KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow


Active Member
Nice! How often do you feed your ladies? I read that it can be used as a foliar feed but I use vf-11, I'm gonna try it now though! how often do you spray them with it?


Well-Known Member
I spray about twice a week . I'm not really on a schedule I'm gonna bump it up to about 4 times a week soon and see if I notice a difference in growth.
The key with foliar spraying is to do it early in the morning or late in the evening when the sun goes down cause this is when the pores on the plant are open.

I haven't watered with it yet but I'm gonna start feeding them soon


Well-Known Member
+rep on the Maxsea bro, I'm the only person I know that uses that! I use the 3x16 Maxsea in Veg too, Works So effing good

Hell yea this stuff is like magic lol I used nothing but maxsea on my current grow indoors and I am very happy with this stuff. They have a loyal customer in me , I love this stuf.

Here's a bud shot
Again all Im using is maxsea and molasses.



Well-Known Member
Kush what are you spraying them with? I was thinking of a pinch of Maxsea in a 1 gallon sprayer.
I'm using my maxsea 16-16-16 ..i put just enough in a spray bottle so it turns a light brown color.I Don't really measure it lol ... id say its about 1/4 to 1/3 of a teasoon in a standard size spray bottle.


Active Member
I'm using my maxsea 16-16-16 ..i put just enough in a spray bottle so it turns a light brown color.I Don't really measure it lol ... id say its about 1/4 to 1/3 of a teasoon in a standard size spray bottle.
Sprayed my ladies this morning! Great advice. Yeah I just put how ever much too lol. They never seem to care. Oh so anxious


Well-Known Member
Glad you are listening to yur boy told you my mix will kill it. Just imagine if you did the whole recipe monsters for sure. Each rubbermaid should yiled me a 1/2 this year minimum. Keepem green dirrtyd
im a little confused about maxsea is that made just for foliage or is it the only fertilizer you are using and also can i buy this at a store (walmart, lowes, menards?)


Active Member
Well I was using it as a fertilizer (miz with water) to add to the soil and Kush was using it as a Foilar feed, and Angry uses it too and we all seem pretty happy so far. Yeah I think you can get it at Lowes, I saw it at Orchard Supply Hardware for $13. I took Kush's advice and sprayed them this morning with it and you can almost watch them grow!


Well-Known Member
It's a fertilizer that you can also use as a foliar in tiny doses. :) Great shit and the only time I have ever burned a plant using it is when my soil was hot and I added too much. :) I have seen it at Lowe's, OSH, and some of the other Sac area Nurseries. :)


Well-Known Member
Damn its windy outside today , guess that's kind of a good thing though it'll help thicken up those stems :)

Thanks ABM for explaining what maxsea is used for .