Left-handers are more quick and intelligent than Right-handers. FACT


New Member
Look that shit up. Google that shit. Do whatever the fuck you want. But people that are left-handed are scientifically more quick-witted and intelligent than RIGHT-handed people.

If you want to compare as far as musicians, AND MUSICIANS ARE THE MOST INTELLIGENT PEOPLE ON THE PLANET AS FAR AS "BRAIN CIRCUITRY" goes, just look at Mozart, Hendrix and Cobain.

Albert Einstein was left-handed, as well as Bill Gates.


Edit: I did not include sports figures, so look that up yourselves.


rofl :lol:

Don't forget McCartney. A leftie pulling off basslines like this, not gonna argue with the genius theory.



Steve French

Well-Known Member
Those style of Rickenbacker's have got to be the ugliest guitars out there. And it's even worse when you consider the ridiculous price someone had to pay to buy it.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
left handers are also more likely to suffer from schizophrenia or dyslexia. they are also die earlier than their right handed counterparts and have higher risks of developing chronic diseases. just saying.


Well-Known Member
Look that shit up. Google that shit. Do whatever the fuck you want. But people that are left-handed are scientifically more quick-witted and intelligent than RIGHT-handed people.

If you want to compare as far as musicians, AND MUSICIANS ARE THE MOST INTELLIGENT PEOPLE ON THE PLANET AS FAR AS "BRAIN CIRCUITRY" goes, just look at Mozart, Hendrix and Cobain.

Albert Einstein was left-handed, as well as Bill Gates.


Edit: I did not include sports figures, so look that up yourselves.
Soooo...which one are you then?:rolleyes:

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
It is not all left handed people, It is just that Left handed people have a higher percentage of geniuses... Left handed people are also more likely to be insane...


Well-Known Member
Look that shit up. Google that shit. Do whatever the fuck you want. But people that are left-handed are scientifically more quick-witted and intelligent than RIGHT-handed people.

If you want to compare as far as musicians, AND MUSICIANS ARE THE MOST INTELLIGENT PEOPLE ON THE PLANET AS FAR AS "BRAIN CIRCUITRY" goes, just look at Mozart, Hendrix and Cobain.

Albert Einstein was left-handed, as well as Bill Gates.


Edit: I did not include sports figures, so look that up yourselves.
i think you meant quicker and more intelligent, not "more quick and intelligent" :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
well what if your ambidextrous? Do you get the worst of both or the best of both,meaning mental problems or physical,or are there more benefits than problems with being ambidextrous?