FlowaMasta'a NEW Jack H x Skunk - 1 Plant 600HPS + UVB Monster Scrog!!!

I like the sound of the xbox in 3D. Hey I have a question for you flow if you don't mind. If I were to use a 5L bucket with the same setup as you, do you think it would get root bound? I'm thinking/ hoping perlite would be less dense than soil and have more room for roots compared to soil. Also I am thinking of drilling very small but often holes in the perlite bucket to avoid pot socks, not for the expense , but for other reasons. All these questions would be answered from trial, but would like your opinion.
Your monsters going great, I recon it's exploded in the last week.


Active Member
below, yeah it will get root bound for sure, i wouldnt do top feed to recycle in anything under 20 litre, i run a 50/50 perlite/coco mix, but feed and grow in the same way as flowa, heres my babies at the moment, Mid Wk 6 Flower ;

Looking good haze, you have a lot of trichs going on. Cheers for the info. I was hoping to save space. Do you also double net? I have a single net, but think there must be greater control with a second.


Well-Known Member
Does it really look as good as the 3D movies?
it's not as good as true 3d like cinema 3d or True3D but its still great!

[420]Haze;7416492 said:
Flowa, ill go you one even better, within 2 years there will be a HD 3D TV on the market that doesnt require any glasses to watch it in 3D, i was lucky enough to see a prototype thats under R&D by a well known manufacturer at a trade show this week, fucking awesome !
Theres a catch though, when most think of 3D, they think back to the days of the cinema movies where you wore the blue/red paper glasses and objects etc would jump out at you, well, these days, all 3D does is give you the "depth of field", this new TV utilizes layering, its wickedly wild.
awesome Haze! you are a lucky guy, i have heard of such things, and can't wait for the tech to become commercial....


Well-Known Member
I like the sound of the xbox in 3D. Hey I have a question for you flow if you don't mind. If I were to use a 5L bucket with the same setup as you, do you think it would get root bound? I'm thinking/ hoping perlite would be less dense than soil and have more room for roots compared to soil. Also I am thinking of drilling very small but often holes in the perlite bucket to avoid pot socks, not for the expense , but for other reasons. All these questions would be answered from trial, but would like your opinion.
Your monsters going great, I recon it's exploded in the last week.
thanx man! i agree with Haze, if you want big plants bigger pot is always better. i could even go bigger, but you know what? i can't find any bigger, and being of high grade durable UV resistant plastic, u just cant beat it, they will last forever.

Looking good haze, you have a lot of trichs going on. Cheers for the info. I was hoping to save space. Do you also double net? I have a single net, but think there must be greater control with a second.
Haze uses 3 nets :) i've been lazy, my second net is going in tonight, i only use 2


Well-Known Member
[420]Haze;7416540 said:
below, yeah it will get root bound for sure, i wouldnt do top feed to recycle in anything under 20 litre, i run a 50/50 perlite/coco mix, but feed and grow in the same way as flowa, heres my babies at the moment, Mid Wk 6 Flower ;

Haze, Pro work mate, you been keepin quiet, and busy i bet, what a gorgeous full tent man, nice long colas!! you got your wish!, even better looking than your last grow :) mid week 6 ey looking frosty as hell. A1 work Rep if i can!


Well-Known Member
Hey Flowa! Ive been inspired by your grow and have started setting up the same type of system :) ill send through some pics tomorrow :D


Well-Known Member
Hey Flowa! Ive been inspired by your grow and have started setting up the same type of system :) ill send through some pics tomorrow :D
good to heap Gorbzzz! what you like her growth rate or sumthin??? ;)

pic time day 27 vegging, and well. FUCK THIS SHIT, I'm flippin tomorrow, let her do a bit more stretch in flower, this girl is going a bit more mental than i thought, and plenty big enough for my liking!! i had to tuck and weave some tips, as they shot up to the light last night, and seems to have exploded underneath the canopy, i may have upwards of 40 heads from what i can count soo far!!

I went out today with my better half, and snapped some wildlife pics aswell, found a few koalas stoned out of their brain on eucalyptus lol

and some wild life :) I gotta say, these shots of this Koala were not easy at all!! he was at the top of the tree you can see of that tall pic, i had to use full optical zoom on my samsung WB150F (for those interested) and the image stabalizer was working overtime, very hard to be steady and click the button, and hold a good exposure time of this koala, as it was totally against the light...very tricky, i had to edit around to add some contrast, he was a good 30 metres away munching away lol, had to snap him, he reminded me, of me!! :)



Well-Known Member
Haha i love everything mate! I went out and spent $100 on supplies and got cracking! Ive made the same setup as yours but ive made 2 of them :)


Well-Known Member
Also, the hydro shop owner told me too feed 15 mins on 15 off, what you think to that? Looks to me your way isnt doing too bad!


Well-Known Member
Also, the hydro shop owner told me too feed 15 mins on 15 off, what you think to that? Looks to me your way isnt doing too bad!
i don't see an issue with that, it depends on the pot sizes, mine gives it a more drying off time, so probably more oxygen, but if you pre-oxygenate your nutes, same deal. Maybe try it and see, if it looks wilted an unable to transpire, back it off and feed less often. i do both, i don't have to run an airstone, but i think every bit helps.

heaps glad i have inspired you man! great to hear, and good luck with everything, and keep me posted ofcourse


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah its pretty hard not to be inspired from what you do, your pics play with my head how fast they grow! I cant wait to get started hey, the system is running atm with just PH'ed water to make sure all the perlite dust is gone and that the system is running fine, Im just waiting on some seeds and ive also got some clones going but they might be too small to survive so the seeds might be the go. :)



Well-Known Member
Haha yeah its pretty hard not to be inspired from what you do, your pics play with my head how fast they grow! I cant wait to get started hey, the system is running atm with just PH'ed water to make sure all the perlite dust is gone and that the system is running fine, Im just waiting on some seeds and ive also got some clones going but they might be too small to survive so the seeds might be the go. :)

i would love to see seed run in my system!! rockwool would be helpful, as then you already have a nice little rootball inside the block, and once it hits that perlite it will want to grow straight down!! :) perlite is killer , bloody love the shit


Well-Known Member
yeah ive got rockwool cubes handy already, the strain is great white shark - ment to be a huge yield :bigjoint: yeah perlites awesome cant believe how light it is, weights pretty much nothing! not like when the buckets were full of water almost breaking my back lifting the fuckers


Well-Known Member
yeah ive got rockwool cubes handy already, the strain is great white shark - ment to be a huge yield :bigjoint: yeah perlites awesome cant believe how light it is, weights pretty much nothing! not like when the buckets were full of water almost breaking my back lifting the fuckers
soo true, but you wait !! she might weigh nothing now, but make sure you have good support underneath!! cause at the end of my harvest she weighs a good 30-40kgs compared to the 8kgs to start with !! the root system will shock you man, i'll see if i can find an old pic of the root system

this is a 50 litre pot sock, nearly overgrown in 86 days total lol!!! soil root systems wouldn't come close to that, ive seen some big ones, but this is ALOT of waste, and have to be very careful of disposal ofcourse.....

and just some nice last grow shots before i harvested, just for old times sake!



Well-Known Member
I only got all the stuff for it today so ive just hooked it up to see what it will look like in the end, Ill prob get a new rez and cut the return hoses down. Just was excited to see it all together :P

The lower buckets are nothing, there just keeping the hempy's above the rez level.



Well-Known Member
I only got all the stuff for it today so ive just hooked it up to see what it will look like in the end, Ill prob get a new rez and cut the return hoses down. Just was excited to see it all together :P

The lower buckets are nothing, there just keeping the hempy's above the rez level.
you got the idea mate. spot on. those 5 gal buckets? be fine for 2 i guess :) great to see someone actually understanding by what i mean by raising the pots above res level, my mate didnt believe me....root rot.

Another good thing is to put a tap on the bottom for your return, makes flushing a breaze. i just close it off after running through for 10 mins, fill the pots with florakleen and fresh water. purge, and replace


Well-Known Member
yeah mate 25 litre buckets, I had to go to bunnings for the perlite and the old bird at the counter goes "oh i havent seen this before what do you use this for?" I couldnt think for shit! i was like uhhhhhh GROWING PLANTS haha then i felt like everyone was looking at me :dunce: