New Member
It was after a very rocky relationship with a ex. He was your classic tall dark and handsome and sex was great but there just wasn't the stuff to make it last. He was a very emotional man and I think he cried more than me. Not that I think there is anything worng with men crying;don't get me wrong; but I just needed someone more stable than I was. Not like that was hard to do.
Now the man I share my life with makes me laugh and laugh because he is so very funny. FUNNY! Thats what won me over.
If I can be with someone who can tolerate me and laugh with me then its ALL GOOD>
When I met my now 'common law' hubby there were no fireworks or anything but he was very caring and very stable.
We worked together at a company where I was in charge of quality control and he was in charge of production and we fought like cat and dog until I finally asked him out and he has been with me since.
We became the best of friends and I do not care at all how he looks. WE have been together now for 18 years.
Looks are only something that initially catches your eye.
I like people who are not afraid to be themselves and show who they really are. I also admire people that take responsibility for themselves; don't blame others but also don';t take sh*t from others.
To me cute and funny wins over anything. I mean cute as in personality....not looks but I have to be with someone that has intelligence. but not arrogant about it. I like cockiness but only in small amounts.
And the question I often ask myself is if I was in a terrible accident and was disfigured....would I still be lovable???
There is so much more than looks and I feel sorry for the people who determine everything on appearnace alone.
I suppose I like people with strong personalities. You can only do so much with looks but looks fade. Looks really don't mean a thing to me.
I think people who only go by looks alone are extremely shallow.

Now the man I share my life with makes me laugh and laugh because he is so very funny. FUNNY! Thats what won me over.
If I can be with someone who can tolerate me and laugh with me then its ALL GOOD>

When I met my now 'common law' hubby there were no fireworks or anything but he was very caring and very stable.
We worked together at a company where I was in charge of quality control and he was in charge of production and we fought like cat and dog until I finally asked him out and he has been with me since.
We became the best of friends and I do not care at all how he looks. WE have been together now for 18 years.
Looks are only something that initially catches your eye.
I like people who are not afraid to be themselves and show who they really are. I also admire people that take responsibility for themselves; don't blame others but also don';t take sh*t from others.
To me cute and funny wins over anything. I mean cute as in personality....not looks but I have to be with someone that has intelligence. but not arrogant about it. I like cockiness but only in small amounts.
And the question I often ask myself is if I was in a terrible accident and was disfigured....would I still be lovable???
There is so much more than looks and I feel sorry for the people who determine everything on appearnace alone.
I suppose I like people with strong personalities. You can only do so much with looks but looks fade. Looks really don't mean a thing to me.
I think people who only go by looks alone are extremely shallow.