F.M.I.L.Y's Grow


Well-Known Member
the auto technically should be flowered under an hps, so this should be interesting to see :) Too bad it isnt a CMH you got there!!


Well-Known Member
the auto technically should be flowered under an hps, so this should be interesting to see :) Too bad it isnt a CMH you got there!!

im gonna flower the autos i got poppin now under the mh. lol. lets see how they do. what were the autos again bc? i cant remember. 4 blue ones and 2 pink ones. lmao. they r designated blue and pink for the time being. :)


Well-Known Member
HR that is my friends set up, he is growing my PLP cross, kind of a test run.

Cougar Kush (I really hope this is a female)




Well-Known Member
hey man what happened to a picture of that beautiful hood in action? ;-) lol. they look good man. i hope that u get some female in that tent. gotta go get some coco and some 2 gallon pots tomorrow for a little project ive started. lol. need me to pick u up anything?


Well-Known Member
im gonna smash 24 seedlings with 2-3 week veg and then toss them into flower. need more coco. lots and lots of coco. lol.
no pics yet still waitin till after i transplant them into the one gallons. hopefully tomorrow. :)