4 Left in 16gal containers..going strong!

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Well-Known Member
just flipped 12/12..the four are LST'd....started in 3gal pots (to get that strong root mass)then transfered into the 16gals...6wks veg...going to be a great ride..here's my journey thus far!!! gotta love the LST.....



Well-Known Member
Weak...lol...to each is own...heat stress...FYI...(stretched)they're all sativas and expertly LST'd...thats what they do when healthy and thriving...



Well-Known Member
why so big pots for indoors? you could veg for another 6 weeks in that pot before ...if you were going to veg for 6 weeks you could have used pots half that size and had plenty of room.


Well-Known Member
prolly would have filled up half way with soil so no reason to waste soil..ya know...they look healthy though and should get plenty big.


Well-Known Member
why so big pots for indoors? you could veg for another 6 weeks in that pot before ...if you were going to veg for 6 weeks you could have used pots half that size and had plenty of room.

thats defeats the purpose of indoor growing...3month veg total you're saying...nawwww...thats an outdoor time frame...i have an outdoor grow going as well...im good with 6wk veg...


Well-Known Member
prolly would have filled up half way with soil so no reason to waste soil..ya know...they look healthy though and should get plenty big.

lol....so you wouldve filled it half way?....lol...then put plant in surrounded by the inner potter walls recieving no light,air circulation,causing mold....lol..yeah i bet thats just what some1 like you wouldve done...then the post would read.."HELP!!! WHATS WRONG WITH MY PLANTS"....CLOWN!!!


Well-Known Member
plants are 7-10 inches from top of soil....LST'd...ya know..next time just ask why i did what i did instead of assuming i as you say.."wasted soil"


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