Whats your favorite thing to do with Trimmings?

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
I've always given mine away but decided this year i'll start giving Tinctures and maybe Hash a go.

What do you typically do with your trimmings?

For you guys who like to make Hash, whats the best place to buy a press to make it into pucks and where buy the screens?


Well-Known Member
Cannabutter, kief, hash, and also to cook with whole plant trim... Trim is definately NOT trash... Especially from some dank ass, trich-covered donkey dicks... I love to have and use trim, but I hate trimming!


Well-Known Member
Just sauteed some trim in some Hooter's Wing Sauce the other night, and it made for some fire-ass hotwings! I was very medicated...


Well-Known Member
I'll do a how to when I harvest. It's hard to explain without pics. I'm sure if you google it you can find the process. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Every Christmas I take a cup full of trim, I stuff it in little tea bags, then I let it seep in cup of boiling milk. I'l add a tiny bit of butter, cinnamon, and sugar for flavor. It taste really good and rich, but more importantly, fucks me up.


Well-Known Member
I do BHO Extract (the Queen Bee extractor can handle about an ounce ground up by a food processor) I get about 5g per ounce, doesn't sound like much but considering it goes for $60 a gram at co-ops it's about even money, caution only use Vector 5x butane other stuff tastes funny. I also do Tincture, I sometimes make butter but I can get it for $6 at a co-op.

If you do Tinture, find a post/page that requires Vegitable Glyceryin (not alcohol, I know Subcool has one on his forum and there are a few others you can find around the web) I've tried both (being in a legal state) when it came time to make it I made vegi glycerin style, obvious which I prefer :)

If you do butter do Ghee not just canna butter, unless you plan to use it up within a week, Ghee butter can last a month at room temperature



Well-Known Member
Every Christmas I take a cup full of trim, I stuff it in little tea bags, then I let it seep in cup of boiling milk. I'l add a tiny bit of butter, cinnamon, and sugar for flavor. It taste really good and rich, but more importantly, fucks me up.

Yeah that sounds nice. Iced Latte with trim in the summer. Add ice after steeping.


Active Member
100% rubbing alcohol, importantly one that is almost pure and does not contain things like oils (added to make them more friendly to skin etc). You can put trimmings in a big jar - add the rubbing alch - then shake for a minute. The liquid can then be strained. and poured into a wide and shallow bowl of some sort, or perhaps a baking tray. The liquid will then evapourate rapidly over a few hours or overnight (I dont heat the liquid). What remains on the bottom can be scraped up and made into a ball of hash. It is good shit.

However Usually I just smoke my trim while the rest dries hehe.