The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
People fighting in Amsterdam on Magic Mushrooms is what got the law changed for head shops. The authorities got pissed off with tourists causing a scene and throwing things (including themselves) out of hotel windows, lol.....
Using that skewed logic Poland should ban non Polish from drinking cheap, strong lager!


Well-Known Member
how fucking hard is it to sign into skype???!!! fuck shes a mong and me a bigger 1 for ever fucking breeding with it!

been sat here 30mins now waiting.....................


Well-Known Member
how fucking hard is it to sign into skype???!!! fuck shes a mong and me a bigger 1 for ever fucking breeding with it!

been sat here 30mins now waiting.....................
lol you must have the patience of a saint if your trying to teach a woman :)

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
the uk thread, the best place to get clones ;-)

Oi knobhead!..............Are you right in your fucking head?

First of all you stroll into this thread and put your feet up on the coffee table, throwing abuse about before you've even taken the time to introduce yourself and shake everybody's hand. You continue with wild story's despite not being able to hold integrity under scrutiny (which I see you continue to do despite most now actually KNOW you're full of shit), resulting in many people instantly distrusting you and becoming less active whilst you're around.

Someone apparently bestows you with the honour of meeting the clone fairy, then you instantly destroy that trust and jeopardise her very existence by opening your mouth and practically shouting her phone number in open forum!

You show your true colours to those who pay attention, more and more every day. With no idea how to conduct yourself in the real world you are a fool and an obvious liability to all.

You've mucked yer ticket..............:finger:


Well-Known Member
i put my white widow seeds in to germinate yesterday and nearly all have split. i put my free dinafem blue widow and og13 in the bw has split just waiting on 1 ww and the og13. hopefully ill get them potted up tonight

can anyone tell me if you got to leave the water stand for 24hrs with coco like you do with hydro please?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Aye that's reet they uv treat it now. Some nutes are designed to work with chlorine, some not. Might find you need some Epson salts or calmag.


Well-Known Member
If your water is good enough to drink its good enough for your plants imo ive done a few grows up and down england and neva changed a thing and was spot on ;-)