Grow on Pink...:joint:


Well-Known Member
Who fucken cares what kind of light people use.At least she grows pot. You can voice opinions but don't bash people for what they are using. Pink has a good thing going here, don't ruin her thread. I use HID's and CFL's . who cares.big fucken deal.....Grow on Pink...:joint:
WORD. Doesnt garden knowm gave a thread about bomb ass growin w cfls!! Stop the negativity everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
WORD. Doesnt garden knowm gave a thread about bomb ass growin w cfls!! Stop the negativity everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lumberjack mentioned that to me last nite im going to check it is really cool to me i dont think he was neccessarily being mean he is just very against cfls...