Too potent pot?


Well-Known Member
okay so i have been growing for a while and i grow some good stuff too(not the best like some of the callie ive seen) but recently i have come across a strain that even gets me buzzed(my tolerance... well i could judge the cannabis cup by myself in one day, if i wanted too.)

anyways i have given some out and everybody thinks it the bomb shit, didnt have much so those who did get some only got like a bowl, but i gave half a blunt to my stepmom when she was out (she smoke schwag, about a quarter to a half a week, so not a light weight)

so she smoked and then came to me a day later, this is what she said;" damn (insert name) that was some of the best pot ive ever smoked! i felt like i was in 70's again on acid, it actually made me puke!" ans so on, then "got anymore?" but alas not at the moment.

is it possible to have a strain be too strong for some people? and acid, damn i wonder what it feels like when weed does that?lol.
another thing i should point out this blunt was rolled with the top most bud.


Active Member
i guess it depends on what you mean by "too strong" Eventually no matter what the strength is you will build up tolerance...but i had a friend that smoked 5 times a week, take two hits of some stuff he got from colorado and he said he kept "falling" and his heart was going crazy then he started to "vortex" as in his vision was twisting and it made him sick and he threw up lol...He never smoked that shit again but im sure it would have gotten more mellow each time! Have a good day man hope you find more like that :)


Well-Known Member
okay so i have been growing for a while and i grow some good stuff too(not the best like some of the callie ive seen) but recently i have come across a strain that even gets me buzzed(my tolerance... well i could judge the cannabis cup by myself in one day, if i wanted too.)

anyways i have given some out and everybody thinks it the bomb shit, didnt have much so those who did get some only got like a bowl, but i gave half a blunt to my stepmom when she was out (she smoke schwag, about a quarter to a half a week, so not a light weight)

so she smoked and then came to me a day later, this is what she said;" damn (insert name) that was some of the best pot ive ever smoked! i felt like i was in 70's again on acid, it actually made me puke!" ans so on, then "got anymore?" but alas not at the moment.

is it possible to have a strain be too strong for some people? and acid, damn i wonder what it feels like when weed does that?lol.
another thing i should point out this blunt was rolled with the top most bud.
sounds like that shits laced :shock:


Well-Known Member
Yea^^ exactly. She keeps hitting that same weed and she will be like you in a month. Some strains effect people differently too and does not mean it will wreck everyone but just a few.

I have never had a strain that was too strong, but had many that were not to my liking. You just smoke less if a strain is super strong, what is the problem with that?


Well-Known Member
For me, I really dont like smoking potent weed after ive been drinking. after ten or fifteen beers no matter how little of it i smoke, ill be a complete write off. so thats why i keep some shitty buds around so i can actually enjoy my smoke with my drink :-)


Well-Known Member
Some weed can be to potent for some people even for me also different effects..
I grew some weed from a clone once. That I got from a guy leaving my state. That shit knocked my dick in the dirt, made me spew and just totally confused. My buddy till today is still convince I laced it.
Not sorry I didn't keep a clone. Because it wasn't the effect I need for my medical condition.'

To each their own


Well-Known Member
If you're used to crap Mexican brick weed and then smoke some green top quality bud, it'll feel like acid. When I first started smoking decades ago all we had was seeded brown crap. If you were lucky you'd get a buzz, sometimes it did little to nothing. Had I been able to smoke the quality bud around these days, it'd freak me out.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah guy thx for the response i smoked some of the bud in ? and fell asleep and forgot i even made this thread. its a hell of strain, and i do hope i find some more like it,its a definite keeper and seed maker!

i just figured it was good pot, i grew it all organic, the only thing i did was a chem feed mid flower, and pymethrin up to about half way through flower but i rinse with regular water every day.

she wont be getting any more of it what i have left is for me, the plant only yielded an oz it was 12/12 form clone.

umm i forgot to mention the origin its from some calli highgrade, some type of purp, the bud it came from was decent, my shit killled the original by 10x. i just called it purp #1 only one to survive out of 2 seeds and a female that didnt hermie at that!

@crazy, no it was not laced. thats something that would get you killed around me, straight up. i take that shit super offensive. even if i dont agree with all the medical BS, i have standards. just dont say stuff like that to me. its cool i dont think you intended to be mean but im serious.


Well-Known Member
is it possible to have a strain be too strong for some people?

If you're used to smoking weak or medium strength, and then you switch to something really strong, its VERY easy to "overdose" with a few hits, before you realize just how powerful the weed you are smoking is.

Too much too strong weed can lead to feelings of paranoia, heart racing, room spinning (vertigo), even nausea and/or passing out.


Well-Known Member
well i guess i will take it as a compliment to my stuff. i knew weed could make some people sick just never seen a daily smoker taken down like that lol.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah guy thx for the response i smoked some of the bud in ? and fell asleep and forgot i even made this thread. its a hell of strain, and i do hope i find some more like it,its a definite keeper and seed maker!

i just figured it was good pot, i grew it all organic, the only thing i did was a chem feed mid flower, and pymethrin up to about half way through flower but i rinse with regular water every day.

she wont be getting any more of it what i have left is for me, the plant only yielded an oz it was 12/12 form clone.

umm i forgot to mention the origin its from some calli highgrade, some type of purp, the bud it came from was decent, my shit killled the original by 10x. i just called it purp #1 only one to survive out of 2 seeds and a female that didnt hermie at that!

@crazy, no it was not laced. thats something that would get you killed around me, straight up. i take that shit super offensive. even if i dont agree with all the medical BS, i have standards. just dont say stuff like that to me. its cool i dont think you intended to be mean but im serious.
if you grew it and you know its not laced, that sounds like a really heavy indica. i only said it because i know someone who got laced shit and passed out, then had a seizure a few minutes later. why i dont buy from people on the street.


Well-Known Member
For me, I really dont like smoking potent weed after ive been drinking. after ten or fifteen beers no matter how little of it i smoke, ill be a complete write off. so thats why i keep some shitty buds around so i can actually enjoy my smoke with my drink :-)
10 or 15 beers? My god dude! I'd be out for atleast a week! :?


Well-Known Member
if you grew it and you know its not laced, that sounds like a really heavy indica. i only said it because i know someone who got laced shit and passed out, then had a seizure a few minutes later. why i dont buy from people on the street.
same here! me and my dude bought a sack of "chronic" shit was laced with strychnine! my friend still cant smoke very much weed to this day, or he will freak the fuck out! that laced shit is not joke. yeah my dude started having seizures, and couldnt breathe had to call the ambulance. it was fucked up and then on top of that we where like 15 at the time so my mom was pissed. i was cool tho i just went home, but i was feeling way too high. in the end we jumped the kid who sold it to us.

oh and its a definite indica. big broad leaves and super bushy, but i does have a kinda vomit flavor to it(more of an aftertaste, thought it loaded too high on N but ash burns to white powder), but is has smelled that way the whole time it was growing, like a mixture of grapes with slight hint of skunky and vomit smell. the vomit smell was a first but that doesnt deter me! and its more of an after taste. i dont foliar any crazy shit and nowhere near the end of flower either.


Well-Known Member
you send any that's too potent to ole Scroggy. i'll "dispose" of it.
"yeah okay!" lolol. thats funny as hell.

i have yet to encounter anything too potent for me but if do ill be sure to send you a sample, on another note the strongest strain for me, is a really high grade fruity kush or some Super Silver Haze. i feel real UP and awake and high at the same time super nice feeling, reminds me of doing opiates.... but alas, weed only for me forever!


Well-Known Member
same here! me and my dude bought a sack of "chronic" shit was laced with strychnine! my friend still cant smoke very much weed to this day, or he will freak the fuck out! that laced shit is not joke. yeah my dude started having seizures, and couldnt breathe had to call the ambulance. it was fucked up and then on top of that we where like 15 at the time so my mom was pissed. i was cool tho i just went home, but i was feeling way too high. in the end we jumped the kid who sold it to us.

oh and its a definite indica. big broad leaves and super bushy, but i does have a kinda vomit flavor to it(more of an aftertaste, thought it loaded too high on N but ash burns to white powder), but is has smelled that way the whole time it was growing, like a mixture of grapes with slight hint of skunky and vomit smell. the vomit smell was a first but that doesnt deter me! and its more of an after taste. i dont foliar any crazy shit and nowhere near the end of flower either.
shit, thats wild. im pretty sure the green crack i smoked had crack in it hahaha i was looking around and everything looked bright as fuck. felt like i was gonna pass out. and that may explain why your friends vomited. some people can take that taste, should make BHO with it if you can stand the taste, and that sweet, indicas are my favorite for sure.


Active Member
I think the difference in high is such that it is a different experience. I for one get really pink eyes and a tight feeling head from 'Shwag' or 'chinese' weed we get here, it still effects me strongly though. When I smoke my homegrown, I tend never to get pink eyes. I just get incredibly high. I'v avoided a whitie for many years, last time was smoking buckets of soap-bar, a truelly vile form of hash that used to be all you could get here. If your getting the whitie from doin bowls, then smoke a little jay instead for crying out loud :)


Strychnine doesn't get you high it just kills you. Apparently it acts as a stimulant at low doses and would cause seizures and convulsions, but I find it difficult to believe anybody would be buying weed laced with strychnine. The stuff is so toxic and it can be absorbed through the skin, eyes, mouth, inhaled, etc. Any idiot looking to 'lace' the weed they plan on selling with it would very likely wind up in the hospital themselves before they managed to sell a gram.

Phencyclidine is something I could see weed being laced with, rarely, without the knowledge of the buyer. And any other drug that is inexpensive and can be dissolved in an aqueous solution, sprayed on the buds and not destroyed by the high heat of smoking. Otherwise more viable concerns are non-psychoactive adulterants, very fine particles of glass, sand, pesticides, etc.

I remember (barely) some of the first times I got high it was way too intense. I would feel dissociated from my body, like I was in a movie, wondering if I was saying things I was thinking and vice versa, seeing trails, etc. One time I was so high and disoriented I ate an apple and vomited about 30 minutes later... then had to go lay down for a considerable amount of time.


Well-Known Member
Strychnine doesn't get you high it just kills you. Apparently it acts as a stimulant at low doses and would cause seizures and convulsions, but I find it difficult to believe anybody would be buying weed laced with strychnine. The stuff is so toxic and it can be absorbed through the skin, eyes, mouth, inhaled, etc. Any idiot looking to 'lace' the weed they plan on selling with it would very likely wind up in the hospital themselves before they managed to sell a gram.

Phencyclidine is something I could see weed being laced with, rarely, without the knowledge of the buyer. And any other drug that is inexpensive and can be dissolved in an aqueous solution, sprayed on the buds and not destroyed by the high heat of smoking. Otherwise more viable concerns are non-psychoactive adulterants, very fine particles of glass, sand, pesticides, etc.

I remember (barely) some of the first times I got high it was way too intense. I would feel dissociated from my body, like I was in a movie, wondering if I was saying things I was thinking and vice versa, seeing trails, etc. One time I was so high and disoriented I ate an apple and vomited about 30 minutes later... then had to go lay down for a considerable amount of time.

they ran blood tests at the hospital, it was strychnine i swear.