1st Week. How do my babies look?


Active Member
Just got these plants into their new home, so far a couple are looking pretty good I think.
Just want to try and get some more opinion, I know it's kind of early.

Germinated 6 White Widow seeds.
Cup of water 2:30pm last friday.
Paper towel saturday 2:30pm.
Monday night planted seeds.
Seeds had germinated so much the seed shell was pushed off a couple roots, 4 roots were it least an inch long. Very successful germination.
Wendesday now picture was just taken, so far I would say doing okay.



Very nice. I just transplanted my first to a 1.5 gallon pot. I lost 4 out of 5 during germination. Im about 25 days in. It can be intimidating. But your rockwool should transplant nicely. Good luck. Ps is this ur first?


Active Member
Yes very first grow.

Very nice. I just transplanted my first to a 1.5 gallon pot. I lost 4 out of 5 during germination. Im about 25 days in. It can be intimidating. But your rockwool should transplant nicely. Good luck. Ps is this ur first?


Active Member
lookin like you've got some healthy babies there. satisfying when they pop that well.
good luck on the first grow mate.