Need help plants in flower PICS INCLUDED


Well-Known Member

  • Yo guys, had this same problem the last time i grew in soil, didnt used to get it this bad when i did hydro...

    Basically got 4 power plants in 4th week of flower which are turning yellow, i'd say 40-50% of the plants are yellow and it's not just the fan leaves at the bottom (as it should be) it's all over the plant from top to bottom and some of the leaves closest to the buds are yellowing aswell now. Thing is ive got a white widow plant in the centre of my grow which i feed with exactly the same mix as the power plants and its fine, green all over and looking super healthy, with the most developed buds.

    The buds on the power plants are filling out much slower. Im not sure whether im over or under fertilising, its one of the 2. Now should i just keep watering with plain water to see what happens, or should i start feeding every time i water to see what happens?

    At the moment i feed em once a week with full strength solution and bud boost, cannazym, liquid silicon. PH is set at 6.4 every time. Plagron royalty mix soil. 600watt hps. im sure im doing things correctly, jut cant work it out. If it helps, the power plants were starting to yellow a bit in veg aswell, whilst the white widow plant has been lovely and green all the way through. 11litre plastic pots.

    Pics of the power plants, i stress again that the white widow (for some reason, guessing its due to strain) is fine so i didnt include...



are the very tips of the leaves a cracked/burnt brown? If they are, then youve got nute burn. But from the looks of it, I would say that that is absolutely normal for plants midway thru flower to start sucking all of the Nitrogen from the leaves (top and bottom) and I dont think that you have anything to worry about. If theyre growing super slowly, you might want to add some nutes with a bit of "N" in it to bring the green back. But dont over due it because you really want the plant to suck its own leaves dry and thats a good. I think they look great man!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, to be honest the tips arent really burnt no, the more I think about it the more I think it's not overfeeding as I read that the white widow would be affected first if that was the case anyway, so it's either normal or its a slight Mg/cal/nitrogen issue.Its probably N when I really think about it as the leaves were a little bit pale and yellow in veg aswell.Can anyone else provide some opinions??


Well-Known Member
Looks like a magnesium deficiency. You don't have nearly enough bud action going for all the yellow fans to be normal. Something is out of balance.
As you are a month into flowering, we usually don't introduce nutes to the plants. That's because most organic nutes will leave a chemical taste in
your bud if you do not flush them before harvest.

If I was you I would flush your plants with a weak flowering nute. Those are pretty small pots so I assume you are watering every day? I would keep watering them daily with half-strength
nute water for 2 more weeks. Then flush again with pure water and continue with the daily watering with no nutes until harvest. I bet the yellow fans will
green up a bit. Most important -- healthy green leaves at this stage means your plants are also growing the buds you want. When one thing is out of whack,
like a chemical inbalance, plants will slow down or shut down other chores, like budding, until the problem is addressed.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Sweet steve some good info. How can i make sure this doesnt happen the next time around, just add mag cal to every mix??


Active Member
I've never grown Power Plant before, but different strains have different nutrient requirements. This kind of premature yellowing is caused by a nitrogen deficiency of some sort. Whether that was caused by under feeding during vegetation or by a PH imbalance which is limiting the root's uptake of nutrients is anyone's guess. Since you're only 4 weeks into flowering and the buds are still forming, I'd suggest giving the yellowing plants a small dose of nitrogen on your next feeding. Don't worry. Your plants won't revert to vegetation or anything like that and you'll have ample time to flush prior to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Well I use canna terra flores for budding which has a bit of nitrogen in it anyway, but what nitrogen supplements are there I can buy?


Active Member
Sweet steve some good info. How can i make sure this doesnt happen the next time around, just add mag cal to every mix??
You can add cal mag every feeding when you are flowering.. I usually start about a week into it. If you also have your grow nutrients available they should have a good concentration of Nitrogen.. I usually add a few drops or so to each watering cause mine in particular has micro nutrients too. You can also buy bone meal or blood meal and mix it into some soil and add it to the top soil and water. I find this helps and it's an easy fix for Nitrogen.. it's less than 5 bucks at your local Home Depot or something too!


Active Member
I would suggest worm castings or perhaps some sort of kelp (seaweed) extract. They both contain about 2% total nitrogen and also include several micro-nutrients like calcium and iron. A little goes a long way, so don't over react. Some yellowing is perfectly normal during the flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
From my limited knowledge mate its a nitrogen defficiency. If you're using soil you can add some manure on top of what you have and water it in :) composted cow manure would be best as its only low in nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
I dunno if this makes much difference but i checked my runoff a second ago and it was coming in a between 4.8-6 EC. This is way too hight isnt it?

Does this mean that my plants are overfertilised? This could be the cause of the problem?