plant is withering away!


i have just transplanted a trimming with good roots, to a bigger pot. then put 150watt hps over it.
its starting to shrivel up and look dead? can i bring it back to life?


Well-Known Member
hurry! give it mouth 2 mouth! pics would help, how close to light, heat, many variables....peace


IMAG0234.jpgit was once in perfect health, once i transplanted and gave stronger light, it went south.
Can i bring it back??


Well-Known Member
ooks dead, it just looks like a leaf stuck in dirt honestly ( not trying to be mean) it looks to young to transplant u want atleast 3 layers of leafs before transplanting or 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
It needs energy to root the clone to make roots and enough leaves to soak up the light give it another go its all part of the learing process

Bayou bud

Active Member
Not to be mean either, but that looks like a plant leaf. Not a clone with a node...

-What is your temps, whats the humidity, whats the medium you put it in, when did you last feed it, what did you feed it, how old was it, what was its ph....

Bayou bud

Active Member
also, when i transplant early, I keep the original lighting used for the smaller pot for a few days first, then introduce more lighting. Becoming accustomed to new soil/pH/nutrients, plus new and very intense lighting, plus refitting the transplanted roots was probably too much for it in one day. Spray new transplants and cuttings with a light foliar spray to stay ahead of the metabolic compensation point.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Do you want to try and save it? Try plain water. How cold does it get there at night? If below 60 cover with cloth. Make a tent, so plant can stand. She is in stress! No more artificial light ok? No more nutes till she gets some roots. We will try and pull this off.


Active Member
looks way to young to be stressing about moving into a pot you need to see good growth before transplanting, also uping the light slowly will help , a good water p h testing kit and yer away at that age they need higher than normal humidity to help the plant stay stress free . :bigjoint::weed:

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
The stock is green I think I could save it. Maybe some old school loving! Course it may not be worth it. I will say some of the saved ones have turned out better than others!
Is that a snake sicken it's head up at the bottom or a new plant? Or am I too stoned again?


Active Member
Did you clone in a humidity dome and then transplant directly into the pot without hardening off the plant first? Plant leaves that develop in high humidity will have thin cell walls so just like adjusting from hot to cold, the plant needs to also adjust from humid to arid


Well-Known Member
Does nobody else notice it was never a is just a leaf...a can't save is a plant tool, not a plant...


Well-Known Member
yea it might have been rooted leaf but that is all it is i see no nodes anywhere. sorrry mate but that is not a plant just a leaf