1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
couldn't get much worse lad. hahah i've gone and said it now. least i'm not going to be a dad which is a weight off.

nowt else i can do but chalk it up n move on, i've still got a canny lump of decent not very seeded so there'll still be a good chunk of cash just not as much as expected.

never know there might be a new vendor for primo bubble hash on the silk road shortly...


Well-Known Member
was gonna ask you about the prego test. thats good. =) sux to hear about the seeds tho. =/ im having the same problems.. the cheese went herm. and pollinated everything. the MOD didnt get hit too bad... but im lookin at about 40 seeds from the whole plant. =/ the blue dream... ughhh.. it didn tlook like it got hit bad at all... but after drying those sample branches... she has got quite a few seeds... 17 seeds from those 2 small branches.. =/ sucks.. but im just curious how it will affect the potency... thats wat im worried about. =/

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
don;t think it affects potency too much, i did hear the plant uses more energy making seeds rather than buds but that should not mean the bud is any less potent. just means there's less bud :( :( :(

shame bout your crop, just try n look on the brightside, big hash run coming up!


Well-Known Member
ohh yeaa? Hmmmm...? lol. i feel as if seeded plants finish faster. which wouldnt really make any sense.. seeing as how they need to make seeds as well as THC... but idk.. last few grows ive had that got seeded seem to finish quicker than they usually do. cannot wait to take down this blue dream. things a fuckin BEAST!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
seeded buds should mature faster as essentially that's the plants job to mature, be pollinated and release the pips to the world before the end of season. we just let them go a bit longer to ensure the seeds are mature.

still gutted.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
that's what i'm going for man. some of it is too seeded though so will go straight to the bags. just want it all chopped and the babies in there under 18/6 for the next lot, get this out the way and keep my eyes peeled for naners


Well-Known Member
Och Man, rogue hermie pollem :( Im sure the first SLH from the cut that a friend grew had a couple nannar's and one or two selfed pip's, i put it down to over flowering, he also done the wait to chop all at once, so some were over ripe. The Liver's and Exodus looked and DID work good on them stable bitch's though.
I just caught the snap's on the U.K thread, some very frosty smelly cherry there my man! I liked how it come's up " click for larger image " haha it already fill's the screen! Look's like Fire Kush, what's that? ( first Pic )

Wish i knew you were chokin on a tokin fella

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
so whats up next round mate? i cant run my double 600 watts , i could fuckin cry. I set my wattage up and got home an hour into my first double 600 lighting in the tent and it was 103 degrees in there. I tried everyhting to bring it down that i could do but i couldnt control it..lol!!!! unliess i get an airconditioner in the roomthere is no bloody way in hell i can run that here. HOw did you manage to control your space heat??? is your house really cold.? what was the temp of the air you were pulling into thte tent to stabalize it at what temp???
Today its 104 degrees outside. Its like being in a blazing sauna. its crazy. I just cant compete . so they seem content at 400 watts .Temps sit no higher than about 92 deggreees....and still up 200 watts from just one light anyway
.dude im so happy your not pregnant, that would ROYALLY SUCK BIG DICK! be thankful, very thankful. take it easy have fun making the hash. im about to make some more myself.


Well-Known Member
so whats up next round mate? i cant run my double 600 watts , i could fuckin cry. I set my wattage up and got home an hour into my first double 600 lighting in the tent and it was 103 degrees in there. I tried everyhting to bring it down that i could do but i couldnt control it..lol!!!! unliess i get an airconditioner in the roomthere is no bloody way in hell i can run that here. HOw did you manage to control your space heat??? is your house really cold.? what was the temp of the air you were pulling into thte tent to stabalize it at what temp???
Today its 104 degrees outside. Its like being in a blazing sauna. its crazy. I just cant compete . so they seem content at 400 watts .Temps sit no higher than about 92 deggreees....and still up 200 watts from just one light anyway
.dude im so happy your not pregnant, that would ROYALLY SUCK BIG DICK! be thankful, very thankful. take it easy have fun making the hash. im about to make some more myself.
Do you have them in a cooltube, or some type of air cooled hood?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hi Tryna,
I have my lights cooled by placing the ducting straight to the swamp cooler. Its a 4 inch inline intake . its not cooled very well at all. im up around 96 degrees today even with my double 400. but the girls actually seem to be lov lov lvoing it, everything is moving along splendidly but not sure if i can sustain this type of enviornment. its almost 8 pm and still 101 degrees outside. naked gardening I was thinkin this weekend for a treat, i could ice down their resovoirs.


Well-Known Member
For 600's I would say you need to up the intake to at least 5 inch 125mm or even better, 6 inch ducting. imo that may help reduce things. But if the air you are pulling in is super hot then not sure what you can do Ambs...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Och Man, rogue hermie pollem :( Im sure the first SLH from the cut that a friend grew had a couple nannar's and one or two selfed pip's, i put it down to over flowering, he also done the wait to chop all at once, so some were over ripe. The Liver's and Exodus looked and DID work good on them stable bitch's though.
I just caught the snap's on the U.K thread, some very frosty smelly cherry there my man! I liked how it come's up " click for larger image " haha it already fill's the screen! Look's like Fire Kush, what's that? ( first Pic )
Wish i knew you were chokin on a tokin fella
ahhhh cowboy my spurs turned out to be blunt. after much deliberation i think i've figured out where i've gone wrong, judging by where the pips are within the buds themselves how developed the pips are, i.e i haven't found more than a couple of unripe ones i believe i've openly pollinated the whole crop by dumping a fuck ton of pollen on a plant then sticking a 6" fan near it. MAJOR FUCKING OOPS, should have sprayed them down with water afterwards.

the kush is a mix up of og18 chem dawg and sour diesel, took her out for a test twist up yesterday, ver social nice laughy giggly bud.

Be rude not to lol,iv got it all smoked before its dry lol,well done as always ttt
hahaha no i've never been quite that bad. i've sold it all before it's been dry but that's a different story...

so whats up next round mate? i cant run my double 600 watts , i could fuckin cry. I set my wattage up and got home an hour into my first double 600 lighting in the tent and it was 103 degrees in there. I tried everyhting to bring it down that i could do but i couldnt control it..lol!!!! unliess i get an airconditioner in the roomthere is no bloody way in hell i can run that here. HOw did you manage to control your space heat??? is your house really cold.? what was the temp of the air you were pulling into thte tent to stabalize it at what temp???
Today its 104 degrees outside. Its like being in a blazing sauna. its crazy. I just cant compete . so they seem content at 400 watts .Temps sit no higher than about 92 deggreees....and still up 200 watts from just one light anyway
.dude im so happy your not pregnant, that would ROYALLY SUCK BIG DICK! be thankful, very thankful. take it easy have fun making the hash. im about to make some more myself.
aaaw man that sucks Doc petal, though as ive generally got a habit of doing. if you want something bad enough GIT ER DUN!!!!!!! sell the wamp cooler and buy an AC, unless it means wearing ski jackets to loaf on the sofa.

my temps inside the tent sit at pretty much 26ish at the moment though we've had a mild spring. today it's going to get up to the 20's apparently, so i'll be beer gardening it no doubt.. i run my lights at night through the summer. if you could lower temp around the tent, any way you could borrow a portable AC or even another swamp cooler to go round the tent?? idk running out of ideas. i only passively intake so i guess it's been between 10 and 15 tops coming in which compared to yours is like the north pole i know.

hope you can figure something out. i hate having grow equip sitting. next round are going to be:

Sour Cherry
DOG Kush
Ace of Spades by TGA
Amethyst Bud by somango
psycho killer x livers aka '2 toke killer'

Hi Tryna,
I have my lights cooled by placing the ducting straight to the swamp cooler. Its a 4 inch inline intake . its not cooled very well at all. im up around 96 degrees today even with my double 400. but the girls actually seem to be lov lov lvoing it, everything is moving along splendidly but not sure if i can sustain this type of enviornment. its almost 8 pm and still 101 degrees outside. naked gardening I was thinkin this weekend for a treat, i could ice down their resovoirs.
nekkid gardening FTW
For 600's I would say you need to up the intake to at least 5 inch 125mm or even better, 6 inch ducting. imo that may help reduce things. But if the air you are pulling in is super hot then not sure what you can do Ambs...
i was going to suggest this earlier you could massively up your airflow like i did knowing it'll burn out the filter faster but the play off is the faster the cold air moves through the lesser the temp. but as D said if your pulling in 100+ to begin with you might need an ACTUAL jumbo engine just to move the air quick enough. i kid i kid but seriously you'd have to go industrial 12" + for sure. and with no guarantee it'll do the job.....

anyway so, one dilemma dealt with onto the next.

you might recall i had a spindly looking piece of crap in the middle of the grow. The Laos sativa, well she's finally woken up and looks like flowering!!! just as i need to turn my tent back to 18/6 for a couple of weeks. do i just let it reveg and carry on? or should i try and isolate it for like 3 week taking it out the tent. think i'll have to do the latter which is going to be a ballache. but seeing as it's been in flower 9 weeks now and has only just thrown a hair i'm dubious about revegging for 3 wks lol

ups and downs smiles and frowns.


Well-Known Member
If it was me mate, I'd be ditching the thing...9 weeks flower and 1 hair! sounds like Panama Red re-visited.