CFL 250 watt White Widow (five weeks into 12/12) with pics


Well-Known Member
Hey guys
Just looking for some advice, criticism or whatever. This is my first tent grow, started with 2 WW ladies until one hermied on me so now its just this one left. This is 5 weeks into 12/12 and I'm thinking probably another 4 or 5 weeks to go? Does anyone know when the odor will begin? There is still no smell whatsoever. When I hook up my carbon filter, am I correct in that the air in the tent is first drawn through the filter before the fan, or does the fan suck the air from the room and then exhaust it through the filter? How about the big fan leaves...take them off, or leave them alone? I'm guessing to just let them be except for the ones at the bottom which turned yellow. Thanks to everyone for the help.DSCN0276.jpgDSCN0278.jpgDSCN0274.jpg


Well-Known Member
thats massive for a month of 12/12 almost unreal? was it a clone? ive never seen a WW strain get that big from seed on 12/12 for a month


Well-Known Member
woopsss!! thought the headline said 12/12 from start sorry. but leave them on if they dont fall off on their own then your plant is getting something from them thats benificial (however thats spelled) but she looks gorgeous and from the current looks like a good yield coming as well


Well-Known Member
Thanks smoke it, appreciate your thoughts. Thats what I thought also, and I'm sure hoping I get some worthwhile bud from this.


Well-Known Member
i think u need alot of light, if u look at you plant it has stretched quite a bit, i would throw double the lights u have honestly


Well-Known Member
i think u need alot of light, if u look at you plant it has stretched quite a bit, i would throw double the lights u have honestly
Mike, you think I need 500 watts on a single plant?? Seriously? It stretched quite a bit before flowering cause it grew like hell and I couldnt keep up with it. But I seriously don't think I need 500 watts on a single plant. I know the more the better but thats like crazy IMO.

Guitar guy

Active Member
I think it looks fine man. White widow is a very stretchy strain. Next grow I am topping mine to see if that helps keep the stretching down


Well-Known Member
I think it looks fine man. White widow is a very stretchy strain. Next grow I am topping mine to see if that helps keep the stretching down
Thanks. The crazy thing is I started 12/12 when she was only 13 inches high, now shes topped out at 41 inches and thankfully the vertical growth has ended. If I grow WW next time, I'll either top it or LST