cfl soil grow


Well-Known Member
WOW! Mine have crystals on the leaves started when when I began flower. But not like that!! Your leaves are so shiny....and that means HEALTHY :)

Gonna be some sticky ladybud I betcha :)


Well-Known Member
I hope they are, sure is starting to smell good too. Almost hate for the day to come that I have to cut them down, but it is what they are growing for.


will some 1 help me i just planted germinated seeds last night at 1 and the only bulbs i got are 14 watt cfls i asume those wont work so will some 1 tell if they will or not cuz im getting real paranoded that i wont be aqble to recover the seeds soon


Well-Known Member
first of all if you just germ'd give it some time to pop out. second get more lights, and make them bigger like 23 or higher. make sure they are 65k and throw in a couple 27k. let the little thing grow as you don't need the light till it pops. just keep it warm and moist not soaked or drownding.


Well-Known Member
Yes....warm and moist. NOT bright and soaked. On top of the fridge with a dome on top....and don't open it for 3 days, and then BANG!!!! You'll have sprouts!


Well-Known Member
I hope they are, sure is starting to smell good too. Almost hate for the day to come that I have to cut them down, but it is what they are growing for.
I cried a little when I cut my first babies down....wasn't that long ago :(
I miss!


Well-Known Member
can't see your attachments?? I'm sure they are looking oh so yummy :) I love the smell I get from a little stem like a roll of lifesavers ;) 2 of mine smell like wild mountain blueberries. Great Job!!!