The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
Looks like fire!!! How long you run it for? And how's the smell and flavor?

Do you have a full grow report for the Elephant Stomper?
I did a report here: LINK

Mostly with the clone of one because I lost lots of pics and stuff in hack.
I try to run my test plants through Veg in 30 days once they pop.
I do this to sex and get on with it because I have 12 plant limit.

You know how when a plant is fully 'mature' it usually makes better meds?
Well I try to clone anything I think I might want to keep or test futher.
Man am I glad I did this one another round.


New Member
Duct tape fixes everything
After today I am a firm believer myself.

I've never air cooled any of my lights before always ran A/c in the past... but today I bought a new inline fan.. some ducting.. and alot of duct tape.. hangers etc... spent the past four hours down there taping and hanging ductwork.. now two of my hoods are air cooled.. can put my hand right on the glass. nice.


New Member
^ fat right?

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to BatMaN SKuNK again.


no a/c , dead of the summer , basement , air cooled hoods : tops 31c (88 degrees) max heat of the day time w/ nearly 3100w in the space (veg/flower/clone).

smart move dude.
plus mo' amps for play... or even add an ac when needed which'll work less.

a) you true sealed air cooled circuit?
intake from outside ==> in lamps => outside house

b) or like me?
pull from in the grow room => lamps => outside

soon as i re-do my chimney liner i'll have both options easily available.

co2 comming to the party soon.


Active Member
yo cmt how old did you say you let your seedlings get before you flip them for sexing?

edit: i got my elephant stomper and grape 13 yesterday cant wait to pop them, thanks for the pics fat marty i almost decided not to run the e.s. but im definately going to run it !!


Well-Known Member
Gud I was gonna say just wrap her in duct tape. I had to do it when somone shot my cat with a bb gun. Karma, I get all my glass off someone in the riu glass blowing section. He makes custom shit however u want, cheap, paypal. Pm me if u want the name


Active Member
c02 made a huge difference when i started using it last round i ended pulling an all time high out of my 5x10 tent with two 1000w hps and one 1000w mh but the hps were being run on 750 due to temps i ended up getting 5&1/4 puonds off of those 2500 watts!!! co2 and headband is no fucking joke baby the buds were the size of my forearms at 5 weeks lol and i take headband to 11!!

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Sprayed eagle on Sunday. My plants are glowing. I'm so happy that I used that stuff. Two days later my plants look so happy. They looked really good before. But the difference is def there. Thanks again skunkie and batman for advising me to use that stuff.

My plants looking healthy again has me itching to pop. I know I'm popping Bodhis Dirty Sanchez this weekend for the full moon. Might go ahead and pop something else too....

Lastwood I took care of it through a friend already thanks though. Oh and lastwood I think I'll have the g13 back in the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Just bought some myself, tired of fuckin with PM and especially in my mother room. Knock that shit out during veg and spot spray with black sulpher if any problems during flower. I have tossed more than one strain for being too susceptible to pm.


Well-Known Member
pet question...
my gato made this area on his back into a hairless sore.
its healing now & im watching him close.
to "lubricate" the scab, and keep the itching down (which apparantly is CRAZY for him) what can i use?
hey Gud,
i dunno how i missed this. all you need is one of those things that kinda look like satellite dishes for cats and dogs. it snaps right around the neck, and the dish design prevents the animal from being able to bite/lick the sore/wound. they are very cheap, very safe, and much cleaner than any ointment you would apply to the area. as long as its not infected, and doesn't require actual medicine, it will work just fine.

if that didnt make sense, shoot me a PM and ill explain it better or find a pic or something ;)


Well-Known Member
1 Plush confirmed male.

and now the million dollar question, do i kill the PB, or do i let her impregnate some A11G

decisions, decisions.