favorite serial killers


Active Member
charles manson, though he's not really a serial killer....i am fascinated by that fuckin guy. a genius, but yeah he killed somebody so everyone automatically think he's crazy or some shit...he really was not crazy at all. unless you only know the media half of the story.


Well-Known Member
charles manson, though he's not really a serial killer....i am fascinated by that fuckin guy. a genius, but yeah he killed somebody so everyone automatically think he's crazy or some shit...he really was not crazy at all. unless you only know the media half of the story.
Im more interested in the bodies they havent found yet. A few people claim there are hundreds of bodies in the mountains.


Well-Known Member
charles manson, though he's not really a serial killer....i am fascinated by that fuckin guy. a genius, but yeah he killed somebody so everyone automatically think he's crazy or some shit...he really was not crazy at all. unless you only know the media half of the story.

Did you know him? Tell us more. Do you really think its normal to kill people?.Im not trying to give you a hard time


Active Member
Did you know him? Tell us more. Do you really think its normal to kill people?.Im not trying to give you a hard time
no i didn't know him. no i don't think it's normal to kill people. i hate the fact that he killed those people (technically he didn't kill anyone), but his philosophies and the way he articulated them were pretty damn interesting to say the least.


Ursus marijanus
From what I've heard, his philosophies and the way he articulated them were entirely cynical. He set himself up as God-and-King, "Apocalypse Now"-style, but closer to the mall. cn


Active Member
From what I've heard, his philosophies and the way he articulated them were entirely cynical. He set himself up as God-and-King, "Apocalypse Now"-style, but closer to the mall. cn
thats exactly the fascinating part - he literally got into these girls' minds somehow and literally possessed them...on their own murder trial put up for the death pentalty they were still screaming at the judge protecting manson singing and laughing. during the trial itself...they were being put up to death. thats a lot of power to have over someone elses mind, let alone 30 others.


Ursus marijanus
thats exactly the fascinating part - he literally got into these girls' minds somehow and literally possessed them...on their own murder trial put up for the death pentalty they were still screaming at the judge protecting manson singing and laughing. during the trial itself...they were being put up to death. thats a lot of power to have over someone elses mind, let alone 30 others.
Well, I guess Medieval surgery could also be called fascinating. cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
From what I've heard, his philosophies and the way he articulated them were entirely cynical. He set himself up as God-and-King, "Apocalypse Now"-style, but closer to the mall. cn
That about sums it up, doesn't it? He was lazy messiah wannabe.


Well-Known Member
(pre-emptive fuck you) lol All these sadistically psychotic delusional fucked up pieces of shit do not deserve a shred of thought let alone a whole thread in a forum.

Now though, i'm wondering why people are even interested in murderous raving lunatics. Unless you're a police detective or w/e doing a legitimate investigation i see no point other than extending these killers lives. Most of them wanted to kill for fame .. and you're helping them with that.... lol congrats

Its okay i guess if you want to learn what NOT TO DO in life. but this shit needs to be forgotten, buried and burned. With the families remebered and talked about not the insane fucking mentally retarded serial killer.


Well-Known Member
(pre-emptive fuck you) lol All these sadistically psychotic delusional fucked up pieces of shit do not deserve a shred of thought let alone a whole thread in a forum.

Now though, i'm wondering why people are even interested in murderous raving lunatics. Unless you're a police detective or w/e doing a legitimate investigation i see no point other than extending these killers lives. Most of them wanted to kill for fame .. and you're helping them with that.... lol congrats

Its okay i guess if you want to learn what NOT TO DO in life. but this shit needs to be forgotten, buried and burned. With the families remebered and talked about not the insane fucking mentally retarded serial killer.
I discuss whatever I fancy. And I do it where ever I please.

And there is not squat you can do about it.

So you can ram your 'pre-emptive fuck you' up your corn-hole. lol


Well-Known Member

Ironic statement, given the subject of the thread.

Serial killers are THE biggest "pussies" in society.

Do they select victims that can physically challenge them?

No. They take the pussy way out and choose the weak, because THEY are weak. THEY are pussies.

Do they openly confront their victims?

Usually, no. Instead, they ambush their victims, or try to take advantage of them in a weakened state. In other words, they take the PUSSY way out....because THEY are a bunch of pussies.

Serial killers are either A) mentally deficient or B) big fucking pussies who find it necessary to lash out at the weak to make up for their personal deficiencies.

A celebration of serial killers is nothing more than the celebration of lunatics and pussies.

Which are you?
I do agree with this dude.