Puerto Rico figured it out

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Stossel is an asshole an idiot. He needs to pull his head out of his ass. Maybe then his words won't stink as much.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Self accountability and common sense infuriate some people!
What infuriates me is he gets a boner thinking about sweat shops, child labor and forced sex trade, because without them, those countries would be worse off. All the while he's making millions and having dinners with the corrupt leaders stealing from its citizens. So STFU.


Well-Known Member
There's nothing immoral or wrong about firing government workers that never should have been hired in the first place. We need to follow PR's example. Privatize everything that can be, not just what progressives agree to, but everything that can be privatized. We need to go back to a budget somewhere in the vicinity of 1990 or so and lock it in. Then it only goes up if the population goes up and then only by the same percentage.


New Member
What infuriates me is he gets a boner thinking about sweat shops, child labor and forced sex trade, because without them, those countries would be worse off. All the while he's making millions and having dinners with the corrupt leaders stealing from its citizens. So STFU.
Sweatshops, child labor and forced sex trade in Puerto Rico? LMAO


New Member
There's nothing immoral or wrong about firing government workers that never should have been hired in the first place. We need to follow PR's example. Privatize everything that can be, not just what progressives agree to, but everything that can be privatized. We need to go back to a budget somewhere in the vicinity of 1990 or so and lock it in. Then it only goes up if the population goes up and then only by the same percentage.
You are absolutely right, we should follow Puerto Rico's example but that would mean the democrat party would shrivel up and die. They have the poor and the sheeple lefties so indoctrinated, they can't think or fend for themselves.
The entitlement generation is ruining this great country.


Well-Known Member
There's nothing immoral or wrong about firing government workers that never should have been hired in the first place. We need to follow PR's example. Privatize everything that can be, not just what progressives agree to, but everything that can be privatized. We need to go back to a budget somewhere in the vicinity of 1990 or so and lock it in. Then it only goes up if the population goes up and then only by the same percentage.


Well-Known Member
Only a token to look at a duck? Well damn, if it weren't for countryside I guess we would have to go to the Zoo for $8 each. Children under 18 months? Free. Not that your ever going to have any ankle biters.


Well-Known Member
Only a token to look at a duck? Well damn, if it weren't for countryside I guess we would have to go to the Zoo for $8 each. Children under 18 months? Free. Not that your ever going to have any ankle biters.
i just go out to the back yard to look at ducks. names are sally and matilda. haven't figured out who's laying the blue eggs and who's laying the pink eggs yet. figured out a genius way to keep them out of the garden though after they savaged the corn, sunflowers, zucchini, and cucumbers i sowed.

i just turned a whole bunch of scrap wood into 2 foot high stakes, staked them every 4 feet or so, and cut a 10'x20' piece of 1 mil plastic into 2 foot high strips and taped it to the stakes. fenced off the whole yard for $8. i still let them in the strawberry and blueberry patches, that's where the chickens go to take dirt baths and steal all of our berries.


Well-Known Member
i just go out to the back yard to look at ducks. names are sally and matilda. haven't figured out who's laying the blue eggs and who's laying the pink eggs yet. figured out a genius way to keep them out of the garden though after they savaged the corn, sunflowers, zucchini, and cucumbers i sowed.

i just turned a whole bunch of scrap wood into 2 foot high stakes, staked them every 4 feet or so, and cut a 10'x20' piece of 1 mil plastic into 2 foot high strips and taped it to the stakes. fenced off the whole yard for $8. i still let them in the strawberry and blueberry patches, that's where the chickens go to take dirt baths and steal all of our berries.
Removing their heads, feathers, innards and placing them in a oven with some orange sauce works too.


Well-Known Member
Removing their heads, feathers, innards and placing them in a oven with some orange sauce works too.
you monster! :cuss:

my birds are laying or broody. they are better than meat birds. we're going to use the latest brooder(s) to hatch us 6 more chicks.

check that, akiko is done laying. we named her after the japanese girl we bought her from. she now is the first to bed and watches over the flock from her perch, so she is valuable even after she is done laying. we plan on keeping all of our chickens as pets even after they are done laying.


Well-Known Member
Page 2 is now officially about ducks.

Theres a small creek by my house with the same ducks that seem to come back every year.

Awesome right?

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Stossel is an asshole an idiot. He needs to pull his head out of his ass. Maybe then his words won't stink as much.
Thank you for your thoughtful and intelligent response. Now to get the thread back on track.
Yes, Stossel is a self promoter but that does not mean his message is any less important or true.


Well-Known Member
He does believe you should be able to grow and smoke weed as long as it is done peacefully.:weed:

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Thank you for your thoughtful and intelligent response. Now to get the thread back on track.
Yes, Stossel is a self promoter but that does not mean his message is any less important or true.
Did you forget to read my other posts? I have no problems with self-promotion. I do have problems with self-promoting jackasses with no empathy. It takes a real lowlife to say what he does. He's the right winged Ayn Rand worshiping version of Michael Moore. He is clueless. He has no message. He's just a bag of hate.

I'm all for individualism. I'm about as free market capitalism as you can get. I'm against government, and if it does exist, I can always think of ways to make it smaller.

Stossel is none of those. He's an amoral nihilist.

I also disagree with the video. Even if government shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place, it's wrong to take away just like that. When government puts its nose where it doesn't belong, it has a duty to fix it. It can't act like it's a mistake then pack up and leave. That's plain wrong and irresponsible. If you're truly a libertarian, you know the right thing to do is keep your obligations.

Stossel doesn't deserve my time to even spit in his face. I only say these things because you pressed the issue.