The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
30 euro a kilo in Rabat, Morocco. £1250 here......defo a mask they are wearing. lol

I can possibly find a batch or 2 for £800-£1000 in a couple of months if anybody's interested.

arrived 0.21g underweight

Where did you get your scales that weigh hundredths of a gram from, does the same firm sell ones that do Micrograms cos I need some?.

what do you reacon lads I'm setting up a new grow room and i'm going out 2day to get new carbon filter should i get a one 8"rhino filter or two 6"ikon filters which do you think would do the job better

8" Rhino because they use the best carbon (I have a 5" Rhino).

from cmg83 it wasnt sniffable more smokable if ya get me meaning and he also gave me a huge sample free off charge of a different product to test.

but dutchboond for 1 i never beleive for 1 minit that it 87% i think thats pretty much as close to pure as u can get by lab shit, theres something about W that ur not ever get it 100% pure, also most test are regents test which is just a colour indercating purity in levels of 5-10% so where he get the 87% lab tested my ring hole lolol

did u fe for it already???

ps try spanishflys paki black best ive had on the road, also recommend them defqons best e's ive had in 10+ yrs

1) I'm not getting my head round this "it wasnt sniffable more smokable if ya get me meaning", Cocaine ISN'T smokeable hence it's name "Coca"-"ine".
An educated guess tells me this statement means you got coke that LOOKS like crack, a white-ish block that had to be nearly shaved in order to snort? (please correct me if I'm wrong).
If this is the case then your shit IS shit.

2) You are mistaking second hand information.
MDMA can not be produced above 84% purity (by the nature of the beast) and pills are tested for the PRESENCE not purity of MDMA with a Reagent indicator liquid (the same stuff you PH test your Cannabis plants water with).

You can get 100% pure Cocaine Hydrochloride or "Fishscale" as it's aka (hence it's name "Coca"-"ine").

"Fishscale cocaine is a refined and comparatively pure form of cocaine. This description was likely inspired by the iridescent sheen that unadulterated cocaine exhibits, which many associate with the shiny appearance of a fish's scales. Unlike impure cocaine which takes on a flat powdery appearance due to various adulterants, "Fishscale cocaine" isn't a powder, but a crystalline alkaloid that has more in common with pharmaceutical grade Cocaine HCL than other "street level" forms of the drug."

In it's pure form Cocaine HCL is incredibly hygroscopic, meaning that it absorbs all the moisture it can from the atmosphere. This property leads the Cocaine being a soft, wet paste.
When buying Coke you usually don't need to get it tested as you can SEE the difference but if a guy says his gear is then I'm sure if you PM him then he will e-mail you a copy of the test report from the lab, only a real noob would try and test the purity of coke with Reagent.

3) I've got chance of some soft black coming as well for £120 oz and when you have the opportunity to buy pure MDMA from the Road that is cheaper AND cleaner, why the fuck would you ever buy pills?
"It's OK boys, you go for a steak I'm happy with a Maccy D's!"

Unless you're buying them to sell on but then it would be still cheaper, cleaner to buy bulk MDMA and some empty gel caps from ebay and fill your own or buy a cheap pill press and make your own?


Well-Known Member
Yorkie u neva smoked a spliff laced with coke or just burned coke??? If not lad you re missin out of course its smokeable pal !!


Well-Known Member
Hahaha coccopuffs lmfao yorkie a fine sprinkle of proper cocaine in spliff or spliff like joint can fuckin mangle u the powder needs to b as fine as if your sniffin pal trust me or it ll get wasted as it wont burn in chunks like it does with crack mate try it its a buzz that mellows u to the seat pal ive smoked many a joint with a sprinkle and tbh loved it

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Yorkie u neva smoked a spliff laced with coke or just burned coke??? If not lad you re missin out of course its smokeable pal !!
Sorry Chedder no it's not.
If you have smoked a joint that you assume to be laced with Coke then I can assure you it wasn't, it was either "Crack" or something completely different.

It's scientifically impossible to smoke Cocaine hence it's name "Coca"-"ine", why do you think we have to mix it with Sodium Bicarbonate to make crack?
Crack Cocaine vapourises at only 90 Celsius where as Cocaine HCL vapourises at something like 190 Celsius and degrades at about the same temp meaning that if smoked it simply burns up without any effect.

It can however be vapourised on tin foil like Heroin if you can get it hot enough.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yorkies bang on here lads, as a former mixer, i can vouch for everything he`s saying when you open a red rubber wrapper(say that three times fast).. the fishscale coke is very different in sheen to street stuff, normally mix egg white and vodka to make the mixed ones shine like them..
Hey guys im new to growing and in need of some advice, my plants are 15inch tall and looking good. My problem being my flowering room growth max is 5ft before they would hit my hps, i know they can grow up to x3 their height they are at now, both are over 2 month old about 10 weeks, 1 a uk blue cheese and the other a northern light. I want to put them into flower but im waiting on my clones to take root then im putting them in there, but if they dont root and my girls are left longer im going to be pushing it for their height getting to much in the flowering roomP4300069.jpgP4300072.jpg the pic on the left is the flowering room the other my veg room id love to hear from you guys this site has been so helpful so far so i have full confidence in my fellow members advice


Well-Known Member
You have several options here I think.
Flower them now and hope the clones root soon. Worse case scenario if they don't you can just take a clone from one of the plants in flower. Yes it is possible, and works just as well.
You could top the plants. This will slow the vertical growth down somewhat. And you will then be faced with 2 main colas. With a cheese hybrid this is always a good thing.
You can train the plant as you require it. Cannabis plants are quite flexible and there are various training techniques (LST - low stress training) for one which you can do to reduce height and control canopy.
From which you could then suggest doing a screen (which you might want to think about for future grows if you plan on doing any). A screen, or SCROG can give excellent results yield wise, and are also great for controlling height.
Just some of the many things you could do....
good luck,


Well-Known Member
Sorry Chedder no it's not.
If you have smoked a joint that you assume to be laced with Coke then I can assure you it wasn't, it was either "Crack" or something completely different.

It's scientifically impossible to smoke Cocaine hence it's name "Coca"-"ine", why do you think we have to mix it with Sodium Bicarbonate to make crack?
Crack Cocaine vapourises at only 90 Celsius where as Cocaine HCL vapourises at something like 190 Celsius and degrades at about the same temp meaning that if smoked it simply burns up without any effect.

It can however be vapourised on tin foil like Heroin if you can get it hot enough.
Haha you ve just contradicted yaself there mate read ya post again !!
Ive been in the white game for aslong as canna pal believe me if u cant smoke it why do peeps do it were not all daft cunts even tho you d like to be right cocaine can be smoked fact read up on sum of the drug sitrs and it ll tell ya straight pal im no dumb cunt were gettin high is concerned if its not smokable it must of been the fag that got me high lmfao jeez just google and im sure you ll change ya mind !!


Well-Known Member
yer can smoke coke on foil or ina spliff im sure we used t put sniff in joints>?
anyways just bought a 14.1mp camera with 8gb mem card for a teenth! fuking bonus now can start takeing some decent shots of me plants,
got 2 more clones cummin tomoz either 2 livers or 2 exo or 1 fo each lmao eitherway2 more to my collection!

yorkie what did u say put in the res matey? fucked if i can remember, 10 litre,.

and that weeds getting better,he started at the bottom of the plant and now wer to the propper buds so that taste has gone and it actaually fucks u up like we sed its a heavy creeper!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Haha you ve just contradicted yaself there mate read ya post again !!
Ive been in the white game for aslong as canna pal believe me if u cant smoke it why do peeps do it were not all daft cunts even tho you d like to be right cocaine can be smoked fact read up on sum of the drug sitrs and it ll tell ya straight pal im no dumb cunt were gettin high is concerned if its not smokable it must of been the fag that got me high lmfao jeez just google and im sure you ll change ya mind !!
You read the post again, there's no contradiction.
This is not a matter of opinion chedder this is science, please point to these drug sites you mention that can give factual evidence not opinion based on speculation because I'm no dumb cunt when it comes to chemistry.

Google it I'm sure you'll change your mind!