Club 600


Well-Known Member
THE LIKE BUTTON IS BACK?!?!?! Hell yes. I'm so happy right now. I've been a lil MIA lately, but I'm back. And I like the new changes... altho sounds like RIU has still been glitching.

Hope you're all peachy. I'm off to work, but will be back later. . .

Good to hear from you Bobo. :peace:

Yesterday I was working on my shed to lightproof it from the outside with panda, when I suddenly stepped off the rung and fell 6ft down and into a 3ft hole I dug and never used. I blacked out for a while and my lil puppy woke me up licking my face. I am bruised up and my back hurts like hell this morning, but I am alive and here to post!!
Ill put a few pics up of my flowering out and in girls later on.
This is a prime example of why you have to go back and catch up on the 600! I would have missed this one. Man, bassman, hope you're ok. Ladder falls can be serious shit, but any accident when you're alone is not good at all. Glad your pooches were there for you. And talk about keeping it dedicated. lol Love that shed of yours too but that still wouldn't cut it where I live but that might be different in the next year or so, who knows, but it would be so nice to see my ladies in the outdoors.

I'm new to the 600 maybe u nIce people can help me
I have a switchable 600mh/hps and want to grow in my bathtub
I'm Planning on 8 plants in 7 gallon grow bags
I've got a lot of seeds started and by the time I pick 8 for the tub they will b about 2 months old
My questions
1.I need at least 8 oz.!! how long do I have to veg (from seed) to get a zip per plant
2. What strains would you reccomend for yielding the most in this space almost (4x2)
3. Should I use only the hps bulb for flower or can I alternate the mh every few weeks without stressing the
I agree with 8 x 7 gallon being a lot. I have 5 gallons and I can't see more than 4 in that space. Particularly plants that have vegged for 8 weeks. Are you planning on topping or scrogging or any training?

I guess my old fairy got more magic dust cuase she was on point mate!!

Peace, DST
Yes I caught that and shortly after is when I was starting to get concerned but all is good now! I haven't had edibles in decades so I've only had a couple of nibbles so far, but this Romulan I'm smoking is packing a punch on it's own so, I'll have to dig in later. In the meantime, gonna get out of the house and into the sunshine so catch ya's later.



Well-Known Member
Duchie I am just sore now, left knee left forearm, and my back is always a problem, but it more than 2x as bad right now. I am just glad nothing broke and my head is ok! Thanx for the concern!
I love the outdoors as I can save money on the elec, and they seem to have more unique smells when outside as well.


Well-Known Member
..... whoa man did you realy splice those? or are you just an amazing photographer ;) i have heard you can splice plants like that , heard some interesting reports on splicing hops and ganja ..... im amazed :D


Well-Known Member
That's not grafted and if it was I wouldn't smoke it. But it's not, I don't why you guys don't take a better look at the pic. If it was grafted he'd show were it was grafted at.


Well-Known Member
That's not grafted and if it was I wouldn't smoke it. But it's not, I don't why you guys don't take a better look at the pic. If it was grafted he'd show were it was grafted at.
My bad didnt know it was that fucking serious. whatever you did del looks cool
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It says this on the description:
73% dry matter and 42% sugar.

Now this has me all kinds of confused. Is it 73% dry matter + 42% sugar = 115% of pure goodness. (which would make sugar a wet matter one might assume)
Is it 73/27 dry/wet matter with 42% of the dry matter being sugar, which would make sugar 31% of the total.

And is this all by weight or by volume?


Well-Known Member
It says this on the description:
73% dry matter and 42% sugar.

Now this has me all kinds of confused. Is it 73% dry matter + 42% sugar = 115% of pure goodness. (which would make sugar a wet matter one might assume)
Is it 73/27 dry/wet matter with 42% of the dry matter being sugar, which would make sugar 31% of the total.

And is this all by weight or by volume?
I was confused by that as well. Not to mention the shipping was only$10

In 9th grade our biology teacher told us we could use saran wrap and honey as a last resort if we didn't have a condom.
Haha lol too funny


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm that does sound strange... I do need another 5 gallon bucket of molasses though,,,, I was eyeballing that 55 gallon drum of molasses lol then I saw the 2 thousand pound tote and started pitching a trouser tent hahaha.

crawfish gumbo anyone? Fried okra,, okra was fresh from the garden!
