The Screenhouse 2012


Hey all, havent posted anything on forums in a while but I miss RIU too much to stay away. I woke up this morning and immediately ate 3 big green-tinted cookies :mrgreen: Didn't want to mix soil in the rain. Seeing as the weather has been pretty stupid in my area lately(rainy, high humidity), I just got heavily medicated and figured I should show you guys and gals whats going on so far. I have done dramatic changes to my area since my first outdoor about 3 years ago and invested lots of hard work and $ to make things a bit more fullproof. Ive built a screenhouse but more on that later. Got off to a rather slow start due to using straight light warrior for my seedlings, could be the strain but I could tell the babies needed some N so I quickly got them out from under the flouros & into their five gallon pots with ocean forest and worm castings, they seemed to respond well. Im running supplemental lighting from 730 to like 9 to make sure they dont flower, some are sexing already. I did a lot of starts this year to ensure some selection of best females, 9 will be chosen and transplanted into holes in the ground. The strains are skunkXsage by TH seeds and sleestackXskunk(the resinator) by seedsman. Ive had trouble with certain types of strains in my particular area and these 70% sativa leaning skunks have given me good results with less headache. Dont mean too ramble I just like to be thorough and love when the summer starts. I wish everyone a good outdoor season!
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Well-Known Member
Tight let's see the inside of the screenhouse broseph + reeeeeeepppppppp
Looks big like what I am gonna do this year;)


Last year was pretty crazy, I never stop learning things about growing, and I certainly never stop encountering new problems lol We built the screenhouse during veg of the 2011 season because after my first two grows years ago, we realized we simply could not grow in this area unless we managed the budworm situation. Only solution: build structure that wont allow moths and butterflies to even lay their eggs on your plants! So I went all out and did it. And that problem was taken care of, 100% success no caterpillars! Warning though the screenhouse was a bitch to build, well putting the netting on was ridiculous haha and it was pretty expensive. Theres always something else to worry about though in the outdoors. Last year my plants got either some form of mosaic virus or leaf blight/septoria/rust in mid flowering, I believe some form of mosaic is the culprit. For the most part the flowers were not affected except for like 2-3 plants, and the harvest was still great, but no doubt it affected the health of all the plants but some plants were much worse than others. I fear I may have to battle it again this year it appears out of nowhere, but it aint gonna stop me from growing hell no :twisted:. Last year I had 18 plants in 30&45 gallon smartpots, I didnt like the smartpots. Im lazy too so i've yet to put a real door on the structure yet, gonna do that soon. The structure is about 20'x18'

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Yeah fuck those budworms here is a little greenie I use
Very nice bro, yours looks pretty stealthy too. Its soo nice to not have to worry about the caterpillars huh? like I said I wouldnt be able to grow w/o taking major losses if I didnt build this thing. Spraying with bt can only do so much in my area.


Well-Known Member
Dude nice!!! That thing is titties;)
So here is my insight use tricoderma hazrioum 22 (t-22) it will help with any and all issues of a fungal nature
Now also soil drench and foliar with Bt bacteria to protect aginst bad Bactria too .
I use both on everything I grow just cuz then I know what is in my riosphere.
Mosaic I'd guess is not the culprit unless you had massive leaf drop I think it is lockout from underwatering it happens so fast with smartpots outside <<< just a guess from ten years of this
Now I say if your sure it is a blight or virus ditch all the dirt and chop up the floor of the screenhouse fiveinches down and import new soil from a local composter....
Just my .02 I grew tobacco right next to my cannabis and it destroyed the gnats and anything else that messes with Mary Jane tobacco is good and bad for carrying blights too... As well as tomatos


Well-Known Member
Joe, tobacco can cause -tobacco mosaic virus- which can infect other species. I've seen it decimate an entire five acres of zucchini. The mosaic virus doesn't cause leaf drop. It twists, contorts, and causes minor looks of variagation in the leaves, and virtually puts a stop on all flowers.

I've actually got one over here with it.(BSB/mosaic virus) I believe it happened at transplant, I was smoking a cigar at the time and mustve spat apiece of tobacco into the soil. And that's all it takes. You don't think the tobacco companies are going to remove the affected product do ya ?


Well-Known Member
Zig, nice tuff goin down. Do what ya do.

I like your screen roll down happening over there too joe.
Wasnt no attack or anything.


Dude nice!!! That thing is titties;)
So here is my insight use tricoderma hazrioum 22 (t-22) it will help with any and all issues of a fungal nature
Now also soil drench and foliar with Bt bacteria to protect aginst bad Bactria too .
I use both on everything I grow just cuz then I know what is in my riosphere.
Mosaic I'd guess is not the culprit unless you had massive leaf drop I think it is lockout from underwatering it happens so fast with smartpots outside <<< just a guess from ten years of this
Now I say if your sure it is a blight or virus ditch all the dirt and chop up the floor of the screenhouse fiveinches down and import new soil from a local composter....
Just my .02 I grew tobacco right next to my cannabis and it destroyed the gnats and anything else that messes with Mary Jane tobacco is good and bad for carrying blights too... As well as tomatos
Thanks for your insight on that Joe. I will look into the t-22. I used bt in the past but only as a foliar when I had budworms. I definitely can't say forsure that it was mosaic but I did get massive leaf drop. What makes me think mosaic is that I sometimes get the crinkle, or twist leafs, very subtle but many say its a tell tale sign for mosaic. At the same time ive heard that small leaf mutations can be heat stress and it gets hot where I grow. My first 2 years growing in the location I never had anything even remotely close to what happened last year(3rd year), just vibrant green all throughout season. Its one of those things where I stressed out soo much and read so much on the internet trying to figure it out that by the end your just as confused as when you started. It could have also been extreme salt build up, and yeah the smarties did not do well in my SoCal climate, i just didnt like them at all. My plants are always healthier when they are in the ground. The rust and crazy blotches showed up in literally like 4 days in mid flower and then it kept getting worse. I had just major leaf blight and some of the really sickly plants had brownish green stems that seemed to creep. Could have also been leaf spot disease. Anyways I appreciate your advice Joe, you definitely recognize the symptoms im speaking of. This year I rototilled the whole greenhouse floor about 2 ft deep and the plants are going in giant holes only filled with new soil because I fear the soil outta last years smarties is no good. Also im mixing some crab shell 2-3-0 in my soil because ive heard it has benefits against diseases and fungal problems. So im taking precautions, just not gonna worry about it too much, this year im just gonna try and have fun. I have tons of pics I attached some you can see how it just mauled my fan leaves last year lol

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Well-Known Member
Nice Zig!!! That screenhouse is smart! Nice ventilation but still ultimate protection :D! Should be a bountiful season I'm sure I'll learn quite a bit, I'm subbed.


Well-Known Member
Dude wow !! For getting attacked they still look big and phat!
Did you check the rootball per chance? I over amended and overeferted it caused salts to build up and locked out in a few sensitive ones rare but happens..

Now I ment to say you would NOT have mosaic if you HAD massive leaf drop as it causes twisting .
CROWN rot or root rot from under then over watering or burying your rootball too deep...
I am not saying anything like that happened just going over posable senarios as this one has me stumped..
Now I have a few sativias that as they ripen they defoliate fast! It's strange a-13 being one ( but I still got a six footer of it vegging to go out the 15th .
Glad your attitude is right for sum feel good cronic;) have a great year..

Edit: from the pics I see it is a watering issue I watered at my norcal outdoor spot twice a week at first but never got the 15 footers the neighbors got then I watered everyother day holy shit the difference is crazy big mutha fuckers top three inches dry ? I water outdoors ... In 500 gallon 4x4x4 boxes


Well-Known Member
+rep and subbed, looks like you are off to a great start! I am also curious to where you got the screen and how much it costed. I am very concerned about budworms where I live as just having the back door open a few hours allowed moths to lay eggs on my indoor plants, cant imagine how bad outdoor would be with no screens