Club 600


Well-Known Member
That sucks bill, sorry. You should try beeing "nug collector" and see where it takes you. Or am I missing something els here?

Thanks tryna, I love my southern food :-)
i also have very intens dreams when I'm not able to smoke. I think we've discussed this on the 6 befor and concluded cannabis has dream suppressing effects on allot of people... Good for me too because I can have some doozies waking me up drenched in sweat.

Gooooood morning 600!
Yes we did have this convo before and many of us have suppressed dreams when we smoke, with bad one when we don't.

Damn you whodat i didnt get to try this gumbo before you left you ass face LMAO. Looks really good even though i dont eat much sea food. I been thinking of creating my own gumbo (Rice,Sausage,Celery,Beans,) But i dont know Anyway i am happy to go into my grow room today i walked by it when i got home and got a huge wiff of nothing but my Romulan :D i think shes almost ready
What do yours smell like Hotsause?


Well-Known Member
The bad dreams make the good ones that much better I guess tryna ;-)

Looks like burn / bleaching to me. Not on any loer parts of the plant eh? Just move your lights up some. How close are they?
No bleaching/burn on lower parts just tops, so its kind of self explanitary i guess! Ive now got them around 20" with no cooling i will keep a close eye on them and raise even higher if i have to. Thanks bud


Well-Known Member
Yes we did have this convo before and many of us have suppressed dreams when we smoke, with bad one when we don't.

What do yours smell like Hotsause?
She smells very sweet but then again Piney/Skunky at the same time for some reason this girl smells sweeter then last time i flowered her same mother and everything
a friend of mine keeps saying This Romulan clone we have is an Original Korean IBL strain. He also said Romulan is supposed to be a Super Sativa strain i always thought it was indica but i dont know


Well-Known Member
Looks like heat, or light bleach. Or did u spill anything on em. the pattern isn't "uniform" or "consistent" enough for me to say its a deficiency.

And whodat. My dreams are getting worse and worse. I'm with you on waking up with the sweats.
Havnt spilt on them i have raised my lights now to around 20" and will keep an eye on them. Thanks for you reply bud


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update on my little grow:

(*day 31 since turning lights to 12/12)

*two that will be transplanted today and put into it's first day of 12/12 tonight

*strawberries moved to a new shelf to free up the main shelf space for a few more milk crate smart pots later today

*just transplanted this one a couple of hours ago and tied it down

A view across some keys

Off to bed for a bit, after I eat.


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, i did pop 3 rom's, got 3 males. and they had that old school piney weed smell too. how is the smoke on them ?
Absolutely one of my favorite smokes yet. I wish she yielded a bit more but you still get a bunch of small rock hard nugs


Well-Known Member
Sorry hotboss! I wasn't cooking much out there anyway! Wish I could swing by and smell that rom and smoke your dank lol I hope you and yours are doing well bro. :peace:

Ill be back in a few hrs 6ers. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Nice Doob. I think you know that my Roms are descendants of yours. Long lost cousins you might say. Funny, I was thinking of getting back to topping and LSTing again. I'm thinking I used to get better yields when I used to top and lst more.

Mine are all very sweet smelling and fruity. I get grapes. They have a sour milk undertone though. Kind of vinegary/dill, When dried, they remind me of a Calizahr X BSB I had. The high is on the sativa side for sure with a good head high that last's a long time. The misses is giving me great reviews on it, particularly how long the stone lasts. She is very leafy but a lot is nice sugar leaves so if you like your resins, this one is a good one for that.

Here's some shots, and yes they still have a lot of white hairs but I don't think they'll stop producing anytime soon and the buds are stacked and plump, so she came down. Also, I'm bordering on being in crisis again like Bill is, so this is how it has to be.

2012-05-19 19.12.17.jpg

2012-05-19 19.11.52.jpg

2012-05-19 19.12.35.jpg

2012-05-19 19.13.22.jpg


Well-Known Member
day 81 flower just got few pics of my pineapple chunk seedlings and freebies im going to start a thread in the journal bit if yous want to follow and subscribe, i plan on chopping her down next week what yous lot think of her



Well-Known Member
looking like im going to get some sweet smelling bud........:weed:
I've seen these flowers before, Del... but can't remember the name. Yours look like they are about ready for chop chop ;) ;)

Good morning 6ers. . . hope you're all well, wherever you are :D


edit: I guess I forgot how to bump. . . hmf.


Well-Known Member
If it were the old house id say you were bound to find some bud laying around that you forgot. thats how i was getting by, scraping grinders, smoking roaches, claning harvest scissors, looking under couch's lol. It's been two or so days, and even on the days i smoked it was a .3 gram blunt with 3 people on it lol. but i'm good i guess. Funny thing is, when im not smoking i have the scariest nightmare's/dreams, and i have been waking up wit some bullshit ass headaches man. that part sucks. are we still gonna be harvest round the same time. around 4th of july?
I dont have shit to harvest but the one little stank ape. Lol. Everything else was scrapped..


Well-Known Member
Good morning Bobo and all the 6ers worldwide!!
I threw a few clones out to flower with the big girlz last night. I will have to pull em in the shade after a while tho. Today is supposed to be mid 90's and they arent hardened off yet.
I threw a L.A. Con (thanx BIG WORM!) A dream queen akak blue queen aka green crack. I got a few teens from CL and one is cotton candy amd other is blackwater. I cant verify if they are real or just some bagseeds though lol.


Well-Known Member
Only one. XXX Og. It's a killer room. Co2, AC, nice reflectors. Got a big bucket system with the brain bucket thing. I would be fucking killing it in there. We'll get him going eventually. He always had this 'partner' before who told him how to do things... but now the partner is out the picture so he will take my advice finally. Only real issue is the light cycle. 11pm to 11am. I usually work opposite that, lol.
Ime in the same boat kinda just took over a 4k grow 1k watt lights 10x15x10 and will be doing 36 plants 9 per light....