The UK Growers Thread!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
any body here tried use a plant support rings?
with the tripod off legs with it? thinking using them for my scrogs and pop netting over the top.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeh thats the one doggiez nuts yeh thats it haha must be a mental block from that fucking moron over ther pff,,them was the ones i was talking about ridiculously overpriced

and TT told u shoulda sent that recorded the other one i sent landed yesterday,,how unlucky is that lol,,but u will have it tomorrow anyways sumemt to look forward to
Recorded does nothing but add the requirement of a signature. It is still 1st class mail. I can post 1st class to near anywhere, it is overnight, posting to you takes 2 days for some reason and vice versa, was the same time period lat time IIRC. And if it had been recorded then i would not be getting it period due to working hours. I do not get such a thing as a lunch break to pop to the post office to pick it up.


Well-Known Member
i wish i could get away without using it. i love the smell but with all the visitors i get i dont want them smelling anything.

i looked on that bb first and i couldnt see it on there, i found it in sea of seeds tho

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
id still order from the site myself matey. it easy to follow site also matey.
sure u will suss the bb site out soon enough. isnt sea seeds the dog selling at 50?
its 42 i think on bb site


Well-Known Member
yeah thats the prices. have you read the write up about it going hermie? fuck that lol

i wont be ready for another 2 weeks anyway but i dont know what to do. a mate has promised me chronic cuttings but hes already let me down. i got to time it right cos im off on hols in september and i want the next run dried by the time i go

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
£50 on BB as well but SoS having the advantage that you will get a bunch of free seeds as well i think

2x Top 44 Regn/a1FREE
2x Kc Brains Leda Una Regn/a1FREE
no imagen/a1FREE
2x Purple Bud Regn/a1FREE
2x Lemoneese Reg (cheese x lemon)n/a1FREE
no imagen/a1FREE
2x Breeders Boutique Casey Jones S1 Fem

Seems to make more sense to go SoS for em, means you also get some BB freebies :)


Well-Known Member
£50 on BB as well but SoS having the advantage that you will get a bunch of free seeds as well i think

2x Top 44 Regn/a1FREE
2x Kc Brains Leda Una Regn/a1FREE
no imagen/a1FREE
2x Purple Bud Regn/a1FREE
2x Lemoneese Reg (cheese x lemon)n/a1FREE
no imagen/a1FREE
2x Breeders Boutique Casey Jones S1 Fem

Seems to make more sense to go SoS for em, means you also get some BB freebies :)
have you ever grown that dog? the write up saying about the chance of a hermie is putting me off. ive always given away my free seeds, ive only got room for 5 plants and havent fancied running my free seeds

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
its 42 ttt. if u click on the dog on site that states 50 quid it goes to next screen with price 42. have a look. same for the 30 quid seeds on 2nd screen they 25?
at the check out its the 2nd price. mayb they having teething problems with site?


Well-Known Member
well using the oven for 1st time wat a fuking chew
1st-- main oven woudnt light until clock was set??duh wtf silly
2nd its auto spark so wen u trun it between gas 6 and 9 on main oven its autosparks to ignite which is a chew also,plus u occasionally get the odd spark cliking away
3rd u have to get on the floor to chek if the ovens lit
4th- so many bad reviews on the net its NOT even funny now its like im just waiting for the fucker to break loll
but the reviews wer kinda old so im hoping coz ours in brand new the kinks have been ironed out

so whos that TT on the pic? u and ur proderjae?


Well-Known Member
fear me and you shall receive...
aww fuk of with the jesus shit T mate its fuking sunday giz a break lol never had u down as god squad matey

[h=6]So sad...Please, put this on your status if you have dated, known, or are related to, married to (or divorced from) have children to someone who suffers from being a fucking idiot. We all need to understand, being a fucking idiot is real and must be taken seriously. You could be sitting next to a fucking idiot right now. There is still no known cure for being a fucking idiot, and sympathy does not help. Sometimes a piece of 2x4 to the back of the head helps, but not a lot. But we can raise awareness! 53% won't re-post this because they don't know how to copy and paste!!! ;0)[/h]