Super Soil Noob Help!!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys well I'm looking for a little help..I been reading up on super soil for a long time now but every time i get into it i never get a chance to try it out...This time I'm ready and I'm looking into trying to grow some organic dank...I would like to know if i can get a recent recipe of subcools super soil i know hes always trying new products and changing his recipe...I also want to know if it is possible to only make 2 bags of super soil and not 8 as called for in subs recipe..I wanna make a small batch to try out first than move to making bigger quantities of it...Would really appreciate if sub himself could maybe help out..
Thanks guys...
Keep it frosty...:weed:

Sir Stickybuds

Well-Known Member
Here are the measurements per cubic foot

After this base mix is made the supersoil ingredients are added. Using 1/12 of the original recipe amounts

2-4 pounds worm castings
0.42 pounds or 189 grams Blood Meal(approx 12 liquid ounces)
0.42 pounds or 189 grams Bat Guano(approx 6 liquid ounces)
0.42 pounds or 189 grams Bone Meal(approx 12 liquid ounces)
1 Tablespoon Epsom Salt
1.5 Tablespoons Dolomite Lime
1 Tablespoon Azomite
Pinch or 2 of Humic Acid


Well-Known Member
Here are the measurements per cubic foot

After this base mix is made the supersoil ingredients are added. Using 1/12 of the original recipe amounts

2-4 pounds worm castings
0.42 pounds or 189 grams Blood Meal(approx 12 liquid ounces)
0.42 pounds or 189 grams Bat Guano(approx 6 liquid ounces)
0.42 pounds or 189 grams Bone Meal(approx 12 liquid ounces)
1 Tablespoon Epsom Salt
1.5 Tablespoons Dolomite Lime
1 Tablespoon Azomite
Pinch or 2 of Humic Acid
bam! your ready to roll.....nice work sticky!


Active Member
Whats this mean? Sorry you'll have to forgive me. just mix it up and store in trash cans to inoculate, then put super soil on bottom and top with base soil so roots can gradually work into the hotter soil? just makin sure
  • After this base mix is made the supersoil ingredients are added. Using 1/12 of the original recipe amounts



Well-Known Member
he just means you will need a base soil, like roots organic, and then super soil made with roots are essentially using roots (or something similar) out of the bag, and adding your super soil ammendments to make a concentrated, really hot super soil......this you add a bit of water to and store in a trash can and let activate.....when it is ready, you will use some of your super soil, along with your base soil (out of the bag), to grow your meds in!.....a base soil, and a concentrated soil, just one is much hotter than the other.....but both made of the same bagged soil.....hope this helps, nugs