Club 600


Well-Known Member
And hello to all my fellow 6ers Ben a little busy with my grow,and three other grows ime running now and school Ime finding I have no extra time I bit off to much this time I think


Well-Known Member
Nice bass Ben looking for true la con for about a year now
Worm says it smells and tastes on blueberry when cured.
I have never grown this cut or any other LA b4, so I cannot verify its the real deal. I can say that Worm gave it high praise and thats enough to make me try it out.


Well-Known Member
what up 600er's!!! hows everyone doin? hope all is well , just finished up my harvest under my 600w's of LED :D and man o man i couldnt be happier :) some nice huge nugs and the smell/ potency of them ..... wooooooweeeee!!! thinkin im gonna get about 8 zips this run and i had to throw in a couple of the girls a week or two late because i found some males so they were lacking in the yield department a bit but either way im happy as could be. and to think some people have this funny belief in their head that LEDs cant grow nice buds .... shame on you LED doubters its is the 21st century after all ..... pretty sure my microwave has a grow setting on it now :D haha cheers everybody

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Well-Known Member
I forgot to post this one the other day. Took her down. My plants are all really dwarfy looking now so I think the light leaks might be fucking them up. I kinda redid things today to get it darker. I'll see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to post this one the other day. Took her down. My plants are all really dwarfy looking now so I think the light leaks might be fucking them up. I kinda redid things today to get it darker. I'll see how it goes.
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have you tryd zipping your self inside the tent to locate the leaks? i used duck tape both side of the leaking holes did the trick


Well-Known Member
Just a hop, skip, and a 8 hour drive away ;) Hell we're practically neighbors. lol

I just broke down and smoked some resin hits out of the pipe. Got a nice little lift from it. Not enough to make me tired though.
I am coming down tomorrow, I will bring some bud or get some bud, either way we will smoke!!!! I will call you when I get down there.


Well-Known Member
This is a good idea. I did this with every room iv built. I used weather stripping and spray foam for wood surfaces, I don't have much tent exp.

have you tryd zipping your self inside the tent to locate the leaks? i used duck tape both side of the leaking holes did the trick


Well-Known Member
indeed my friend. its a good thump of rule.

This is a good idea. I did this with every room iv built. I used weather stripping and spray foam for wood surfaces, I don't have much tent exp.

i have a cold and flue i feel so down so just having a pint of Heineken and a joint of haze


Well-Known Member
indeed my friend. its a good thump of rule.

i have a cold and flue i feel so down so just having a pint of Heineken and a joint of haze
I feel for ya....I was sick for a week with a flu. I couldnt keep anything in or down! I had a fever horrrrible headache body aches and my stomach hurt like mad!
Get well soon!


Well-Known Member
Nice Doob. I think you know that my Roms are descendants of yours. Long lost cousins you might say. Funny, I was thinking of getting back to topping and LSTing again. I'm thinking I used to get better yields when I used to top and lst more.

Mine are all very sweet smelling and fruity. I get grapes. They have a sour milk undertone though. Kind of vinegary/dill, When dried, they remind me of a Calizahr X BSB I had. The high is on the sativa side for sure with a good head high that last's a long time. The misses is giving me great reviews on it, particularly how long the stone lasts. She is very leafy but a lot is nice sugar leaves so if you like your resins, this one is a good one for that.

Here's some shots, and yes they still have a lot of white hairs but I don't think they'll stop producing anytime soon and the buds are stacked and plump, so she came down. Also, I'm bordering on being in crisis again like Bill is, so this is how it has to be.

I loved the taste of my last Rom's!
Each toke, whether from bowl or joint, had a really fruity taste, like a ripe plum (just a hint), and had an almost wet sweetness to the tongue & throat after inhaling.
Couldn't get enough of it, so it went fast. ;-)
Mine didn't foxtail, were just the squat x-mas tree shapes with "regular" buds. But I was having massive problems with my soil, so they weren't as healthy as they could have been.
Now that I've gotten back to basics, I'm looking forward to seeing what pheno this Rom is and if it's a male, I'll segregate it and harvest the pollen, for sure!
So I'm now doing 3 mid-sized plants every 30 days, and this should help me avoid running out.
Will veg the plants a bit bigger and am going to see about rigging up some portable scrogs to attach to the crate-pots. I can't do a full single screen like whodat & flowa because of my back issues, but I think I can manage solo-scrogs.
Will work on it this week and post pics when it's done.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever had a rep deleted? Someone gave me one earlier today and signed it with another mj website and now it is not there, mmmmmmm.......



Well-Known Member
I think someone got booted out for "spamming" us users to go check out a different MJ forum.
I got a generic +rep today regarding that and, after checking just now, it's gone.
I've been Rep Stripped!!


Well-Known Member
I loved the taste of my last Rom's!
Each toke, whether from bowl or joint, had a really fruity taste, like a ripe plum (just a hint), and had an almost wet sweetness to the tongue & throat after inhaling.
Couldn't get enough of it, so it went fast. ;-)
Mine didn't foxtail, were just the squat x-mas tree shapes with "regular" buds. But I was having massive problems with my soil, so they weren't as healthy as they could have been.
Now that I've gotten back to basics, I'm looking forward to seeing what pheno this Rom is and if it's a male, I'll segregate it and harvest the pollen, for sure!
So I'm now doing 3 mid-sized plants every 30 days, and this should help me avoid running out.
Will veg the plants a bit bigger and am going to see about rigging up some portable scrogs to attach to the crate-pots. I can't do a full single screen like whodat & flowa because of my back issues, but I think I can manage solo-scrogs.
Will work on it this week and post pics when it's done.
Hey man! That erb sounds like it would be great!! too bad its all gone ey, nice tasting weed is superb always, anything that gives a crazy different taste! but yeah never lasts long enough, and it's to hard to share, cause you just wish you were the one tasting it as it ambers away to ash ;)

What do you mean solo scrog? mine kinda looks bigger than it is with the wide angle lens, it's only a 1.2 metre square tent, if i need to get around the back half, i unzip half the tent, i've learned to do so, didn't like the idea of doing it at first, but if need be it's my only option 95% of the plant i can gain access to most of the time..

Sucks about your back issues man, but my grow is handy, for i don't have to carry anything heavy. Ever. i can run a hose from my bathroom for water, and pump it out same way. i've managed to make a very easy growing environment, as i too have extreme neck issues, as i had my neck broken around 5 years ago., and still have to be very careful with it, as i still often get dizzy spells, if i bend my head or look in the wrong direction all of a sudden


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever had a rep deleted? Someone gave me one earlier today and signed it with another mj website and now it is not there, mmmmmmm.......

Doesn't seem to be much private around here if rep comments are moderated too.

I've just been getting first taste of that one. Mine grew all pine tree shaped too but this one had the most stacked calyxes of the three. While it still smells sweet, the undertones are different but so is the taste and that is very piney and earthy with this pheno. Will be yummy with some cure. The stone is pretty good too. It's all I can do to finish this post. :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: I sure love the variety you get growing from seed. A little sister action, if you catch my drift. ;)

Hope your new cycle starts working for you Doob and you get what you need from them.

Edit. Or, as I just caught from Doobie, there's a spammer and they just deleted reps he gave, then I take it back. :P


Well-Known Member
Not sure of the official term, but it would just be a screen set up above each pot tied to 3 to 4 poles to hold it in place at the desired height.
Bending over from the waist more than 20-degrees is a no-no for me, and I have a rigid grow box built into a corner in a small room, so I have just one large opening for when I need to work on the plants.
Was designed & built a couple of years before my back went out on me, so it's a pain to work with.
I've modified it through the years, and it is now up to Grow Box mk-5.75, and I can easily slide individual pots in & out, but one huge stationary plant would be too much bending over and reaching when tending to the rear areas properly, and the less damage I continue to do to my back, the quicker it will heal.
Trying to avoid surgery, so I use yoga & isometrics in an attempt to rebuild my back muscles. Lifting vertically isn't as much of a problem as just bending over for me, and lifting while being over, even a little bit, gets me a nice bone-on-bone sound & feeling.
Definitely want to try a hydro grow, but will wait until I have income to get it set up like I would want it, and that will have to wait until the wife & I are back into a house due to inspections every 6 months, repair calls, and not enough power circuits to do any more than what we do now without blowing fuses left & right whenever something else gets turned on.
As I said, I grow within all my limits, and all possibilities are being entertained, but for the foreseeable future, I'm just going to run it like this.
Going organic (in soil) means all I need to do is water as needed, and boost it with a few teaspoons of composted nutes every 6 to 8 weeks.
And no need to re-mix the soil, since I'm now just cutting out the main root mass and transplanting younger seedlings into the "old" soil like it was a plug, so not much soil mixing will be needed after I have 12 milk crates set up (6 will be in use, while 6 others are amended and left fallow for a couple of months).
Plus, I'm an old ground pounder, and few things are as fun as getting dirty. :-)


Well-Known Member
We sure are a busted up lot!
I'm just glad we have access to MJ to help with some of it.
I know I'd be a psychotic, waste-case narcotics fiend by now if it wasn't for cannabis.