Roots organic vs Super soil


Active Member
ok, I have been useing super soil mixes and it makes DANK, But I am seeing really nice results from Roots organic soil, with a tea or two added during the cycle....

Going on the thorey of Less is more, just roots organic is LESS than super soil.

I know super soil dosne't need any nutes, it is plant and grow, but what I am seeing is by starting in just roots than adding a Fraction of the ingerdanints for super soil (smaller contaner too) that the plants are just as happy .

and you dont have to worry about the soil running out of fuel (because you feed it)

am i making any sense here??? I anit dissing super soil , it just seams there is to much stuff being added to a already amended soil. The only thing i dont know about is the TASTE of the meds, Super soil has produced the best tateing meds (organic Fade)I have had.

I was just thinking useing HAlf the soil and brew teas with half the additives.

Correct me if i am wrong?????????????/


Well-Known Member
Really depends on how you want to feed your plants and what with. I like feeding with a large variety of different nutrient sources and that is harder to do via teas as you are limited to water soluble amendments.

Of course constant feeding with water soluble nutes works - it is how most people in this industry grow.


Well-Known Member
i used to use a lightly ammended roots soil, and then used teas throughout.......then i went with ss......i get much better results with a properly made ss......and much easier imho.....nugs


Active Member
ok, i just got done campareing BURMESSE KUSH , one in super soil made with happy frog, VS roots organic soil feed once. The super soil made it frostyer, denser buds, more dankyness smell, but less over all weed smell, super soil made it stickery, but the guy that used the roots yealded more.


Active Member
i used to use a lightly ammended roots soil, and then used teas throughout.......then i went with ss......i get much better results with a properly made ss......and much easier imho.....nugs
my issue with super soil came from Trying to veg a plant a extra month to get more yeaild, but it faded to much and accualy yeailded less than the plant that was vegged a month less. as on a feeding scudule you would still be feeding it that extra month. ... i vegged two ACE OF SPADES, one for 3 months and the other for 4 and the one at 3 months produced more weed.


Well-Known Member
you definately have to hit "peak fuel" just right with ss......thats why i only veg a max of 20 days after transplanting into 7 gal smarties......fade begins at week six right on dressing works pretty good with an early fade.


Well-Known Member
my issue with super soil came from Trying to veg a plant a extra month to get more yeaild, but it faded to much and accualy yeailded less than the plant that was vegged a month less. as on a feeding scudule you would still be feeding it that extra month. ... i vegged two ACE OF SPADES, one for 3 months and the other for 4 and the one at 3 months produced more weed.

Why couldn't you just top dress it with some super soil part way through flowering (as nugbuckets already pointed out)?

I am going to be giving super soil a go once I can find some comparable vegan replacements for blood meal, bone meal, etc. Would that still be considered "super soil"? :-)