All organic chemdawg week 8 macro shots!


New Member
nice pics dude, some of the trichs look cloudy already its guna be some flame. im tryn 2 save this lil clone thats barely hanging on i thought it was dead already but its hanging on the edge, i wanna keep it 2 make my own CheeseDog :p but yah dude im paying attention, im glad i found this site its a great place 2 get info on strains, just have 2 sift thru some of the bullcrap of people talkn crap about great strains that THEY messed up. obviously im not reffering 2 you, i wish i could run organics but i heard its a delicate process feeding the micro organisms in the medium and its a delicate balance is that true at all? its just what ive heard
Def man this site is decent. There's a ton of grow forums but its mostly people looking to talk shit and argue. That goes against everything I believe in and what I feel the cannaculture stands for. But on another note I took a lil popcorn bud as a sample and gave it a try today and I'm very excited about it, even just slightly premature it produced a very nice high. Very cerebral and up lifting high. I'm hoping to really pull some of he couch lock qualities in the next week of two with ripening. Even for quick dry no cure it had a decent taste and burned very clean. I'm excited to see what happens in the next few weeks.


Ive used the go box before great taste and smells. Overall yield coylda been better but great shit to start out with though.


Well-Known Member
Those are some fantastic looking trichomes patches, great camera work! May the florist be with you!