5/5 males :(


Active Member
so im not feeling to good at thiis precise moment more upset then MAD. ihad 5 vortex fom subcool. i had 5 nice healthy plants trained to the max. veg for 7 weeks flipped them 10 days ago to 12/12 everyone of them ballsacked UP. i new i was bound to get at least 1 male but all 5 jeeze. They definitely wer the best plants i grew this was my third grow. so can they be useful for apart from breeding.? i kinda had a feeling in veg because they didn't even show there twathairs (pistils) thanks RIU at least i can come here to grieve


Active Member
damn brooo..nothing u can do but collect the pollen if u plan to make some seeds urself. other than that there helpless. sorry man really sucks all that hard work i cudnt imagine..im pissed when i waste nutes and time on even 1 male!


Active Member
well im glad someone happy :). it just kind depressing after all this effort.i hever had a male before and i use regular seeds so there allways a risk but they all landed at once.


Well-Known Member
well that sux... sorry to hear...

a good way to increase chances of not wasting those couple of months you did, is to try and either cover up a branch to test them early...

or just popping 10-20 at a time then you get your pick of the litter so to speak and can just "weed" out the undesired males and or bad pheno's...

and VERy rarely will all 20 ever be males... ;) still could happen though, and then you might say... damn ive got some bad luck lol ;)


Well-Known Member
I have Vortex too man, sucks to hear all five went male. I didn't germinate mine yet. I'm gifting them to my girlfriend who's getting her card soon. I was worried that would happen to me so I grew some feminized OG #18, Super Silver Haze, and Lemon Skunk instead. I'm hoping to get a pair from my pack of Vortex seeds just to make more seeds.

If you know any place that sells clones you might want to try asking them if they're interested in a male in exchange for a female clone. If someone came to me with a high profile strain, male or female, I'd look into it.


Active Member
thanks for support guys and cannofbliss i will definitely be taking your advice on popping several at a time. peace


bud bootlegger
talk to the man via TGA, from whence you purchased the seeds, an' work it out.
yah, try to talk to subcool over at his site.. i was reading in one of his threads where he advised someone else to do the same thing rather then bitching about it over the internet..not that i'm saying that you are, just saying what he told someone else for a different reason..


Active Member
@vindicated yeh i hear ya bro but i live in the uk so there would be no chance that anyone i know would be interested in nothing but strate herb and it illegal here so there would be no trading lol but nether the less good idea


Active Member
thanks for that link racerboy71 just filled it in and explained the situation. on the bright side i do have 5 FEM lemonator germing from Nextgeneration seeds will let you know how it goes peace


bud bootlegger
thanks for that link racerboy71 just filled it in and explained the situation. on the bright side i do have 5 FEM lemonator germing from Nextgeneration seeds will let you know how it goes peace
cool... he has a huge following, even if i'm not among the masses, so hopefully he will work with you m8..

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
there are several things that you can do to increase the chances of female plants. all these things are in affect once the plant has three sets of true leaves. not counting the cotlydon. Jorge Cervantes explains it all. http://boards.cannabis.com/attachments/basic-growing/238721d1267203547-growing-more-females-seed-scan0103.jpg

hope this helps. it has helped me. i have yet to grow a male plant. (currently doing the opposite of what Jorge says in hopes of breeding a strong male with my purple wreck plant. )


Active Member
yh i know what he talking about but i done two grows before this in the same environment using regular seeds and never had a male. just bad luck i guess.

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
yh i know what he talking about but i done two grows before this in the same environment using regular seeds and never had a male. just bad luck i guess.
yes but wat i am saying is that there are environmental factors that affect the sex of the plant