12/12 for 3 weeks lol nothing ??


Active Member
mine are 70% indica and stretched for 21 days before starting to put on bud mass, but i thought auto flowers only flower when they feel like it no matter the light cycle?
idk im a noob but what i did is put it in natural sunlight for 4-6 hrs, like an open window in a warm room( use a space heater if its cold)and a box fan in the window will filter it light for you. make sure the glass is not in the path of the light, it will rob you, and mist plants with an ionic mister i got mine at wallyworld for $.99 put them under your light for the rest of the light period. if your using a timer take it off and do the work yourself!! dont over water or over love for a week or so (i only used mister for this time but my soil was a little to wet when i started) let it get pretty dry in the soil but mist plant like you would a clone. by the way are you showing preflowers yet??? 015.jpg017.jpg im on week 3 of 12/12
Maybe a simple sollution is your dark period at night? Could just be your timer my timer was faulty and just stayed on all the time but i dint realise all throught what i fort was 18/6 only because the dark hours was off at stupid oclock in the morning so i dint know lol


Active Member
If your timer is not faulty try throwin the ac on to make her think winter is coming lower temps might trigger her cycle


Well-Known Member
no offense dude but if your using time release soil you dont know what your doing and im not suprised you cant get a plant to bud...im guessing if we saw pic it would be a ghetto rig and 8 foot plants...we all start their so not trying to beat on u too bad but to a person who has grown a few times extra large plants are usually a sign of an inexperienced grower...also possibly showing some nute issue, just with what you have told us i have to speculate something bigger has to be wrong their is no way a plant doesnt start flowering even a little after three weeks in ideal conditions. and you say this has happened to you before!! you might want to stick to buying your herb man lol we all need pics and more info to actually help you out


Well-Known Member
haha ya and the guy before me has the right idea too to go with what i said..chopping a plant after all that work without knowing its sex for sure!! lol......honestly man you need to get someone who knows what they are doing that you can trust to come and help you rework your room and give you some on the job guidance lol


Active Member
t5 t12 full spectrrum bulbs that are 55ook i should be runnin 2700k huh.for flower missed that.i had no issues at all just nothing changed since i have been tryin 12/12 im goin to get the 2700k bulbs and see if thats it thanks guys


Active Member
anyone able to grow with regular 5500k bulbs is this un heard of i thought it just helped that is was not nesssary i really am floored on this subject
any insight i can get will be nice thanks later


Well-Known Member
Maybe a simple sollution is your dark period at night? Could just be your timer my timer was faulty and just stayed on all the time but i dint realise all throught what i fort was 18/6 only because the dark hours was off at stupid oclock in the morning so i dint know lol

Lolz dude I laughed my ass off!!! Stupid O'clock that's a good one!!!!! But I'm confused why r u sayin to just give up on ur 3 larger plants that r under ur T5 light? U don't give up on a plant unless its dead, even a dying plant can be saved. So do u know what the spectrum is for ur bulbs on ur T5 and T12 like I said before u want around 2700k which is more red/orange which is what u want for flowering. Also instead of giving up on ur 3 large plants y don't u combine ur plants in one room so they all get light from ur T5&12

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
They will bud under any spectrum. Make sure your timer is working and make sure it's set properly. It may be that the plants are very long flowering plants like thai or haze and 3 weeks might not be enough. It might be that the plants don't respond well to an artificial light source or even the photoperiod and flower at their own pace, or don't. What I would do is buy some good seeds (send them somewhere else like a PO box) and when they get there germinate them. If your plants still aren't flowering by then ditch them.


Active Member
i checked them this morn and they are showing parts my biggest may be male but can they skip straight to makin buds it looks like tiny buds lol