The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]magneto-hydro dynamical activization[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Advantages

  1. Vegetation period decreases by 15-20 days, therefore the crops ripe 15-20 days earlier than normally.
  2. Crop production increases from 15-20% to 100%, and in some cases, even more.
  3. Plant disease rates drastically decrease.
  4. Taste of agricultural products improves.
  5. Approximately 30% less water is used for irrigation
  6. Therefore 30% less energy is used in water pipes.
  7. Sea water (salty water) can be used for watering (from 6-8 thousand PPM inclusive) and for some cultures, very salty water can be used (from 15 thousand inclusive).
  8. By magnetizing seeds before sowing and by irrigating them with magnetic water, the need for crop material decreases by min. 30%.
  9. Average of 30% decrease in fertilizer consumption.
  10. Active soil desalination takes place, increasing crop production year after year.

[/FONT]800px-Magnetic_Water_Treatment.png[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Well-Known Member
Ill be tryin the overdrive for the first time this run im a little hessitant as ti wot im gonna achieve if anythin at all so ill try it on half and half i wont but u know a good pk is better than no pk at all i would nt be without hammerhead in any grow believe me billy ive run same everyrhin accept half with and half without hammer and believe me ill not be doin it again


Well-Known Member
Yah, another convert to the "No need to boost good genetics Club" lol.....I was just saying to cheds, I looked at my booster bottle and just put it back down in the nute box and turned to my frosty wenches and inhaled that dank air!!! Mmmmnnnn, dank air overdrive more like!
Ive heard of people using goats but never chickens.....does it still work the same?? lol We done a little experiment. On the last grow we cut out the Overdrive boost. No difference whatsoever. Same yield


Well-Known Member
Tbh i want to try the gunolok ot wet eva bollox in bat shit it is lol i think its 4eyes that uses it and its fairly cheap lol so i might try that after usin the overdrive see how much of a diffrence it make to the terpines and obviously weight as this is my honestly goal haha


Well-Known Member
Tbh i want to try the gunolok ot wet eva bollox in bat shit it is lol i think its 4eyes that uses it and its fairly cheap lol so i might try that after usin the overdrive see how much of a diffrence it make to the terpines and obviously weight as this is my honestly goal haha
Just put a couple of half bricks in the bottom of the bag. lol Grind a bar of soapbar in it. lol


Well-Known Member
is that the going rate these days....only thing in life that has gone down in price.

I read an article in a magazine years ago called Red Eye. The journalist went out to Morocco to look into the Soap Bar thing. And basically the Soap Bar was actually made in Spain. The decent Moroccan kief and hash is just not economical to send to the UK market, basically because the market is fixed on what they expect to pay (well it was at the time). May be they do the whole process in Morocco now.


Well-Known Member
is that the going rate these days....only thing in life that has gone down in price.

I read an article in a magazine years ago called Red Eye. The journalist went out to Morocco to look into the Soap Bar thing. And basically the Soap Bar was actually made in Spain. The decent Moroccan kief and hash is just not economical to send to the UK market, basically because the market is fixed on what they expect to pay (well it was at the time). May be they do the whole process in Morocco now.
heres a good doc m8................................................[video=youtube;AXCKOThtLnc][/video]


Well-Known Member
howdy bitches,liers,snitches,nobheads,trolls n the few and sparse half decent folk of the uk thread.....

well im of 2night S.A for a month, staying mainly on a game lodge near pretoria but will be spending a fair ol bit of time in cape twn, going to some super casino in some place called sun city spose to be nice?

was smoking some paki black the other day best hash ive had in yrs that not been made by myself or friends, order arrived 0.21g underweight i complained politely 2day later a whole fresh 2.1g arrives a way of apology for the 1st order being underweight lmao gotta love internet drug dealers well i do anyways.............

got the new grow being looked after, doing a kinda tree run 4 vegged n flowered under 1200 for 3wks then flowered in a 1.2x1.2 in a mix up of pots that i found in me cupboard 2x10ltr airpots, 1x 20ltr airpot, 1x 15ltr normal pot.


Well-Known Member
How things folks? Sambo how long did it take for the flake u got off dutchanbod or whatever ye call him, I've been waitin a week now and no joy, so far I've had charis, gold seal and the yellow pollen, the yellow pollen is hard to beat I reckon, had a few White speakers at the weekend and I'm waitin on this flake along with a few acid from America Lol, gotta luv it!!


Well-Known Member
what do you reacon lads I'm setting up a new grow room and i'm going out 2day to get new carbon filter should i get a one 8"rhino filter or two 6"ikon filters which do you think would do the job better :peace:


Well-Known Member
How things folks? Sambo how long did it take for the flake u got off dutchanbod or whatever ye call him, I've been waitin a week now and no joy, so far I've had charis, gold seal and the yellow pollen, the yellow pollen is hard to beat I reckon, had a few White speakers at the weekend and I'm waitin on this flake along with a few acid from America Lol, gotta luv it!!
i never used ductbonnd m8 too new and too dutch for my liking? some1 else CLAIMS to have used him many times but i personaly have not i got from safesecureair,italy and cmg83 the safesecureair was from costa rica but not pure as advertised shithot compared to most the crap in the uk but far from pure, i got a 50% refund on that so the g only ended up costing 32quid from italy (thats his username) it was advertised as cut and was but for 30 a g it was 4x the same quality as uk same price stuff.

from cmg83 it wasnt sniffable more smokable if ya get me meaning and he also gave me a huge sample free off charge of a different product to test.

but dutchboond for 1 i never beleive for 1 minit that it 87% i think thats pretty much as close to pure as u can get by lab shit, theres something about W that ur not ever get it 100% pure, also most test are regents test which is just a colour indercating purity in levels of 5-10% so where he get the 87% lab tested my ring hole lolol

did u fe for it already???

ps try spanishflys paki black best ive had on the road, also recommend them defqons best e's ive had in 10+ yrs


Well-Known Member
Stop diggin at me Sambo, ur like a child. Grow up! Dutchabod stuff is nice. First few times stuff was primo...really euphoric...last batch turned us into space cadets. Didnt really enjoy. Had to take loads of whisky to take the edge off. PM the guy and ask whats what