Dannyboy602- Busted


Well-Known Member
Dan's a good guy. my home-boy...............
Well, it's always nice to see a face I can associate with an online SN...but this was NOT the way I wanted to see him for the first time. Jesus, I knew he was growing but had no idea of the extent. Over 200 plants in an urban area is never a good idea. And then the wrong people somehow found out it existed.

This sucks.


Active Member
While searching the basement, police came upon an unexpected find: “He has a shrine to the blessed mother,” said Smythe, theorizing that perhaps Thomas felt it would help his operation grow.

Hmmmm.. I don't think cops would be referring to marijuana as " the blessed mother" but thats just me. Btw rainbow brite if you dont like my jewishness then suck my internet cock.
LOL...The blessed mother is referring to the Madonna...The virgin mary. The baby Jesus' mama if you will.

Good vibes your way Dannyboy.


Active Member
First I've seen of someone on here in my area getting busted. I about shit my pants when I saw DelcoTimes pop up.
Wish him the best of luck, and even though I don't grow personally, I will shut my blinds a bit more now.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's always nice to see a face I can associate with an online SN...but this was NOT the way I wanted to see him for the first time. Jesus, I knew he was growing but had no idea of the extent. Over 200 plants in an urban area is never a good idea. And then the wrong people somehow found out it existed.

This sucks.
Half or more I think he was just saying were clones or in 4" pots... I don't get why this isn't obvious on a marijuana grow forum are you all Outdoors only ??? Or do you breed your own seeds? I hope none of ya'lls are spending paper green on clones each cycle?

And Danny, dude I love to experiment, not sure what exactly you were up too but sure sucks the pigs ruined it!


Well-Known Member
Half or more I think he was just saying were clones or in 4" pots... I don't get why this isn't obvious on a marijuana grow forum are you all Outdoors only ??? Or do you breed your own seeds? I hope none of ya'lls are spending paper green on clones each cycle?

And Danny, dude I love to experiment, not sure what exactly you were up too but sure sucks the pigs ruined it!
I need to read the entire thread, didn't even know he was back here when I posted. I can only answer 4/myself, I don't pay for clones. In fact, I rarely even pay for seeds anymore thanks mainly to a generous donor. But, I only grow for my own personal use...the stakes and consequences go up when you make it a for profit venture. And I grow both indoors and out, particularly now when I can simply veg outside.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
At all the jewish customers properties I worked at, it was always the women who made the big decisions. The boy children were not taught to be decision makers. They were somewhat subserviant and passive. Not a judgement...just an observation.
I noticed that with my Jewish adult friends. Nothing is different about them until Mother is around. Then they seem to stop talking and mother starts.


Active Member
At all the jewish customers properties I worked at, it was always the women who made the big decisions. The boy children were not taught to be decision makers. They were somewhat subserviant and passive. Not a judgement...just an observation.
Decisions like not having over 200 plants in your home? Or decisions on how closely to work with the Feds after they know about them?


Active Member
They gave his grow some nice compliments in the article. Too bad this happened. It something we all should think about.


Well-Known Member
According to Smythe, Thomas has lived in the neat row home in the 1100 block of Glen Avon Road, once owned by his late parents, for decades. He’d never been in trouble, as far as Smythe knows, and police had never been called to the house.

“It was a sleeper house, never any problems,” the chief said.
Translation: Here is a major league pot producer who's been in operation for years and years and not caused the slightest disturbance of any kind. This operation caused no trouble and was not a threat to anyone until we were made aware of it.

I mean WTF is a 'sleeper house' in the context of home gardening? Why do they have to bring terroristic vocabulary into it? What is an awake house?



Well-Known Member
Nuttin but a chicken wang.....I gotta good atty and me n the ATF guys talked about the home invasion. I gave them some fresh baked oatmeal raisin cookies and i was outta there in an hour. I thought i would get a thank you card or an e-mail bout the cookies. they were fresh baked...like i am right now:)


Well-Known Member
Nuttin but a chicken wang.....I gotta good atty and me n the ATF guys talked about the home invasion. I gave them some fresh baked oatmeal raisin cookies and i was outta there in an hour. I thought i would get a thank you card or an e-mail bout the cookies. they were fresh baked...like i am right now:)
shoulda dosed them up with special cookies;)


Active Member
Nuttin but a chicken wang.....I gotta good atty and me n the ATF guys talked about the home invasion. I gave them some fresh baked oatmeal raisin cookies and i was outta there in an hour. I thought i would get a thank you card or an e-mail bout the cookies. they were fresh baked...like i am right now:)
Good to hear! Although I don't know you, you're probably a 10 minute drive from me LOL. Chances are we've passed each other in a WaWa or something before! haha
Stay safe and good luck!


Well-Known Member
yeah right...see ya at nifty fifties...where the food's great and they don't pay their witholding taxes to IRS...hahahaHAHAhhaaa...smells like scandal.