Which lamp should i buy?


Hello everyone,
I have build kinda of hut and the sizes are :
length: 125 c"m
width : 90 c"m

which lamp should i buy?
I have 4 plants they already on 4 week they about 15-17 c"m, I grow "Early misty"
I grew them before outdoor and now i decdied to grow indoor.


Well-Known Member
4ft t5 light i swhat i would go with im not much for converting cm, but i think if the room is 125cm thats more than 48inchs.

i would go with a 4 bulb or 6 bulb t5 and SOG if your growing early misty


can you please explain what is "4 bulb" "6bulb" "t5"?
And about SOG, It when you brake the branch and another one branch grows?


Active Member
why not use an HID light and get max yield? u want to use T5 cause if u got good ventiliation u shud pick up a 400w HPS/MH thts perfect for tht space.


Active Member
can you please explain what is "4 bulb" "6bulb" "t5"?
And about SOG, It when you brake the branch and another one branch grows?
T5s are tube florescent there high output. better than ur normal T8 shop light

SOG means alotta little plants crammed under the light to create a "sea of green"


Well-Known Member
if you cant goole simple terms you dont need to grow. as far as the guy above goes, well i dont know much about him but a t5 for veg is an all around better light. not knocking HID i use it and love it, but t5 is some killer shit on plants under 2 ft


Active Member
Agreed with the simple terms statement. You should at least know basics before entering the battlefield. T5's are wonderful for veg. Still using 2 (4bulb) pioneer jrs at the moment and wouldn't switch no matter what. But for flower is a different story. Weight, girth, size and overall strength of plant Is increased when using at least a 400 watt. With that said, idk if same for others but under t'5s, plants are very healthy and eazy to maintain. Can't back it up with scientific equations and all that bullshit but with personal exp, the t5'w stayed green even through week 8 of flowering when bids show at least one sign before half way. Unless your one of these perfect growers, a's we have a lot that think they are lmao


Active Member
Hello everyone,
I have build kinda of hut and the sizes are :
length: 125 c"m
width : 90 c"m

which lamp should i buy?
I have 4 plants they already on 4 week they about 15-17 c"m, I grow "Early misty"
I grew them before outdoor and now i decdied to grow indoor.
I have a box around that size and i run a 600w HPS Dual spectrum, i would advise the same as long as you have a good enough extractor fan (like 240 cfm is good). Temps stay around 22c and may spike to 25c if its hot. If you don't want the 600w a 400w is not bad, temps are the same as the 600.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Kush2180:7378111 said:
Hello everyone,
I have build kinda of hut and the sizes are :
length: 125 c"m
width : 90 c"m

which lamp should i buy?
I have 4 plants they already on 4 week they about 15-17 c"m, I grow "Early misty"
I grew them before outdoor and now i decdied to grow indoor.
I have a box around that size and i run a 600w HPS Dual spectrum, i would advise the same as long as you have a good enough extractor fan (like 240 cfm is good). Temps stay around 22c and may spike to 25c if its hot. If you don't want the 600w a 400w is not bad, temps are the same as the 600.
Naw, a 600 is about 6 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than a 400 in a 4x4 tent.


Active Member
Naw, a 600 is about 6 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than a 400 in a 4x4 tent.
It massively depends on your extractor fan as to how much hotter the 600 is. If you have a 250cfm fan or higher then ambient room temps will not be affected. However if you have no extractor fan then yes the 600 will run hotter.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Kush2180:7378836 said:
Naw, a 600 is about 6 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than a 400 in a 4x4 tent.
It massively depends on your extractor fan as to how much hotter the 600 is. If you have a 250cfm fan or higher then ambient room temps will not be affected. However if you have no extractor fan then yes the 600 will run hotter.
with a 190 cfm extractor my cab ran 6 degrees hotter with 600 vs 400.