A Newb Grow Journal

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New Member
well...there you go....RIU bans members who contribute tons of info and experience and go out of their way to help other; but turds like this are left to roam free. makes you wonder if the admin is even trying to fair or just running the site like hi own personal game of SIMS.


New Member
well, now they delete his post but they let him stick around without a ban. comes into a grow journal and tells me to go fuck myself but jus gets his post deleted. meanwhile members who actually contribute to this site and go out of their way to help people get banned for disagreeing with the admin.


Well-Known Member
Your shit looks tight enough for breedbay.uk or homegrownbuds.com
I post all over mrnice.nl , hennependesk , cannabisculture , vaporlounge... Now you wanna test strains and find real brothers cannazone or hennependesk - both slightly misspelled


New Member
must have been tough for you to finally show that video to the public. you would think that you learned your lesson but i guess not.


Well-Known Member
will they erase a thread if you ask them to? i want to erase this journal. i am really tired of the double standard on this website and i don't want to share anymore. i think it's unfair how some people in positions of power use that power to make this forum their own little high school drama club. banning members who actually contribute and then doing nothing to people who only try and start trouble. some guys on here threaten people in threads and others use racial slurs and other hate speech and nothing happens to them. i'm really tired of all this bs and i have decided i want to close my thread. i don't want to share or contribute to this forum anymore. i'm going to be like the people in toke n' talk and politics and just try and bait people into arguments with my hate speech. i've gotten nasty messages several times from "higher ups" on this website and they have threatened me and generally just acted like arrogant pricks. i'm tired off the double standard here and the way that this site is run. good people get banned for nothing. shouldn't be about personal opnions. this is supposed to be a collective learning place. seems to me like the admin has no set rules which he follows. rather he sides with anyone who he likes or may contribute financially to this site without any regards for the rules. seems unfair that some people here live by 1 standard and other people are running a muck.
dont let the people on here get you down, the bad people can weigh out the good but you gotta have some sympathy, those mods get bullshit every day sometimes they just get pissed off. if you dont like people, you can always ignore them.


Well-Known Member
Oops misquote sorry;(
Dude starts a thread about what's wrong here after his bro get screwed... Well I like it here so I am bored
i never like to see someone leave over problems with a mod, shouldnt be the reason why someone gets off a forum. nice bud, i dont wanna thread jack this guy though. seems like he already hates RIU enough.


New Member
i never like to see someone leave over problems with a mod, shouldnt be the reason why someone gets off a forum. nice bud, i dont wanna thread jack this guy though. seems like he already hates RIU enough.
i don't hate riu at all. there are some great people on her and some really cool mods and helpful growers. this is the ONLY social networking or grow forum i have ever belonged to. the closests thing i have to my riu account is my yahoo games account so i can play backgammon online. i don't hate riu. i'm fed up though with the way it is run sometimes and the clear double standard in place.


Well-Known Member
i don't hate riu at all. there are some great people on her and some really cool mods and helpful growers. this is the ONLY social networking or grow forum i have ever belonged to. the closests thing i have to my riu account is my yahoo games account so i can play backgammon online. i don't hate riu. i'm fed up though with the way it is run sometimes and the clear double standard in place.
theres gonna be corruption everywhere you go man, if thats you in this picture you should have learned this in the time you served. a good handful of us are good people, these people are the reason i log on to riu everyday, and so i can help out people who want to learn how to grow this marvelous plant. dont let these people discourage you or get to you, thats their goal. keep postin, keep asking for opinions on your grow, no matter who trolls on you. its worth listening to their bullshit, if anything someone will probably call that troll out and embarrass his dumb ass. keep postin man, no matter what. theres people out there who you should help, and theres plenty of people who can also help you on here. riu is a tool that has taught me probably a good 60% of my grow knowledge. i try to pass on whatever family "secrets" i can to help people out as well, the flow of information is vital for cannabis to be recognized, i made it my job to help anyone on here that i can so that marijuana may one day become legal, and if everyone learns how to grow it, hopefully they'll teach a few people, those people will teach a few, and so on. maybe one day all of us will learn how to grow, and nobody will ever have to be arrested over plant matter ever again. i know im not a huge pushing factor in the legalization of mj, but you gotta start somewhere. if that somewhere is teaching someone how to grow a plant on the internet, then so be it. i will do all i can to ensure that this person will learn how to cultivate this plant, and hopefully it will help them as much as it helped me.


New Member
theres gonna be corruption everywhere you go man, if thats you in this picture you should have learned this in the time you served. a good handful of us are good people, these people are the reason i log on to riu everyday, and so i can help out people who want to learn how to grow this marvelous plant. dont let these people discourage you or get to you, thats their goal. keep postin, keep asking for opinions on your grow, no matter who trolls on you. its worth listening to their bullshit, if anything someone will probably call that troll out and embarrass his dumb ass. keep postin man, no matter what. theres people out there who you should help, and theres plenty of people who can also help you on here. riu is a tool that has taught me probably a good 60% of my grow knowledge. i try to pass on whatever family "secrets" i can to help people out as well, the flow of information is vital for cannabis to be recognized, i made it my job to help anyone on here that i can so that marijuana may one day become legal, and if everyone learns how to grow it, hopefully they'll teach a few people, those people will teach a few, and so on. maybe one day all of us will learn how to grow, and nobody will ever have to be arrested over plant matter ever again. i know im not a huge pushing factor in the legalization of mj, but you gotta start somewhere. if that somewhere is teaching someone how to grow a plant on the internet, then so be it. i will do all i can to ensure that this person will learn how to cultivate this plant, and hopefully it will help them as much as it helped me.
well crazy...you are one of the good ones. problem is there aren't enough like you here.


Well-Known Member
well crazy...you are one of the good ones. problem is there aren't enough like you here.
im just doing what people did for me when i got on here, i did have to sort through trolls here and there but the knowledge is well worth it man. after i really got into growing, i guess i realized the only reason i got through a lot of that shit is cause of the people on here.
just talk to the people on here with an open mind and an open heart, its interesting hearing all these peoples stories ya know, you learn from their mistakes also which has improved my growing skills over the years for sure. theres plenty of people like me out there, just havent looked far enough my friend. maybe start fresh with a new journal, pm and id be glad to subscribe. if anyone trolls on you, ill do my best to make them wish they never posted on your thread. it takes more than one person to discourage an asshole usually, they can be so hard headed on here it takes multiple opinions for them to realize they're childish shut ins that only come on marijuana cultivation forums to annoy potheads, which some trolls may find an easier target since most people think of potheads as dumbasses. this fallacy is simply incorrect, im a modest person but i think its safe to say im factual evidence that all potheads arent idiots. hell, steve fuckin jobs smoked pot up till the day he died, and he owned apple.
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