My SCROG "Grow Cart" on wheels


Well-Known Member
lumberjack mentioned that to me last nite im going to check it is really cool to me i dont think he was neccessarily being mean he is just very against cfls...
I know! Its just not needed, I mean... obviously thats what you were using??! LOVE IT ALL NEEDS TO BE LOVE!!!!!
Enjoy ur day Pink! Imma take my ass in the shower and tend to my sick girlie til her appt. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:.


Well-Known Member people get up in arms so much....was i hating...did i say her plants looked like shit...negative i only said IMO that cfls are not worth there time...she said it her self if i only had hid...6 months on 1 plant unless your gonna harvest a pound plus fromm that plant hen imo its a time waster...she could be growing super dank much faster even with just a 400.....but since everyine gots a problem with suggestions im out this thread...peace az


Well-Known Member
Hey pink - did you say on another thread you started flowering? i can't seem to find the pics - your journal is very, very long :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey pink - did you say on another thread you started flowering? i can't seem to find the pics - your journal is very, very long :mrgreen:
i just started today...I always keep the latest update info in my signature.....Im not happy about flowering as my roomate doesnt want me to use the 400 w hps i got so im a lil bummed about my flowering right now:-|


Well-Known Member
Dont be down. Your tough you can over come I know it. One thing is with the scrog you can keep the cfl very close to everything. Im sure you have said it before but what is the wattage of the cfl?


Well-Known Member
i just started today...I always keep the latest update info in my signature.....Im not happy about flowering as my roomate doesnt want me to use the 400 w hps i got so im a lil bummed about my flowering right now:-|
Truck on Pink! My new pics are up!


Well-Known Member
i have six 100 watt 2700k on trying real hard to not be down but you see I have this complex with being the best and its nearly unbearable for me to know that Im not going to be the best at this...

cool ganja buck ill be by soon.....


Well-Known Member
There are both pros and cons to CFl's and any other light for that matter. You have to take wot you have and create the best you can with it. To be honest I have never seen a grow like yours with wot you have, to me you have far exceeded wot you realisticly should have! Great job! Growing takes ALOT of patients through out the gorw/harvest/cure ect... it all takes time. yes this will take longer then some other forms of lighting but see it through and be patient it will turn out worth while... YES I SAID WORTH WHILE, maybe not a huge harvest but you will have your first one under ur belt, you gain experience and knowledge and application of that to a future grow I consider worth while. use what you have learned so far to maximize your harvest, ie: nutes to help fruit development maybe add more cfl's or like we discussed a t5 perhaps..(you can pick up singles at the depot fyi).. and remember to take time on your curing, one of the most important parts of it all, you can amplify your bud by beign patient thorughout the cure, so even tho you wont have a huge harvest you can still have some yummy tasting, good smelling, smooth smoking ganja... which only can add to the rep of your cfl grow ;-)

Pink,Appreciate your success, most struggle with wot has come so natural to you. grow on chica :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey pink check out my new journal i had to drop my 400 due to heat issues and i just got 3 85watt 3000k cfls and i love em! good luck, i'll be watching even for another six months:joint:


Well-Known Member
Just use a 200/250watt high output professional cfl with a reflector.
If you keep them about 5cm away from the tops of your plants they will give a better yield than a 400 watt hps if you keep the smaller cfl bulbs on as well at the same time.
They give off hardly any heat in comparison to a hps but don't be fooled into thinking they run cold they don't.
These high output cfls with reflectors are really good:blsmoke:
CFL Lights > CFL Grow Lights > High Output CFL Systems