Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner


from that link
I'm not sure what that has to do with the issue (Hasn't been a problem anyway, as a vacuum pulls the water out), other than the fact that yes it's possible I am pulling water in the extraction. But I use frozen material and cans that have been in the freezer so there is little free water to be pulled... I do believe you've already answered my question as i thas happened when not running fresh material also, it only happens on the large scale, ie, as you said, spraying too much fluid and having too much fluid in the pan...


I think this is funny, mostly because Rize calls it Light Fluid Extract, and I call it Gas Canister/Cartridge Extract... Wouldn't light fluid technically be naphtha, or rather a mix of light hyrdrocarbons? like the stuff I don't put in my zippo cause I never use it anymore, or what I start a bbq or a forest fire with... (kidding about the forest fire)

Also if I'm not mistaken it's a lil closer to 30 or 40 miles from here, but you got the general idea spot on!

You know gasoline contains a wonderful mix of solvents like butane, hexane, toluene and xylene among others...

And you know, in Mr. Rize's defense, he DID go to school for these things, I am just a *dummy* who is mostly self taught and reads nigh constantly...

No hate here, just love, especially love of irony and funny situations.


Never heard of putting the butane in the freezer before use either.......
I do it to keep everything cold as possible because cold butane stay liquid longer, also cold solvents pull less polar molecules than warm solvents, which matters little in the case of a solvent that comes out cold...

I know Jump uses frozen butane but he uses the aforementioned thermos method, in which case cold butane helps to keep it liquid in the thermos for longer.

In my experience, side by side, cold cans vs room temp or warmed cans have a bit lower pressure, but take longer to expel all the gas. Warmed cans have the most pressure coming out, but less of the butane makes to the end of the tube as a liquid.

But mostly I do it on the asumption that, like other solvents, the colder it is the less polar it is. And the finished products do come out a little different, though hardly noticable to most, it's like talking an increase in potency *MAYBE* of end product from 85% to 90% for example...


Graingers should have the supplies you need to adapt the tank. I can link you with my tami knock off guy if you want.
You've got a Tami knockoff in the area? That like the one Shatter Bro's use? I could fab my own but it'd take a lot of work so I'd rather have someone do it for me. Link me in a PM or something if you please.


@sr verde yeah whys it so black? @reserchkitty I have the same glass tube wondering what kind of return your getting? I started at 8 grams from a qp to like an 8th an oz


Well-Known Member
@sr verde yeah whys it so black? @reserchkitty I have the same glass tube wondering what kind of return your getting? I started at 8 grams from a qp to like an 8th an oz
All depends what you put in it. We generally run the "junk" that you cant really sell. Now that our grow is over, we will likely run nugs, unless we can find a junk source. :-) If your herb is 15% goin in, you'll get 15% goin out generally.........

Matt Rize

you gotta join the dark side (fbook) so i can link yall up. i can't just give out phone numbers like that. just make up an email and name, then hit me up.


Glassblowing Moderator
RIZE... How do I get this N-butane to come out not syrup? Not enough pressure to extract. It's like a faucet is turned on, not a can of tane blasting.. help..


you gotta join the dark side (fbook) so i can link yall up. i can't just give out phone numbers like that. just make up an email and name, then hit me up.
Lol, I'm already on facebook, you never respond to messages, just comment chains haha, you're even tagged in the pic that is my avatar... But I'm not trippin lol


RIZE... How do I get this N-butane to come out not syrup? Not enough pressure to extract. It's like a faucet is turned on, not a can of tane blasting.. help..
Would you not rather have a liquid solvent than a gaseous solvent given the choice? I could be wrong, but I do believe butane works better, as a solvent, in liquid form...


Active Member
Would you not rather have a liquid solvent than a gaseous solvent given the choice? I could be wrong, but I do believe butane works better, as a solvent, in liquid form...
I would think he is having pressure issues. The solvent is probably not moving through the extraction tube. Also, it being in a liquid form would greatly increase the time it takes to evaporate. *Just my critical thinking, I have not used N-tane*

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I feel like if you could take N butane from Airgas, and simply spray it into a regular open ended tube there wouldn't be a market for Tamisium Extractors.

I have ZERO background in PURE-N-butane extractions, but I could ONLY imagine that you would have to put it into a container, and pressurize the Nbutane somewhat in order to spray it out as a gas. IF that's even possible. Then that's what makes me think of the Tami system, as it basically IS that.


Active Member
Wow just read all of this forum!! Took me about a week!! (cuz I'm lazy as fuuu) Can't wait to try the frozen bud and Tane technique I just learned from you guys!! Thanks again for all the dope websites and concepts and what not!! This is probably the most informative forum I've ran into yet! Y'all have made my product grade a!! Vac purge is in the mail as I type! xD