The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Think the NHs wana kill u . Ain't nobody got time 4that! U crazy paranoid
not kill you. pro-long your sickness so they get more money, if they did their job there would be no sick ppl then where would they be? same with the police? they are all run on numbers ;)


Well-Known Member
Think the NHs wana kill u . Ain't nobody got time 4that! U crazy paranoid
Theres good and bad quacks, ive just had the misfortune of seeing the incompetent ones. Yes they nearly killed me, infact i was hours away from snuffing it due to an NHS quack. Had the wife not driven me two hours to see her dad i would have been dead by the next morning. Dont think thats being paranoid mate.


Well-Known Member
Ive got a fair few autos now in my stash all feebies, might just chuck'em out in the garden and see how they do. Aint got room indoors got a load a tga beans on the go and 20 UGORG beans just popping so im pushed for space atm.
i know the feelin, chuck them in pots in a greenhouse they should do well :)


Well-Known Member
i know the feelin, chuck them in pots in a greenhouse they should do well :)
If i had a greenhouse lol. Always fancied one, great big fucker man that would be nice. One day i will and i'll fill the fucker up with ganga. Want the big ones tho something like 40x20 lol, all signing and dancing ones with automatics vents and shit. I can dream i suppose haha.


Well-Known Member
If i had a greenhouse lol. Always fancied one, great big fucker man that would be nice. One day i will and i'll fill the fucker up with ganga. Want the big ones tho something like 40x20 lol, all signing and dancing ones with automatics vents and shit. I can dream i suppose haha.
............................1 want to buy a house n discover one of them bunkers under it with like 200 rooms that you see ;)


Well-Known Member
............................1 want to buy a house n discover one of them bunkers under it with like 200 rooms that you see ;)
That would be very nice, i'd settle for a nice big fuck off basement, all the yanks have nice big basements lucky bastards. Im thinking of selling up and moving next year and top of the wish list is isolation, then i can have my greenhouse. Trouble is the mrs aint up for that, she likes to be near the shops so she can add to her fucking shoe collection. Got time to work on her tho. Right im gonna try and move from the couch, have to do some chores otherwise im gonna get my arse chewed when she walks in.


Theres good and bad quacks, ive just had the misfortune of seeing the incompetent ones. Yes they nearly killed me, infact i was hours away from snuffing it due to an NHS quack. Had the wife not driven me two hours to see her dad i would have been dead by the next morning. Dont think thats being paranoid mate.
Ur rite thers good and bad....but hospitals are over run do u not think they would at least ease the pressure on them selves there's enuf sick and dying people an enuf idiots for the police to wave a taser at! No need to prolong it or arrest innocents I believe ur very paranoid MATE!


Well-Known Member
That would be very nice, i'd settle for a nice big fuck off basement, all the yanks have nice big basements lucky bastards. Im thinking of selling up and moving next year and top of the wish list is isolation, then i can have my greenhouse. Trouble is the mrs aint up for that, she likes to be near the shops so she can add to her fucking shoe collection. Got time to work on her tho. Right im gonna try and move from the couch, have to do some chores otherwise im gonna get my arse chewed when she walks in.
...........................get her a motor ;)


Well-Known Member
Poor python :( I love pythons - really elegant creatures - but ummm never played with a 5 metre one, they start getting kind of thick and umm VERY strong after they pass the 2m mark
it wasnt killed bak, it was released its illegal to kill certain pythons in SA

@chedz put the snake pics up if ya wana m8 my internet is too slow to do it.


Well-Known Member
I really dont see how you think im paraniod man, did you not read what i wrote. I would have been dead had i not seen my father in law. Now how the fuck is that being paranoid cause i cant see it. Yes the NHS are overrun....with foreign doctors who are shite. Ive seen 5 different NHS doctors about my foot and been told 5 different things lol so some of them are talking rubbish wouldnt you say or is that me being para. I had streptococcal septicemia once as well which was in the advanced stages yet the NHS foreign doctor falied to spot it and suggested i get some mouthwash lol and sent me home. The wife took me to see her dad that night whos a surgeon cause i was in a right state and he took one look at me and made a phone call and i was in hospital within the hour where i stayed for 10 days on a drip. I was told i was a very lucky and had i not seen someone who knew what they were on about i probably wouldnt have lasted the night as my vital organs were shutting down. Ofcourse like you say i was just being paranoid hahaha. Im lucky in that most of my wifes family are doctors so theres always someone to get a second opinion from.


Active Member
it wasnt killed bak, it was released its illegal to kill certain pythons in SA

@chedz put the snake pics up if ya wana m8 my internet is too slow to do it.
LOL that brings back childhood memories - a python farm in Jo'burg - we arrived just as they were giving one of the biggest pythons an injection - and it puked all over my brother's feet. Never knew snakes could puke before.


Well-Known Member
LOL that brings back childhood memories - a python farm in Jo'burg - we arrived just as they were giving one of the biggest pythons an injection - and it puked all over my brother's feet. Never knew snakes could puke before.
...............................................ive they can throw up smaller pray to make room for bigger meals ;)