Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
"Obama could cure cancer, win the fucking war, and then fart Yankee Doodle in front of a joint session of Congress and some of you would complain that he did not perform Stars and Stripes Forever" <--- Love this, to whoever i just copy/pasted this from. :D:D:D
pretty sure it's JohnnyOrganic that said that, lol. I seen that too:lol:


Well-Known Member
^^It was Johnny that said that. And not to ruin any redheaded pink bits fantasies, but, so everyone knows...those crazy sex stories I tell - those happened years ago. I'm 26, i'm not "old" but i'm not in the stage where that's...something I focus on anymore I guess I should say. I just troll the old fogey perverts on here.


Well-Known Member
You think being told by a man that they wanna fuck your brains out and walk away is a self esteem boost? lol. It's got nothing to do with self esteem boosting.


Well-Known Member
It's not. It means nothing. It literally means...nothing. You don't have to be pretty, you don't have to be smart, you just have to have a hole. That's not a compliment...it's just a statement. "I'd tap that"....whoooo fuckin hoo. They'd tap it no matter what soooo how exactly is that supposed to make a woman have a self esteem boost?


Well-Known Member
i just like putting a face to a screen name....men/women whatever ...myself i would never put pix up of anything let alone my picture... kinda surprised the women are attractive i have seen pix of 3 for 3 ....i figured the women on this site would be kinda beatup and chubby.


Well-Known Member
Well if a random girl told me they wanted to suck me until I go paralyzed from the waist down, that would make me feel pretty damn good about myself. Just sayin.


Well-Known Member
I thought they'd be skinny and tweaked out lol. But the girls on this site are actaully really pretty. April, Winter, CinnamonGirl, Kuroi, Sunni, MsJazzy, borntoshine, they're friggin gorgeous. I know there's more I just forget screen names. Even Unlucky is gorgeous, although I never got to see the completely naked picture of herself that she put on her profile. I would have liked to though.


Well-Known Member
It's not. It means nothing. It literally means...nothing. You don't have to be pretty, you don't have to be smart, you just have to have a hole. That's not a compliment...it's just a statement. "I'd tap that"....whoooo fuckin hoo. They'd tap it no matter what soooo how exactly is that supposed to make a woman have a self esteem boost?
You know I gotta disagree with this. If its a pervy fogey that you speak of, then sure it means nothing. Now someone like myself? Those types of compliments I do not throw around lightly. So if I do, it's good to take notice and feel great about yourself. I seriously won't even hit on a girl unless she has a pulse, or at least she recently did. :)


Well-Known Member
You know I gotta disagree with this. If its a pervy fogey that you speak of, then sure it means nothing. Now someone like myself? Those types of compliments I do not throw around lightly. So if I do, it's good to take notice and feel great about yourself. I seriously won't even hit on a girl unless she has a pulse, or at least she recently did. :)
Check your rep box :).. you guys are a pervy bunch.. chill lol


Well-Known Member
205.jpg216.jpg242.jpg For Chanice. Trying to steal her from Buck but so far (somehow) his back hair is more appealing to her lol. Maybe I am in need of a self esteem boost lol. Not gonna find it here, but still. Gotta go do some charity work or something. Make me feel better about not being hairy enough for her...*sniff*


Well-Known Member
Just for the record, my wife and I celebrated our 14th anniversary yesterday. We went to dinner last night, I smoked out when we got home then took a bath together. We started having sex in the tub and she was so nice to say I could finish if I wanted! Well I know the tub doesn't work for her so being the sweetheart that I am, I finished fucking her in the bed! Lol Don't let it be said I'm not a giver!