FlowaMasta'a NEW Jack H x Skunk - 1 Plant 600HPS + UVB Monster Scrog!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was wondering how much they cost but its a wonderful thing watch plants grow in time lapse. I love watching it.



Well-Known Member
Update day 13 Flowering, and bud sites are growing rapidly! I'm flushing the PGR part B out right now, and preparing for a new fresh nute feed, she looks all wilted at the moment, but i guarantee this is normal with PGR part B. Things will perk up again very soon, and she will start to produce hopefully soon :)

Bud porn has started :weed: I must admit what a beautiful looking strain this is!! has that tropical look :)



Well-Known Member
Hey FlowaMasta - How do you make your ladies grow so fast?! I need to get some of the phosphoric acid. I tried to FIM the out door and the whole growth tip just broke off clean. I put it in the cube with my clone - if I can clone a tip I can clone anything! hehe

I grabbed some trimming shears and did a propper FIM on a side branch to see what happens. I love gardening! My wife wants to have a goat farm and I want to grow crops. I need to strt looking for a farm!

On a side note - do you think the tip discoloration is burn from the lights? I know it is getting tight in there. Are they the tips closest to the lights?

Do you think you could ask your mentor a question for me? I am getting black leaves in my undergrowth - is it something I can stop or am I going to loose this girl? The tops look great but I expect it will eventually work its way up to the top.



Active Member
THIS DUDE STOLE MY NAME OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!! ...i was a member b4 u...just thought i would share this


Well-Known Member
THIS DUDE STOLE MY NAME OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!! ...i was a member b4 u...just thought i would share this
Maybe I need better glasses cause I dont see it. I thought maybe you were flowamasta older bro FLOWERMASTER.


Well-Known Member
this plant is def moving fast , nice colors on it too
She's a beaut :)

Hey FlowaMasta - How do you make your ladies grow so fast?! I need to get some of the phosphoric acid. I tried to FIM the out door and the whole growth tip just broke off clean. I put it in the cube with my clone - if I can clone a tip I can clone anything! hehe

I grabbed some trimming shears and did a propper FIM on a side branch to see what happens. I love gardening! My wife wants to have a goat farm and I want to grow crops. I need to strt looking for a farm!

On a side note - do you think the tip discoloration is burn from the lights? I know it is getting tight in there. Are they the tips closest to the lights?

Do you think you could ask your mentor a question for me? I am getting black leaves in my undergrowth - is it something I can stop or am I going to loose this girl? The tops look great but I expect it will eventually work its way up to the top.

Mo :) I'm not sure how i get my girls to grow so fast!? this is the only way I know! they always seem to grow this fast, i never thought i'd be able to grow indoors, thinking i would never have the time to grow anything big enough worth doing.....I was soo wrong. I haven't run out of erbs in over 3 years. A constant supply of goodness :) I would say your discoloration is from not enough light. Your plant is getting much bigger now, and she needs more sugar, and more sugar will come from more light. You could do a clean up underneath the canopy, however you would have to be careful not to remove to much or you may over saturate her. I seriously thing some more powerful lighting will help. I could be wrong. But she seems to be stretching an awful lot , and not flowering hard enough. more amperage of light may help. maybe some more peoples opinions....

THIS DUDE STOLE MY NAME OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!! ...i was a member b4 u...just thought i would share this
Hey there! never would i of thought to see a similar name! as to why i spelled it like i did! :) nice one, glad to know we are actually different. I'm sure people won't mistake us :p
Maybe I need better glasses cause I dont see it. I thought maybe you were flowamasta older bro FLOWERMASTER.

Only 1 Masta ;) hehe .....jk


Well-Known Member
Yeah the LED may not be enough. I can't decide on whether to add another LED or go for the 600W system. Luckily I have the outdoor which is going FM speed.

Here are tip shots of the outdoor clone:



Active Member
Hey FlowaMasta - How do you make your ladies grow so fast?! I need to get some of the phosphoric acid. I tried to FIM the out door and the whole growth tip just broke off clean. I put it in the cube with my clone - if I can clone a tip I can clone anything! hehe

I grabbed some trimming shears and did a propper FIM on a side branch to see what happens. I love gardening! My wife wants to have a goat farm and I want to grow crops. I need to strt looking for a farm!

On a side note - do you think the tip discoloration is burn from the lights? I know it is getting tight in there. Are they the tips closest to the lights?

Do you think you could ask your mentor a question for me? I am getting black leaves in my undergrowth - is it something I can stop or am I going to loose this girl? The tops look great but I expect it will eventually work its way up to the top.

Mo, its the nute schedule and small feeds at regular intervals through such a oxygenated medium with stable lighting and environment, flowa has mastered this top feed to recycle technique like a weapon, im so glad i found flowa here and the fact hes an aussie is legendary, he is the only other grower here who grows the same method i do and has shared his knowledge around. Theres no man love, i would just back flow anytime, he is a genuine fella full of experience and knowledge that he likes sharing.


Well-Known Member
2nd attempt was much better. I think your 1st attempt had too much plant material in it. Blonde is where its at! Dont get me wrong I will blaze the shit out of the green stuff cause it will still fuck you up nicely!!!

Nice work bro! You got some serious fire there!


Well-Known Member
[420]Haze;7481133 said:
Mo, its the nute schedule and small feeds at regular intervals through such a oxygenated medium with stable lighting and environment, flowa has mastered this top feed to recycle technique like a weapon, im so glad i found flowa here and the fact hes an aussie is legendary, he is the only other grower here who grows the same method i do and has shared his knowledge around. Theres no man love, i would just back flow anytime, he is a genuine fella full of experience and knowledge that he likes sharing.
Thanx Haze :) much appreciated

2nd attempt was much better. I think your 1st attempt had too much plant material in it. Blonde is where its at! Dont get me wrong I will blaze the shit out of the green stuff cause it will still fuck you up nicely!!!

Nice work bro! You got some serious fire there!
Hmmm, You talking my hash attempts waaaay back?? confused, but thanx :) :p


Well-Known Member
who's having a shweeeet saturday night!! lol :):):):) feel free for conversation on my thread, not much else to do tonight can't go anywhere seeing as though some dick ran into my car ...... anywayz...... howz all


Well-Known Member
Ran into your car? I hope you weren't in it at the time or at least weren't hurt. That sucks...
Cheers for your concern Gas, but all good :)

obviously i can't explain too much, or when it happened even, but no, i wasn't in it. Thankgod, it really ruined it, pushed my car up and over the curb, i couldn't even drive it back. Luckily it wasn't far from home, but now i have to find some new transport. things happen, i'm good at moving on, got it sorted out anyway, he was seen, and got details, and getting $ back eventually.....
I'm having fun on the other hand! :) i been going mental on Ebay buying toys and shit, got a couple of lasers, a violet and green one, the green is amazing, you can see the beam all the way to the clouds!, gotta be careful with that shit, or i'll get caught out, the violet one is cool, i took some long exposure shots while holding the cam in my other hand, got some cool shots !

ohh and a spoonfool of medicine goes a looooooong way!!! i hope!, i just ate exactly 1 teaspoon of kief, i packed it into a gum capsule, do you think it will work? i swallowed about half hour ago, and nothing yet..... but i'm up excited as usual, my plant is growing fast, i'll post pics maybe if somebody asks....just dribbling shit, and having a blast...

pics for some fun.....the kief is my lower grade 120 micron, i got heeeeeeaps left, like still over an ounce! i been going mental on it, the only thing that sucks is if you pack too much in your bowl, it blocks it and stops it burning properly, so i been mixing it in with some mixes, freaking a few people out lol, not telling them it's laced with kief hehe, had a few dribblers over



Well-Known Member
Wow! Those lasers are insanely bright. Be careful or you'll put your eye out.
no shit!! and don't point them at cyrstal balls i learnt!! ouch, man the green one is 5mw and the violet one being the 1mw it says 50mw but thats not right i don't think. But WOW MAN!! the green one is insane, such a clear defined dot even a long way away, and to see it on the clouds, i feel like superman .....again!!! not hot enough to burn anything, but yeah, not anywhere near the eyes that's for sure. wow the clouds man! the clouds! ebay $11 can't go wrong! most of them are illegal to bring into Australia, but there are ofcourse a few you can find that have snuck past customs, then i get them interstate. 5mw is bright enough for sure, i remember the old red ones, nothing like the green, apparently the green is the perfect wavelength for our eyes to pick up, as to why it looks the brightest

here is a shot i pinched off the net of a 1000 mw versions.....insane, these things pop balloons and burn through plastic\

wow and 1 more ey... they look sick



Well-Known Member
Those are really sweet. I am a recovering E-bay addict. My last e-bay day was 2 years ago, fuck it, won't hurt to just look right? Thanks alot flowamasta